Esam būvējuši mājas un tāmējuši darbus jau deviņdesmitajos. Tagad visu to pieredzi un zināšanas liekam lietā izveidojot jaunas paaudzes tāmēšanas sistēmu, kas ļaus ražotājiem,.. [read more]
The Company provides consultancy services to clients, carries out monitoring of investment projects on behalf of their investors, assists investors with investment process in various projects in.. [read more]
Churrascaria Morais is a restaurant, located at LV-4590. [read more]
www. charisma. lv. [read more]
Somos uma empresa, que se encontra no mercado de trabalho há cerca de 20 anos, com experiência na área da construção civil. . [read more]
Mēs izgatavosim, uzlabosim un publicēsim kvalitatīvas, un modernas mājaslapas. . [read more]
ESG consultancy focused on assisting corporate clients with making renewable energy projects happen. We partner with our clients to get the best debt financing possible with the lowest possible.. [read more]
Betona grīdu ieklāšana un apstrāde. . [read more]
Founded in 2012. Online Yacht Charter Marketing Platform. . [read more]
Mēs esam e-radiologs — pieejami un moderni magnētiskās rezonanses, ultrasonogrāfijas un teleradioloģijas pakalpojumi. Siguldā, Lakstīgalas ielā 13, veicam magnētiskās.. [read more]
SSE Riga sadarbībā ar LMA, RJA, RTA, Civitta uzsāk studentu inovāciju programmu, kas vērsta uz vides un sociālām inovācijām (Environmental and social innovation - ESI). [read more]
ERTE Grupa ir viens no vadošajiem kokmateriālu produktu ražotājiem Latvijā ar vairāk nekā 15 gadu pieredzi nozarē. Uzņēmums dibināts 2007. gadā, un šobrīd gan ražotne,.. [read more]
EMOSYNE is about producing jewelry that is multifunctional. You can change elements within the jewelry framework according to your clothing or style. The brand goal is to be nature friendly.. [read more]
English language school "Got it!" is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
COBU. ai is a ML-based algorithm, that serves as a platform to help get precise construction costs at the early project stage. Our algorithm, connected to historical data allow seeing.. [read more]
Car4rent offers the following services: car rental, long-term rental, transfer services in the Baltic states, chauffeur service. . [read more]
Hello! We are ChatJack!We build high quality Facebook Messenger Chatbots for a wide range of business industries, especially online stores and many other service providers. [read more]
CMB Inženieru kompetences centrs piedāvā mūsdienīgas profesionālās apmācības būvniecības jomā sadarbībā ar profesionāļiem Latvijā un ārvalstīs. Mūsu komandā ir.. [read more]
"Craftsmen of the project "Entrepreneurship without Borders" unites the Interreg Latvija-Lietuva program local artisans (80 persons) working with textile, glass, wood, ceramics and paper that.. [read more]
Our team consists of experienced and professional agents who work with inexhaustible energy to provide our customers with the best service. Residential or commercial property – with an.. [read more]
Confecções OMEGA is a company, located at LV-4590. [read more]
The Spanish educational centre "Centro Picasso" was established in 2007. Since the very beginnings one of our goals was to offer not only the possibility to learn the Spanish language, but also.. [read more]
Call Structure zvanu centrs sevī apvieno labāko praksi, specifiskas zināšanas un plašu, ilggadēju pieredzi, kas gūta, sadarbojoties ar vietējiem un starptautiskiem dažādu nozaru līderiem. [read more]
Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras (NVA) CV un vakanču portāls (CVVP) ir viena no valstī plašākajām darba meklētāju CV un darba devēju piedāvāto brīvo darba vietu datu bāzēm. [read more]
Digital Hygiene should be a priority for all businesses and educational institutions, no matter their size. But for small and medium enterprises, startups or educational institutions using the.. [read more]
European Energy was founded in 2004 and is dedicated to creating a world based on 100% clean and renewable energy. We invest in project development, construction and operation of wind and solar.. [read more]
If you are looking for help in writing or optimizing your CV or resume, you came to the right place. Don't know how to prepare for your next interview? I can help! Don't know how to get paid.. [read more]
Digital photography. [read more]
We are a creative marketing agency that focuses on a unique digital and multimedia solutions for very special clients. . [read more]
Commodus Ltd. is one of the market leaders in Latvia for a number of years. Company provide air conditioning, heat pump, solar system and heating services for home, small and medium size.. [read more]
Compliance Baltic is a company that offers compliance services to its clients in all Baltic countries. Our main product is AML/CTF, sanctions and anti-corruption e-learning solutions as well.. [read more]
COZO supplies high quality planters for your home, garden and office. We create and manufacture beautiful and stylish products from fibreglass, aluminium, stainless and Corten steel, suitable.. [read more]
Cryder. io is a company, located at 3 Valmieras iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1009. [read more]
For more than 7 years, our company has been providing high quality customer assistance, technical support and telemarketing services on an international IT market. [read more]
Information is important. A skill to use it, to operate it is even more valued nowadays as we live in an information society. Learning language by dealing with actual news not only enhances.. [read more]
Dr. sc. admin. Ирина Ландо is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. They can be contacted via phone at +37129433553 for more detailed information. [read more]