Latvijas arodbiedrība «Enerģija» ir nevalstiska organizācija Latvijā, kas apvieno 15 dalīborganizācijas un vairāk nekā 2 955 biedrus, īsteno profesionālu arodbiedrības biedru un.. [read more]
Latvijas Nacionala aizsardzibas akademija is a company, located at 8 Ezermalas iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1014. They can be contacted via phone at +37167076881 for more detailed information. [read more]
Our company is operating since 1996 that makes us one of the oldest companies in the Baltic States. We are providing our clients with reliable products of high quality. [read more]
We offer candles made with high-quality raw materials and production technologies that ensure quality and environmentally friendly products. Customized candles and gifts are avaible for.. [read more]
Dekoratīvi-lietišķās mākslas radošā darbnīca - veikals LeMade. Brīnumainā vieta, kur dzīvo sirds siltums, iedvesma un mīlestība. Gan paši radam brīnumus, gan arī palīdzam citiem.. [read more]
Lumberable is a company, located at Biržu iela, Bauska, Bauska Municipality 3901. [read more]
We mainly focus on exclusive aluminum panel interior and exterior doors production as well as decorative panels and other design elements. Our company offers all necessary services at.. [read more]
The missing platform to help game developers to find a proper partner for commercialise their game. We have a vast network of game publishers, developers, and designers. [read more]
Lighting solutions - trade, visualizations, installation. Our online store www. ledveikals. lv. [read more]
Konferenču, koncertu, kāzu, svinīgu pasākumu filmēšana. Videomontāža, foto apstrāde. Filmu tulkošana, dublēšana un subtitrēšana. Tiešraides. Foto, video materiālu digitalizācija. [read more]
Raw nature, modern design - that's a short summary about our produced furniture. Since the furniture is more like a friend to us, we work accurately and with love. [read more]
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Dažādu ideju, pasākumu un banketu izstrāde no A līdz Z. Viss sākas ar klienta vajadzību un iespēju izzināšanu, kas tiek ņemts par pamatu atbilstošākā risinājuma izstrādei budžeta ietvaros. [read more]
The company Lattarko was founded in 2006. The idea was born understanding that the box board is in demand on the market, but rotted wood required for production is a renewable source of raw materials. [read more]
"LatFin Group" LLC was formed on October 26, 2011 in Riga, Latvia. The company specializes in metalworking, shipbuilding and construction, and has strong business relationships with its partners.. [read more]
Lavender Sleep is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
Asociācijas un tās biedru mērķis ir veicināt mobilitātes pakalpojumu izplatību, kā arī uzlabot sabiedrības informētību un izpratni par tiem un to sniegtajām iespējām un.. [read more]
Electrical Network Design. [read more]
Latvijas Poligrāfijas uzņēmumu asociācija (LPUA) darbojas kopš 2017. gada 24. marta. Asociācijā ir apvienojies 31 dalībnieks (drukas un saistīto nozaru uzņēmumi) un 2 projekta.. [read more]
atvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR) was established in 1993 as an independent non-governmental organisation. LCHR works with integration (minority rights and promotion of tolerance).. [read more]
"Liepājas Tramvajs" is a company operating the tram transportation system in Liepāja City. Company oversees the maintenance, management, and operation of the city's tram network, facilitating.. [read more]
Business consultations. Sharing knowledge how to improve business processes using MS Excel, Power BI and other tools. . [read more]
The Latvian Media Ethics Council was founded on 12 December 2018, by a total of fifteen media industry associations and companies. Thirty-one members have now joined the association as of this moment. [read more]
Metal working has always been a very laborious and delicate job. Nowadays, steel and its alloys, such as stainless steel, are most commonly used in metalworking. [read more]
Latvijas Mazpulki / Latvian 4H is non governmental non-profit youth organisation and it's main aim is to promote attractive activities of young people in the Latvian countryside with.. [read more]
Latvijas Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju asociācija is a company, located at 52a Miera iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1013. They can be contacted via phone at +37129200661 for more detailed information. [read more]
Latvijas Universitāte ir viena no lielākajām un konkurētspējīgākajām augstskolām Baltijā, pulcējot 15 tūkstošus studentu ne vien no Latvijas, bet arī citām pasaules valstīm. [read more]
Vidzemes tirgū aktīvi darbojamies kopš 1992. gada. Esam lielākais nekustamā īpašuma uzņēmums Vidzemes reģionā, kas piedāvā visus ar nekustamo īpašumu saistītus pakalpojumus. [read more]
Anna Assistance distributes various products such as:Spider mowersEuromateAla TallkariFerriEmiliana Serbatoi and others. . [read more]
Atbalstīt Latvijas uzņēmumus nozīmē atbalstīt Latviju. . [read more]
The Latvian Functional Fitness Federation (LFFF) is a non-profit organization and part of the International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) that serves as the national governing body.. [read more]
Hi, I'm Lelde Beņķe-Lungeviča, a Riga-based freelance writer. You can hire me to:- tell your story through captivating articles, website, brochure and social media content, - identify content.. [read more]
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (ex. Latvia University of Agriculture) is the only higher life sciences education establishment in Latvia and it aims to: promote.. [read more]
WHY LUMINA LEARNING?At Lumina Learning, we believe that meaningful personal growth helps people become more adaptable and build strong personal and workplace relationships. [read more]
We are producing industrial workstations. [read more]
Baltic countries are mysterious and beautiful over any season, welcoming all the travelers from all over the world and Riga in particular is magical in terms of it's architecture, history,.. [read more]