Non-profit Organization which united health professionals involved in Apitherapy as a complementary medicine methode. . [read more]
Lovat is a tax compliance platform for digital companies selling globally that provides a one stop shop for VAT calculation, reporting, and payment in 57 countries. [read more]
LEMT Ltd. is a company, located at 2 Mazā Rāmavas iela, Ķekava 1076. They can be contacted via phone at + 371 61112434 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Firm assisting foreign investors and families with golden visa scheme in Latvia. . [read more]
Lubeco Ltd is a company, located at Ārlava 3260. They can be contacted via phone at +3710037127738809 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sustainable and customized language solutions in Nordic and other European languages. LMI Translations is a translation and localisation solution provider founded in Latvia in 2005. [read more]
Professional Translation and Localization Services. Online Translation, Written Translation, Interpreting. . [read more]
We change people's lives by helping people from all over the world to learn foreign languages fast, easily and efficiently. Lonet. Academy provides a choice of experienced, professional, native.. [read more]
The Anti-doping bureau of Latvia is a direct administrative authority under the supervision of the Minister for Health. The Anti-doping bureau of Latvia:- shall ensure conformity with the.. [read more]
A leading flooring company in Baltics. We have everything you need, from Screeds, Glue's, Parquet, Laminate, Carpets, PVC, Linoleum and Skritings, in order to correctly, safely and.. [read more]
Mēs esam stabila, veiksmīga un strauji augoša starptautiska mazumtirdzniecības veikalu ķēde ar Vācijas izcelsmi - jau vairāk nekā 40 gadus turpinām paplašināties visā Eiropā. [read more]
Digital beauty LILLÁ. Unique monthly digital magazine with high quality content, award-winning design. Ranked #1 app in AppStore (LV). Nominated as a Launch of the Year bu Digital Magazine Awards -.. [read more]
Latvian Open Technologies Association (LATA) connects organizations and private members that see economical advantages to themselves, their organizations or the whole society through the usage.. [read more]
Biedrība "Latvijas Komunikācijas asociācija" (LaKA) dibināta 2001. gadā. Šobrīd organizācija apvieno 13 Latvijas vadošos sabiedrisko attiecību un komunikācijas konsultāciju uzņēmumus. [read more]
Latiads is an amazing adnetwork group and this offer exceptional services worldwide,Latiads help your brands accomplish over the globe in a productive way towards the gathering of people,.. [read more]
The Latvian biomass association was established on the 25th of February in year 2008 as a nonprofit organization. The main aims are: 1. To popularize usage of local renewable energy recourses.. [read more]
Digitālās express drukas, Plotergriešanas, Sietspiedes, Termo apdrukas, Digitālās lielformāta drukas, Digitālās lielformāta foto drukas darbi. . [read more]
Leny Tomy Factory is a family-owned children's fashion brand established in 2008 in Riga, Latvia. In the last five years, the brand has grown from a small, local manufacturer to a notable.. [read more]
We are unique laser tag arena in center of Riga city center. Located in amazing industrial place - old Press house. It is fun active activity to do together with kids, friends or colleagues. [read more]
Welcome to the world of Leika Training and Development!We are working hard on developing your business environment and professional skills. Please join our page to follow our newest.. [read more]
We started on 1997. LITE is one of the leading window blinds manufacturer in Latvia. We provide with window blinds, curtains, safety blinds, outdoor shading systems – awnings, sunshades,.. [read more]
Latvijas Hipoteka is a licensed and regulated non bank mortgage lender in Latvia. Mortgages are customized and priced for client needs - buy real estate, bridge financing, other.. [read more]
Daughter company of Lassila & Tikanoja, Finnish company. [read more]
We are partner-owned investment banking and financial advisory company in Latvia. Leveria delivers corporate finance advisory services for small and mid-sized transactions in Latvia. [read more]
LDA Solutions aģentūra radīta, lai ar inovatīvu un draudzīgu pieeju risinātu uzņēmēju problēmas interneta vidē. Mēs cienām savu darbu un ticam, ka mums piemīt atbilstošas.. [read more]
SKYPRO AVIATION LIMITED was established with a clear goal to provide high quality aviation consulting services to all its clients and partners. In 2007 several companies were re-branded under.. [read more]
Latcarrier - the company provides a full range of logistics services. Speed, safety and individual approach are the main principles of our activities. [read more]
Lursoft is a Latvian information technology company that has been active in the IT field since 1992 and has proved itself as a dynamic, innovative and customer oriented company. [read more]
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) is a public research institute which possesses a broad spectrum of drug discovery and development process expertise including medicinal.. [read more]
Filming videos for small, young companies to promot in social media. Videos ar dynamic and fast with emotional music for 1:00 min. lenght. Write us for free video!. [read more]
In 2000 LD Stels company started as a cosmetic and household chemicals distributor, cooperation with the largest retail chains throughout Latvia. Later on, has been opened Cosmetic stores.. [read more]
Our salon "LEDempire" was established in early 2010, as the newest age energy efficient lighting solution company. Salon located in Riga, Latvia. In our work, we concentrate on the.. [read more]
The Latvian Blockchain Association unites blockchain technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and companies in Latvia. Our main goals are:- Inform Public about Blockchain technology-.. [read more]
Jau 30 gadus "Lielvārds" ir viens no nozīmīgākajiem izglītības uzņēmumiem Latvijā. "Lielvārds" darbojas vispārizglītojošā jomā, veidojot mācību saturu no pirmsskolas.. [read more]
For many years "Saules aptieka" has been a supplier of medicine to medical institutions and individuals alike that are not generally available at other chemists. [read more]
Linearis is one of the leading language solution providers in the Baltics, with offices in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, China, and the USA. Since 2003, our mission has been to address.. [read more]