Officeday, parduotuve (Permanently Closed) is a store, located at Respublikos g. 20, Telšiai 87333. They can be contacted via phone at +370 444 53744 for more detailed information. [read more]
Интерсное место. Этнографический музей под открытым небом - жемайтийская деревня. Очень красиво. . [read more]
Daug skulpturu aplink. Nuostabaus grozio vaizdas. [read more]
UAB "Čia Market" is a store, located at Sedos g. 35, Telšiai 87101. They can be contacted via phone at +370 444 22222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Patikima kompanija, prekiaujanti isskirtines kokybes medienos gaminiais. . [read more]
雖然不大可是有很多創意作品的藝術學校. . [read more]
UAB Mantmeda " is a store, located at Birutės g. 53, Plungė 90112. They can be contacted via phone at +370 601 00160 for more detailed information. . [read more]
UAB Amon is a supermarket, located at Stoties g. 33, Plungė 90115. They can be contacted via phone at +370 687 91891 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Maža, patogi parduotuvė miesto centre. Trūkumas tik tai, kad ne visad rasi, ko reikia, o dar dienomis būna milžiniškos eilės. . Gera vieta greit apsipirkti. [read more]
Photo studio "Moment" is a store, located at Senamiesčio a. 8, Plungė 90161. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 71755 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regila is a store, located at J. Tumo-Vaižganto g. 31, Plungė 90125. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 50660 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Puiki parduotuvė. Radau viską, ko norėjau nusipirkti. Kasininkė aptarnavo labai moniai. . Galima greitai apsipirkti kasdienio vartojimo prekių. . Greita, patogu apsiprekint. [read more]
UAB "PUSRYTĖJA" (Permanently Closed) is a store, located at Telšių g. 47, Plungė 90163. They can be contacted via phone at +370 626 53319 for more detailed information. [read more]
Puiki vieta norintiems racionaliai apsipirkti, ypač šeštadieniais. O atėjus pavasariui galima įsigyti įvairių augalų bei sodinukų. Rekomenduoju, beja labai draugiški ir.. [read more]
Viskas is lino, G. Visockienes firma is a clothing store, located at Ryto g. 22, Plungė 90154. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 72508 for more detailed information. [read more]
Labai geri viščiukai, didelis pasirinkimas. Pirkau ir vištų. Viskas puiku!. [read more]
Malonu ir jauki aplinka, žmonių nedaug, taigi nereikia ilgai stovėti eilėje. Darbuotojai paslaugūs ir malonūs, priešingai negu neišauklėti Maximos. . Greitas apsipirkimas, malonus aptarnavimas. [read more]
Adventur 2018. Žemaitijos TIC. Šauni komanda. Puiki nuotaika. Komunikabilumas. Mokejimas užmegzti kontaktą, palaikyti pokalbį, pateikti reikiamą informaciją, sudominti, atskleisti.. [read more]
Euroliuksas, located at Stoties g. 5, Plungė 90115. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 72015 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Medeja, D. Marcinkeviciaus gamybine - Komercine imone is a department store, located at Dariaus ir Girėno g. 3, Plungė 90121. They can be contacted via phone at +370 688 36216 for more.. [read more]
Naturaliu lino drabuziu parduotuve, geras aptarnavimas, puikios kokybes drabuziai. Ka cia daugiau ir bepasakysi?. Loving and friendly environment. [read more]
R. Skridailienes kaimo turizmo sodyba is a lodging, located at Paežerės Rūdaičių k. 90423. They can be contacted via phone at +370 610 92530 for more detailed information. [read more]
Platelių miestelio biblioteka is a library, located at Didžioji 5, Plateliai, Plungės r. 90420. They can be contacted via phone at +370 683 26564 for more detailed information. [read more]
Liebe und nette Gastgeber, liebevolle Ausstattung, ruhige Lage zum Entspannen und wer Sterne sucht, der schaut in den Himmel. Rami vieta,netoli ežeras,malonūs šeimininkai,viskas tvarkinga,gražu. [read more]
A. Kondratavičienės sodyba is a lodging, located at Didžioji g. 12, Plateliai 90420. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 49342 for more detailed information. [read more]
Profesonalus ir atakingas specialistas, padejes atpalaiduoti kune susikaupuses itampas, o dukrytei atpalaidavus kuneli masazo deka, pranyko adenoidai. [read more]
Baldų menas (Permanently Closed) is a furniture store, located at Respublikos g. 6A, Telšiai 87130. They can be contacted via phone at +370 606 82261 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dalia and Thomas Kurla homestead is a lodging, located at 3202, Beržoras 90419. They can be contacted via phone at +370 687 12564 for more detailed information. [read more]
Erminda. lt is an electronics store, located at Kęstučio g 25 - 1, Telšiai, 87102. They can be contacted via phone at +370 604 19778 for more detailed information. [read more]
labai daug žemaitijos krašto eksponatų. Puikiai praleisit laika. [read more]
Baltic amber teething necklaces - Gintautas Pilinkas is a jewelry store, located at Birutės g. 36, Telšiai 87120. They can be contacted via phone at +370 672 03602 for more detailed information. [read more]
Beržoras homestead is a lodging, located at Plungės g. 25, Beržoras, Platelių sen. , Plungės rajonas 90419. They can be contacted via phone at +370 688 31715 for more detailed information. [read more]
Labai graži sodyba, malonūs ir paslaugūs šeimininkai, daug erdvės. . Nuostabi sodyba ir rūpestingi jos šeimininkai. . [read more]
Varnių extended care Hospital, located at 3, Varniai 88319. They can be contacted via phone at +370 444 47593 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Inega is a clothing store, located at Salantų g. 12A, Plungė 90115. They can be contacted via phone at +370 645 44229 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Plunges sveikatos centras, located at J. Tumo-Vaižganto g. 91, Plungė 90125. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 71590 for more detailed information. [read more]