Your long-term partner in the field of transport and logistics. [read more]
Valmiera Olympic Center is a modern sports complex that offers a wide range of sports infrastructure services for professional athletes, city residents and all of them. [read more]
Viesītes vidusskola dzimusi un augusi reizē ar kluso pilsētiņu Viesīti, reizē ar Latvijas valsti. Skolas vēsturē kā mazā spogulī visas Latvijas likteņgaitas un Viesītes izveidošanās.. [read more]
VSEU is software engineering company. With over 10 years of experience, teams of highly trained software specialists around Eastern Europe, with deep financial services domain knowledge and.. [read more]
SIA VK Ekspedīcija sniedz ekspedēšanas un aģentēšanas pakalpojumus no Latvijas robežas līdz pat iekraušanai tankkuģos Ventspils brīvostā gan saistītiem, gan nesaistītiem uzņēmumiem. [read more]
Volonnte offers a wide range of designer clothing for women and girls. At Volonnte, we design and stitch clothing to make you and some little princess feel more special. [read more]
Advisory, audit and outsourcing services firm with a mission to make running a business more enjoyable. [read more]
Mēs esam apkures, ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu risinājumu un materiālu tirdzniecības veikalu tīkls. Mūsu veikali atrodas visā Latvijā. Pie mums plašākā apkures katlu un iekārtu izvēle. [read more]
VILKS is a transport company which provides its customers with reliable, regular and specially tailored international cargo transport services. VILKS specializes in cargo transport.. [read more]
Uzņēmums radās 1991. gadā. Kāds jauns uzņēmīgs jaunietis kurš nācis no Burtnieku ezera krastiem. Apbruņojies ar pavāra diplomu, recepšu grāmatu, kuru radīja vecmāmiņa apgūstot Kaucmindes semināru. [read more]
Digital marketing agency you've been looking for. We specialize in digital strategy, design, content, and web development. We are dedicated to helping small and medium-sized businesses succeed.. [read more]
Our company has wealth of experience in the sphere of industrial mechanics, development and constructions of non-standard constructions from steel, mounting and service of an.. [read more]
Projektēšana, konsultācijas, autoruzraudzība:- apkure, ventilācija, kondicionēšana (AVK);- siltuma mezgli un apkures katli (SM);- ūdensapgāde un kanalizācija, iekšējā un ārējā.. [read more]
"Mēs sniedzam cilvēkiem augstākās klases spēles iespēju sociāli atbildīgā veidā, kur ieguvējs ir ikviens – daļa gūst laimestus, bet visi – jauku izklaidi un apziņu, ka ar.. [read more]
We have everything what your Vending or HoReCa business is needed to grow!check our website!. [read more]
http://www. tenplanets. netInformational portal which currently has three parts: blogosphere, newspaper and adverts. Users are free to write in any part, using several languages. [read more]
Veselov Events is one of the leading international event planning, organising and hosting company in Latvia. The company was launched in 2007 by the Latvian goal-oriented host and MC Andrey Veselov. [read more]
PR, public affairs, sponsorship, crisis management, event marketing, social media. [read more]
Vilmo metals provides FULL PROJECT LIFE CYCLE. Individual approach to each client's needs as well as constantly improving design and manufacturing processes, helps us provide modern standards.. [read more]
VIZULO is a technology driven lighting manufacturer with a focus on smart city concept development. Since its establishment, in 2012, VIZULO has grown rapidly – there are 140 people working.. [read more]
Vivax Comminications Group is a full service integrated marketing communications agency with expertise in brand positioning, launching and long term management. [read more]
Up2 Money is an international finance platform on a mission to democratize the financial world and simplify day-to-day tasks for businesses everywhere. [read more]
I'm Victoria Usyk – a marketer, product owner, and producer. Over the past 15 years, I have consistently held senior positions in marketing, product ownership and video production in.. [read more]
Reklāmas produktu izgatavošana, druka, apstrāde. Labiekārtošanas produktu tirdzniecība (atkritumu urnas, soliņi, pastkastes, grīdlīstes, ugunsdrošības zīmes). [read more]
A long-standing partnership between partners Tripod (EE) and People Link (LT) has created a new company - Tripod Link. Joining our forces together we have created one team covering the best.. [read more]
SIA Taipans is a company, located at 7a Līksnas iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1003. They can be contacted via phone at +371-6727-9620 for more detailed information. [read more]
Latvijas Eksportētāju asociācija "The Red Jackets" ir Latvijas eksportējošo uzņēmumu atbalsta biedrība, kuras mērķis ir Latvijas eksportspējas veicināšana un Latvijas zīmola.. [read more]
Mājsaimniecības preču mazumtirdzniecība un vairumtirdzniecība kopš 1999 gada. Esam oficiālie pārstāvji visiem savā veikalā atrodamiem zīmoliem - Leifheit, Keter, Stanley, Curver,.. [read more]
In short: Our simple idea is to deliver high quality Baltic & Scandinavian service productions at a good price. Read moreThe Chubby Unicorn is a production service company with offices in.. [read more]
TextBuilder. ai is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. [read more]
MCR team for tiesraides. lv. [read more]
SIA Rohe Latvijā (TSG Latvia) dibināts 1996. gadā un ir daļa no TSG grupas. Piedāvājam iekārtas, tehnoloģijas un servisu mazumtirdzniecības degvielas uzpildes stacijām,.. [read more]
TechnoBridge is a modern main or additional third-party processor for acquirers, which acts as a technical bridge between card network principal or affiliate members and Visa, MasterCard, and.. [read more]
Travel In Latvia is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 53 60 60 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We create solutions for the needs of our clients - creatively, quickly and with the highest quality in mind. Marketing that starts from a concept and develops into results that are visible.. [read more]
Union Aviation is an aviation operator based in Riga (Latvia), formed by a group of European companies, specializing in management, operations and aviation charter. [read more]