Zaubes pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Zaube, Zaubes pagasts, LV-4113. [read more]
Mārkalnes pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Mārkalne, Mārkalnes pagasts, LV-4351. [read more]
Latvijas Neredzīgo bibliotēkas Rēzeknes filiālbibliotēka is a library, located at Bukmuižas iela 20, Rēzekne, LV-4601. [read more]
Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju Akadēmijas Bibliotēka is a library, located at Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, Rēzekne, LV-4601. [read more]
Lnb Gaismas Pils L Socialo & Humanitaro Zinatnu Zale is a library, located at Mūkusalas iela 3, Rīga, LV-1004. [read more]
Lēdurgas pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Emiļa Melngaiļa iela 2, Lēdurga, Lēdurgas pagasts, LV-4012. [read more]
Zentenes pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Zentene, Zentenes pagasts, LV-3123. [read more]
Rigas Celtniecibas Koledžas Dienesta Viesnica is a library, located at Graudu iela 63, Rīga, LV-1058. [read more]
Amatas Novada Līvu Bibliotēka is a library, located at Zvārtas iela, Līvi, Drabešu pagasts, LV-4101. [read more]
Nīcgales bibliotēka is a library, located at Daugavas iela 2, Nīcgale, Nīcgales pagasts, LV-5463. [read more]
Dāviņu pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Miera iela 1A, Dāviņu pagasts, LV-3929. [read more]
Raunas novada bibliotēka is a library, located at Valmieras iela 1, Rauna, Raunas pagasts, LV-4131. [read more]
Rcb Daugavas Filiālbibliotēka is a library, located at Aviācijas iela 15, Rīga, LV-1057. [read more]
Ernsta Glika Alūksnes Valsts Ğimnāzijas Biblioteka is a library, located at Alūksne, LV-4301. [read more]
Alūksnes Bibliotēka is a library, located at Lielā Ezera iela 24, Alūksne, LV-4301. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-322179 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kuldīgas Bibliotēka is a library, located at 1905. gada iela, Kuldīga, LV-3301. [read more]
Sēļu bibliotēka is a library, located at Valka-Vireši, Valkas pagasts, LV-4723. [read more]
Jekabpils Valsts Zonalais Arhivs is a library, located at Brīvības iela, Ābeļu pagasts, LV-5212. [read more]
Spv Bibliotēka is a library, located at Kalnsētas iela, Saldus, LV-3801. [read more]
Siguldas pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Zinātnes iela 7, Peltes, Siguldas pagasts, LV-2150. [read more]
Siguldas bērnu bibliotēka is a library, located at Šveices iela 19, Sigulda, LV-2150. [read more]
Sēļu pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Sēļi, Sēļu pagasts, LV-4213. [read more]
Rīgas Centrālā Bibliotēka is a library, located at Brīvības iela, Rīga, LV-1010. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 037 121 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rezeknes Centrãlã Biblioteka is a library, located at Atbrīvošanas aleja 81, Rēzekne, LV-4601. [read more]
Centrālā bibliotēka is a library, located at Rīgas iela 22, Valka, LV-4701. [read more]
Banku Augstskolas Bibliotēka is a library, located at Rīga, LV-1013. [read more]
Lnb Individuālā Darba Telpa 322 is a library, located at Mūkusalas iela 3, Rīga, LV-1004. [read more]
Iršu pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Koknese-Ērgļi, Irši, Iršu pagasts, LV-5108. [read more]
Liepājas pilsētas izglītības pārvaldes bibliotēka is a library, located at Uliha iela 36, Liepāja, LV-3401. [read more]
Kocēnu pagasta 2. bibliotēka is a library, located at Valmieras iela 1, Rubene, Kocēnu pagasts, LV-4227. [read more]
Kalna pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Vidsala, Kalna pagasts, LV-5220. [read more]
Mvģ Lasītava is a library, located at Valdemāra bulvāris 2a, Madona, LV-4801. [read more]
Grobiņas pilsētas bibliotēka, bērnu literatūras nodaļa is a library, located at Skolas iela 2, Grobiņa, LV-3430. [read more]
Grobiņas pagasta 2. bibliotēka is a library, located at Lapsu iela 3, Dubeņi, Grobiņas pagasts, LV-3430. [read more]
Lendžu pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Viraudas iela 2, Lendžu pagasts, LV-4625. [read more]
Bērzgales pagasta bibliotēka is a library, located at Rītupes iela 34, Bērzgales pagasts, LV-4612. [read more]