Mūsdienīgu, augstas veiktspējas tīmekļa risinājumu izstrāde Latvijas uzņēmumu izaugsmei! WordPress izstrāde un administrēšana. SEO un veiktspējas optimizācija, kas ļauj sasniegt.. [read more]
JSC "JAUDA" was established in 1961. Nowadays it is one of the largest producers of electrical equipment in the Baltic States. Since the beginning JAUDA has produced products for energetics.. [read more]
Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
We digitally connect verified and real time online taskers with consumers through mobile apps, customers can post task video with location choice, detail of task, and receive multiple bids.. [read more]
JTech Advisory specializes on investment banking advisory for the owners of European companies on disposal of their assets to and growth capital raise from international strategic buyers.. [read more]
Jaunmoku pilij, kurā neogotiskā stila formas apvienojušās ar jūgendstila elementiem, ir īpaša vieta starp Latvijas arhitektūras šedevriem. Pils uzcelta 1901. [read more]
SIA "Joker. lv" is a secure and customer–friendly online casino, which offer a wide range of the latest and the world's most popular online casino games. [read more]
"Jāņa sēta" ir Baltijā lielākā karšu izdevniecība, un uz ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmu (ĢIS) pamata veidotu informācijas tehnoloģiju produktu un pakalpojumu izstrādātājs un uzturētājs. [read more]
Mūsu darbiniekiem ir liela un vērtīga pieredze grāmatvedības pakalpojumu jomā, jo tie darbojas šajā nozarē jau vairāk nekā 13 gadus. Par klientu grāmatvedības kārtošanu.. [read more]
Ar augsta līmeņa apkalpošanas palīdzību apmierināt juridisko un privātpersonu vajadzības pēc birojā un mājoklī ikdienā nepieciešamajām precēm, sākot no zīmuļa un beidzot.. [read more]
„KONIG DISTRIBUTION"JSC is a wholesale and distribution company with trading experience since 1994. The company is the leading player in Latvian market thanks to its stability and.. [read more]
Our main objective is to advise small and medium-sized companies and to support and improve sales processes. As industry (FMCG) professionals, we offer support in collaboration with the modern.. [read more]
We are international engineering company with headquarters in Riga, Latvia. Main business direction of Kamri is design and manufacturing of automatic production equipment for wide range.. [read more]
One stop event technical supplier supplying wide range of professional event rental solutions (tents, furniture, dishes, etc. ). We own quite a large experience in supplying corporate,.. [read more]
K-Tehnologijas是一家专业的采购和咨询公司,在通风,冷却和工艺传热领域。通过与我们的欧洲领先供应商、规划师、设计师和技术顾问合作,我们为客户提供附加值 - 机械系统安装人员,承包商和高级最终用户,为他们提供"物有所值"的节能解决方案。我们确实服务于建筑行业、加工行业、制药、医疗保健、食品和大多数其他行业,在这些行业中需要通风或冷却以确保居民的舒适度、特殊的空气质量或过程需求。. [read more]
KTN makes innovation in the railways automation proposing a control system IntelHeat for fully automatic management of railway points heating during winters by continuous monitoring of snowing.. [read more]
Kivi Real Estate Ltd. , is a real estate company that brings together industry professionals with many years of experience in providing high quality services to our clients and helping to achieve.. [read more]
Klinkmann ir vadošais ražošanas automatizācijas un elektrifikācijas risinājumu piegādātājs Ziemeļeiropā. Mēs piedāvājam risinājumus un atbalsta pakalpojumus, kas palīdz.. [read more]
Knowhow Realty is known as the most innovative real estate company in Latvia. In the range of the services we offer you will find flats in modern new projects, apartments in luxurious.. [read more]
Know House is a management consulting company. [read more]
Founded in 2010 by a team of passionate IT specialists, eager to bring together their knowledge of various software systems, transport industry and latest technology, we are a privately.. [read more]
We are a full service video-production company - bringing your ideas to life. We have been producing video commercials, TV and other audio-visual projects for over 5 years. [read more]
Kedeon provides next-gen monitoring solutions for supply chain logistics, with a focus on the last-mile delivery segment. Our mobile devices can provide real-time measurements of.. [read more]
KRASSKY ir nozares vadošais uzņēmums ar godalgotiem interjera saloniem un vairāk kā 100 ambiciozu profesionāļu komandu Rīgā, Maskavā un Londonā. Mūsu misija ir uzlabot dzīves.. [read more]
OneZero is a company, located at 15 Kolkasraga iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1002. [read more]
Feed additives. [read more]
Womens knitwear design and production. Womens cardigans, sweaters and dresses, mens cardigans and sweaters made from cashmere, alpaca, silk, merino, linen and wool. [read more]
Latvian engineering company SIA KSK Systems carries vast experience in the field of engineering services, IT infrastructure and telecommunications. We have been offering our services since 2003.. [read more]
Karma3, founded in 2014, is an IT Business Consulting company based in Riga focused on the implementation of complex web projects and mobile applications, and also helped launch new internet startups. [read more]
KREISS is a major company in Latvia and a noticeable service provider in the European logistics market. Company's own fleet consist of 3000 transport units; refrigerators, tautliners,.. [read more]
KSK Hospitality Ltd. (former Brisk Service Ltd. , founded in 2003 ) is a Latvian hotel systems integration company. We provide project design, sales, installation and technical maintenance.. [read more]
Kurp. es is an Event Recommendation Platform. Kurp. es lets it's users to view all of the events happening around in one place, providing weekly newsletters and recommendations with the top events.. [read more]
VECMODĪGS UN PATIESI LIELISKS, ZELTA LAIKMETA CEĻOJUMU BIROJS\Gluži kā vecos laikos, dzīvi cilvēki, nevis dators izvēlas jūsu ceļojumus. \Izvēlēties labu dizainu viesnīcām? Uztvert.. [read more]
Kurzemes Business Incubator was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting business development in Kurzeme. The Business Incubator is active in three major cities in Southern Kurzeme -.. [read more]
Kredītinformācijas Birojs (KIB) ir vienīgais licencētais kredītinformācijas birojs Latvijā, kas ietilpst vienā no lielākajām starptautiskā kredītinformācijas pakalpojumu.. [read more]
Founded in 2016 and based in Latvia, KIM Solution is an Independent Sports Media company which creates and distributes native ios and Android applications solutions. [read more]