Information and support center for international students who wish to study in Lithuania. [read more]
Sanilux – premium klasės baseinai, baseinų įranga, mini baseinai, santechnika, masažines vonios, jacuzzi, saunos, pirtys, garinės, plytelės, mozaika, fontanai. [read more]
Stebkam provides professional and innovative video surveillance, security and smart house products for businesses and homes. We offer reliable products from leading companies such as Hikvision,.. [read more]
Sqube is a company, located at 16 Geležinkelio gatvė, Vilnius, Vilnius County 02100. [read more]
Four offices, one teamWe are a business law firm who aims to help clients succeed in business. With 40+ partners and more than 250 lawyers and tax specialists, we have the resources to support.. [read more]
Scandinavian Accounting and Consulting UAB is an international audit company, providing audit, accounting, taxation and business advisory services. Our clients include subsidiaries of.. [read more]
Company establishment in Lithuania (EU) and accounting services. [read more]
Hotel, Franchise with Starwood ended in 2014. [read more]
LT Startup Tribe connects Lithuania-related entrepreneur, investors and other startup ecosystem players for knowledge transfer, common activities and joint projects. [read more]
Official page of the Lithuanian Teqball Federation. Lithuania is TEQ. . [read more]
We are providing excellent commercial road transport services across Europe, largest fuel card network, electronic tolling, VAT and Excise recovery and other excellent solutions for your trucks.. [read more]
LUMI video productionEsame video gamybos kompanija, kuri gamina video klipus verslams. Tai:-reprezentaciniai video;-e-komercijos produktų video;-animuoti video. [read more]
An incubator for sustainable city ideas&eco friendly initiatives that could be easily brought in to daily lifestyle. Kviečiame prisidėti prie žaliojo bendruomenės centro kūrimo: Skirkite mums.. [read more]
We are a globally oriented distribution and commodities trading company in the chemical and plastics industry. SkyPlast's core business is the supply of petrochemicals, mainly concentrating.. [read more]
Dirbame tam, kad sukurtume darnų ryšį tarp gamtos ir žmogaus. Kiekvieną dieną stengiamės tapti pavyzdžiu kitiems: tausojame išteklius, saugome gamtą, kuriame ir palaikome.. [read more]
We are always in pursuit of the most sought-after personalities, most talented speakers in various fields of expertise. We represent Lithuanian and foreign talent and are ready to help you find.. [read more]
Padedame mokyti ir mokytis šiuolaikiškai!Leidykloje kuriame integruotus mokomojo turinio sprendimus: vadovėlius ir jų komplektus, papildomam mokymuisi skirtus bei „Smagiosios edukacijos" leidinius. [read more]
Rolling Stock Service LTG Tech - the biggest and most advanced rolling stock repair centre in the region, part of LTG Cargo, company owned by Lietuvos geležinkeliai (LTG). [read more]
Lerio. io is an HR Tech company providing HR Software and Services for companies that want to expand their business in different regions of the world. [read more]
A young and industrious team of lawyers is ready to help you with corporate law issues in Republic of Lithuania. We provide legal services in corporate law area such as companies.. [read more]
According to the Law on Administrative Proceedings, the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania is the appellate instance for cases from decisions, rulings and orders of regional.. [read more]
Vystyti išskirtinius ir ilgalaikę vertę kuriančius projektus – tai iššūkis kurį priėmėme. Norime sukurti net tik gražius namus, bet ir, kad juose gyvenantys žmonės jaustųsi ypatingai. [read more]
Linen products for your home. [read more]
The Lithuanian Chamber of Housing is a non-profit organization. The Lithuanian Housing of Chamber was established on November 12, 2004 and operates in all Lithuanian territory. [read more]
Lithuania's participation at Expo 2020 in Dubai is organized by Ministry of Environment. World Expo 2020 will take place in Dubai from October 2021 till April 2022. [read more]
LOGIFLY - a system that includes full control of logistics flow management inside and outside the company. Logifly controls the flow of incoming and outgoing traffic by using scoreboards,.. [read more]
1995-aisiais LIU•JO pradėjo siūti džinsus. Bėgant metams, kompanija kūrė vis įvairesnius drabužius ir įtvirtino savo vardą mados pasaulyje. 2018-aisiais LIU•JO ir partneriai atėjo.. [read more]
Lithuanian Courts is a company, located at 15 L. Sapiegos gatvė, Vilnius, Vilnius County 10312. [read more]
SPYNDI – is a unique system that can be used to create your dream chair. Use your imagination and create what you want or what you need – a chaise-lounge, rocking chair, stool, armchair,.. [read more]
Uždaroji akcinė draudimo brokerių bendrovė „Legator" savo veiklą Lietuvoje vykdo nuo 1997 metų. UADBB „Legator" yra lietuviško kapitalo draudimo brokerių bendrovė, verslui.. [read more]
Craft beer and food bar. [read more]
Lithuanian Library for the Blind is the state library the purpose of which is to satisfy the informational and cultural needs of the people who are not able to read the regular printed text. [read more]
Esame pirmoji Lietuvoje įsteigta asmens duomenų apsaugos ir duomenų saugumo srityse veikianti asociacija, vienijanti viešajame ir privačiame sektoriuose dirbančius asmens duomenų.. [read more]
Lietuvos metų automobilis išrenkamas kiekvienų metų pabaigoje. Pirmasis toks konkursas Lietuvos žurnalistų autoklubo iniciatyva įvyko 1997 m. pabaigoje - išrinktas Lietuvos „Metų automobilis 1998". [read more]
LUMILITA solves lighting problems of any complexity:for high warehouses, hangars, large production and commercial areas, complex projects etc. LED-luminaires of exceptional reliability and.. [read more]
Lithuanian Bowling Federation (LBF) is a member of ETBF (European Tenpin Bowling Federation), WTBA (World Tenpin Bowling Association) and FIQ (Federation Internationale des Quilleurs). [read more]