Latvijas Republikas Tieslietu ministrija is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. They can be contacted via phone at +37167036802 for more detailed information. [read more]
Live Gaming Solutions is a master brand that encompasses two distinct sub-brands: Live Fraud Solutions and Live Business Intelligence Solutions. Live Fraud Solutions is focused on providing.. [read more]
Latvia-Cambridge Venture Camp is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. [read more]
Specialists of our Law Firm are experienced professionals in various type of legal and consultancy fields allowing us to ensure one stop consultancy and business support services and ensuring.. [read more]
The Association of the Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (LAKIFA) is a non-governmental organisation that since 1995 brings together companies involved in the manufacturing.. [read more]
We are an eco-cosmetics brand based in Latvia (founded in 2018) that offers innovative, environmentally friendly, high-quality skincare products. We created our brand to help people affected.. [read more]
Latvijas Mediji JSC is the second largest publishing house in Latvia with more than 30 years of experience in publishing newspapers, magazines, books and audiovisual content. [read more]
Даем рекомендации по страховым продуктам, советуем и готовим предложения на основе всестороннего анализа. Наша миссия - предоставлять страховое посредничество в интересах клиента!. [read more]
Beautiful and interesting vegan cakes and brownies with vegetables. Not too sweet, but still quite sweet. Small bussiness based in Plavnieki, Riga, handmade products. [read more]
Association Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation (Latvijas Zāļu verifikācijas organizācija) was founded in December 2016 to create, maintain and supervise the Latvian.. [read more]
Limited Liability Company "LMP" is established on 8th April 1992 – we are a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, which develops, manufactures and sells finished dosage forms for topical use.. [read more]
Natural Hair Care Products. [read more]
Liberaria. Life is a company, located at Republikas laukums, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1010. [read more]
We are an experienced company which adheres high quality standards. As we are certain that we will be working in a long term; therefore, we are offering our products and services as.. [read more]
LBTU Studējošo pašpārvalde ir universitātes studentu pārstāvoša organizācija, kas risina nozīmīgus jautājumus par akadēmisko, sociālo, kultūras un sporta dzīvi, pārstāv un.. [read more]
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LS STEEL is a full-range steel construction manufacturer. The LS STEEL company was founded by experienced industry professionals to combine strength, skills and modern technology. [read more]
LEEVON tika dibināta kā futbola skola 2013. gadā, lai radītu proaktīvu kustību Latvijā, kas iedvesmotu šīs valsts iedzīvotājus iepazīt pasaules populārāko sporta veidu – futbolu. [read more]
Latkredits is financial company and one of the leading players in the digital lending market. Trusted and well known to our partners for outstanding services provided, with a rocket growth for.. [read more]
Modern and powerful B2B laundry and dry cleaning. Providing a full range of laundry and dry cleaning services. All work is carried out by professionally trained and tidy staff, using the.. [read more]
LeadsDG is a full-scope digital marketing agency, with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Working with various B2B and B2C clients from all over Europe. [read more]
SIA "SDS PROJEKTI" ir ģimenes uzņēmums, kas jau vairāk nekā 15 gadus piedāvā saviem klientiem Latvijā ražotus augstas kvalitātes PVC logus un durvis. Viena no uzņēmuma vērtībām ir cieņa. [read more]
More than 22 years on the marketLLC "Vestauto" was founded in 1998, starting its activities as an INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT company, which it is to this day. [read more]
Leetz Media is a company, located at 15 Krišjāņa Barona iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1011. [read more]
Our company offers transporter services for a complete range of vehicles. All transportations can be customized based on your budget and preferences. You can be assured that your vehicle is in.. [read more]
"Lats Import" was founded in 2016 with the vision of building the best wholesale distribution and retail supply company in the Baltic States region for everyday purposes, that meet the best of.. [read more]
LAIKS ir mūsu bagātība un dzinējspēks. Pulkstenis mūsdienās ir daudz vairāk kā tikai ikdienas aksesuārs. Tas atspoguļo Jūsu statusu un kalpo kā galvenā imidža detaļa, tas.. [read more]
Federācijas mērķi1. Uz brīvprātības principiem apvienot sporta biedrības un citas juridiskās personas, kuras atbalsta un vēlas nodarboties, attīstīt un popularizēt ielu vingrošanu.. [read more]
Printed circuit board assembly. Electromechanical assembly and packaging. Diagnostics and hardware programming. Manufacture of cables and wires. . [read more]
''Latvijas Futbola Virslīga'' kā atsevišķa biedrība tika izveidota 2012. gada janvārī, apvienojoties desmit futbola klubiem, kas tajā brīdī pēc sportiskā principa bija.. [read more]
We develop professional software for the automation of logistics and adapt it to the needs of our customers. Our warehouse management system LEAD WMS can be integrated in any infrastructure and.. [read more]
Dzīvē pienāk posms, kad apzīmējums "mans" vairs nav par atšķiršanos vai izrādīšanos. Manas mājas, mana ģimene, mana dzīve – savs nekustamais īpašums ir visu šo vērtību drošs pamats. [read more]
Latvian Model United Nations (LVMUN) is a student-led organization, where students can converse about diplomatic issues plaguing the world today and instilling the belief that young adults can.. [read more]
Our story began in 2002, when the first Reserved shop in Latvia was opened in the Mols shopping center, with only a handful of employees. Today there are already 20 stores and together we are.. [read more]
Laflora Ltd. sets the production by making responsible and sustainable use of natural resources as its strategic objectives. The European Commission has set the objective of changing the economy.. [read more]
LT Biotech, Lithuania– an innovative biotech company developing sensitive systems for human and veterinarian diagnostic, sera, and media for cell cultivation. [read more]