Pharmaceutical wholesaler specialized in parallel trade of pharmaceutical, medical products and cosmetics. We are an international company with ambition to supply high quality products at low cost. [read more]
SunnyTUTTIES – interactive tales-educational games for toddlers!\\This game is developed in cooperation with scientists of the Department of Childhood Studies of Lithuanian University.. [read more]
Studdle is an online student-to-student tutoring platform for university learners. We offer:🚀 Workplace while being a student without additional qualification🚀 Possibility to deepen.. [read more]
Sankaitis Legal Law Firm lawyers specialize in business law and business dispute resolution. The accumulated experience, attention to customer, quality of service and the results are the basis.. [read more]
Spider. lt - web agency that provides quality web development and digital marketing solutions. . [read more]
Consulting in these areas: market research, telemarketing, public procurement, law, Europe Union support, GNSS and other measurement equipment and software. [read more]
STUART is a Vilnius-based tech company providing state-of-the-art electric car charging technologies and energy management solutions. Aiming to bridge the gap between the fast-moving renewable.. [read more]
Shift4 Payments is the leader in secure payment processing solutions. The company's groundbreaking technologies help power the top software providers in numerous verticals, including.. [read more]
SKLYPAS. LT - nekilnojamojo turto agentūra, kuri specializuojasi į sklypų, namų, butų ir komercinio turto vystymą, bei turto supirkimą ir pardavimą. . [read more]
MES TIKIME, KAD IR REKLAMOS APRANGA TURI SAVO SĖKMINGĄ FORMĄ!\\Turime ilgametę patirtį reklaminės tekstilės ir atributikos srityje. Esame greiti ir atsakingi! Vertiname tiesioginį.. [read more]
Įmonė įkurta 1994 metų pradžioje. Veiklą pradėjusi kaip reklamos agentūra, vėliau persiorientavo į leidybos verslą ir jau daugiau nei 20 metų veikia informacinių katalogų leidybos srityje. [read more]
Siatra International, UAB is a global industry player that caters to beauty professionals, models and discerning consumers who demand the best-quality beauty tools at the best price. [read more]
„Swedbank" yra vienas iš Šiaurės ir Baltijos šalių bankų lyderių. Šiame regione bendradarbiaujame su apie 7 mln. privačių ir daugiau nei 500 tūkst. verslo klientų. [read more]
JSC ,,Sandas" is specializing in creating and integrating an open suorce business management solutions OpenERP. We are one of the first companies that adapted OpenERP for Lithuanian market.. [read more]
Aggressive advertising, inappropriate content, accumulation of personal data and unauthorised use of it… That is why millions of Internet users began to seize adverts and content on their.. [read more]
Mūsų įmonė jau beveik 20 metų gamina verslo dovanas ir reklaminius suvenyrus Lietuvos įmonėms bei organizacijoms. UAB Solvida pasitiki ir rekomenduoja didžiausios Lietuvos įmonės. [read more]
UAB Synergy FinanceSynergy Finance – tai Lietuvos Respublikoje įregistruota bendrovė, kuriai Lietuvos bankas yra išdavęs valdymo įmonės licenciją (licencijos numeris VĮK-020). [read more]
Solid Real Advisors is commercial real estate company that provides services for businesses and individuals. We provide a wide range of commercial real estate services from detailed market.. [read more]
Pagrindinė UAB „SOS Kompiuteriai" paslauga tai skubus IT specialisto iškvietimas į Jūsų biurą arba namus. Teikiame stacionarių ir nešiojamų kompiuterių remonto paslaugas Vilniuje. [read more]
SemiDevices company was founded in 2008 as implementing business model of OEM / ODM manufacturer. We aim to create a competitive Russian electronics with the assistance of the best engineers.. [read more]
With our innovative terminal solutions, your business will have more growth opportunities: from parcel terminals that we will manufacture and deliver faster than usual to software customizing that.. [read more]
Skaitmeninė reklama is Google partner, a top content marketing agency based in Vilnius Lithuania. We create online advertising campaigns for brands that are customer centric, contextually.. [read more]
The purpose of State Department of Tourism is to improve Lithuania‘s competitive position within the tourism industry, increase inbound tourism to Lithuania and encourage domestic travel. [read more]
Spinoza provides full accounting and related representation services to small and medium businesses registered in the Republic of Lithuania. Upon your request, we assist in all your.. [read more]
The best BBQ for Lithuanian Startups. [read more]
Small Planet Airlines is a company, located at 15 J. Basanavičiaus gatvė, Vilnius, Vilnius County 03108. They can be contacted via phone at +370-5-2555655 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sales club is a community for B2B sales and business development professionals, C-Level executives and founders of the companies. . [read more]
To us at Stone Labs best business is a clever business. Being IT Consultancy and Custom Solution Development company, we purely believe that ongoing improvement is the only way to gain success.. [read more]
Young and ambitious 'Sprendimu medija' offers a wide range of IT and marketing solutions. From web-developing to hosting, from consultations to projects realization, from details to whole -.. [read more]
Shibui vienija ekspertų bendruomenę, kurių paslaugų spektras – nuo patikimų patarimų vadovams iki individualizuotų mokymų, konsultacijų ir nestandartinių pranešimų darbuotojams. [read more]
Founded in 2007, Societas Classica (Classical Association) consolidates Lithuanian teachers and students of classics, as well as all lovers of Antiquity in its broadest sense – classical.. [read more]
Founded in 2004 SSC has been the leading PKI solution provider for government institutions and business organizations. Over 15 types of digital certificate profiles covering virtually all major.. [read more]
St. Christopher‘s Dental Clinic is a modern and cozy clinic in Vilnius. \\Team of experienced and time-tested specialists will take care of every patient. [read more]
She is Glowing is a global community founded by Dovile Urbanaite to empower and connect women who desire to create the life of their dreams, one confident step at a time. [read more]
Underground music and art community. Secret Thirtheen is the interdisciplinary internet journal, presenting exclusive mixes and interviews by influential and original artists, musicians,.. [read more]
SALA ENERGY GROUPSpecialists in cogeneration, providing consultations, calculations, supply, service and warranty maintenance of world-leading manufacturers of cogeneration equipment -.. [read more]