La società fornisce servizi remoti a valore aggiunto per il Business Process Outsourcing in favore di medio-grandi aziende operanti nel settore dell'energia, delle telecomunicazioni, per.. [read more]
We are affiliate in Baltics of Wunderman Thompson Worldwide - the world's best-known marketing communications agency, that has been creating pioneering solutions by building enduring brands.. [read more]
careva gallery has been established in 2017 by Alise Careva in Riga (Latvia) to showcase and promote art of Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European artists. [read more]
Blockvis is a group of IT professionals, business experts and blockchain visioners who make the blockchain technology serve the humanity by educating public and delivering real world.. [read more]
Our team is located in EU and offering investors from the whole world to join one of our investment products. Initially, Our team studied the financial markets with an aim to become part of the.. [read more]
We take care of your brand in Baltic States!Brander SIA is a brand building and distribution company of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Baltic States and CIS. [read more]
Consumer Electronics, Sports and Recreation categories Distribution and Retail company in Baltic States. . [read more]
Bio2You offers high quality natural skin care and lifestyle products with seabuckthorn energy. Bio2You combines the healing energy of nature with the wisdom of science. [read more]
🔴 Attracting EU financing in the field of education; focus on VET; https://bit. ly/3i0r0NF 🔴 Methodological expertise and training for VET and WBL professionals; 🔴.. [read more]
Antibacterial LAMPS. [read more]
We are a creative and professional team of web designers and programmers with high quality standards in all areas of our work. . [read more]
Ceno. lv - Latvijas mēroga preču un pakalpojumu meklēšanas un salīdzināšanas platforma, kas ir uz lietotājiem orientēta. Lietotāji var izmantot interneta veikalu vērtēšanu, lai.. [read more]
Bucher Municipal is a world leading supplier of municipal vehicles for cleaning and removing snow from public and private areas. Its range of products encompasses compact and truck mounted.. [read more]
7 Missions of the BLBC1. strengthen co-operation through investment, commercial and cultural exchanges between Belgium, Luxembourg & Latvia;2. share to society the culture and traditions of.. [read more]
Punk rock and rock'n'roll. Everybody dance.. [read more]
The company offers design, production and assembly of wood drying equipment, corresponding to the standards of European Union. We offer different level of solutions – from individual elements.. [read more]
Platform to manage all mobile devices in one profile, share and discover new games, promote with word-of-mouth marketing. . [read more]
Products & ServicesDRUMS • Own technology (Wood vibe Technology) • Eco friendlyOAK HOOPS • ply, more resilient than other wood hoops • eco friendlymicBRO • omni microphones with.. [read more]
The British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia supports trade and investment both generally and especially between Latvia and Great Britain. The BritCham provides: * a platform to knowledgeable.. [read more]
Controlit Factory develops and manufactures innovative construction materials and solutions for proactive waterproofing inspection to prevent any water leakages. [read more]
We are an independent scouting service, we mainly operate in Eastern/Northern Europe, and Italy too of course. We try to focus on top prospects and we go "off the beaten tracks", in order to give.. [read more]
ORANGE CASH&CARRY durvis pirmo reizi vēra 2011. gadā un, kopš tā laika, priecē esošos un piesaista jaunus klientus - gan mazumtirgotājus un individuālos komersantus, gan HORECA klientus,.. [read more]
"BEREC aims at fostering the independent, consistent and high-quality regulation of digital markets for the benefit of Europe and its citizens. "The Body of European Regulators for.. [read more]
We are the team of the aviation and tourism industry professionals focused on the markets of the Central-Eastern and Northern Europe. • Our services are including professional and efficient.. [read more]
Blue Bridge Technologies is an IT company focused on software development for both Public and Private Sectors of Healthcare and Health Insurance. The core component of BBT products is a.. [read more]
Crypto Baltic is a blockchain-oriented company based in Riga, Latvia. We believe that blockchain is a disruptive technology with a great possibility to make world greater. [read more]
B class Office, Retail and Industrial buildings in RigaLocation: Riga, Baltā street 1B, IļģuciemsBusiness Park "FORUMS" has 17 years experience in managing and developing of industrial companies. [read more]
SIA Baltspan is animal bedding producer from wood shavings. Our company was established in 2015 and is located in Cesis, Latvia. . [read more]
CAPITAL R is a research, review and multimedia essay web gazette in ENGLISH. Your 5-minute blog on Rīga's history and present, architecture and culture, art and underground, streets and souls. [read more]
Mēs esam vadošie eksperti savā nozarē un piedāvājam ilgtspējīgus celšanas aprīkojuma un nostiprinājuma risinājumus ar pievienoto vērtību, padziļinātu izpratni par klienta.. [read more]
Chi:Laiks is a non-profit organisation with a goal to bring attention to the topic of occupational burnouts and it's specifics for digital professions. [read more]
BonusVinings is a stong affiliate site focusing mainly on SE, NO, FI, DK, DE, NL, LV markets, with offices in Malta and in Riga, Latvia. Get the best casino bonuses and casino reviews on the market. [read more]
Baltic Cargo is a logistics company, which specializes in cargo conveyances throughout the Baltic States. The origins of the company can be found in 2004, when the basis for a stable enterprise.. [read more]
The primary goal for Cunami groups is to help our customer to grow their customer base, improve conversion rates and profits. We believe that our clients have fantastic ideas for products.. [read more]
Cesis meat factory" is the largest HALAL beef and lamb slaughterhouse and fresh meat processing factory in Latvia, tended on the highest quality, dynamic development and appropriate to all.. [read more]
Conway (Container on its Way) - will become your reliable partner in Container Management, Oneway Leasing and Trading. Our mission is to be one of leading world wide Container Fleet Operators with.. [read more]