Charlot ( Mažeikiai ) is a store, located at Žemaitijos g. 33, Mažeikiai 89134. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 35191 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tryskiu Lazdynu Peledos vidurine mokykla is a school, located at Lazdynų Pelėdos g. 20, Tryškiai 88155. They can be contacted via phone at +370 444 46781 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tik parduotuvėje "Trolių namas," galiu rasti ne tik patogių, kokybiškų rūbų vaikams, bet ir žaislų. Negaliu atsidžiaugti Brums, Mayoral kolekcijomis, naujausiais "Kiddieland" mažylių žaislais. [read more]
Vestuvinės suknelės | Salonas "Pas Daivą" is a store, located at Žemaitijos g. 21, Mažeikiai 89135. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 43343 for more detailed information. [read more]
J. Baltmiškio IĮ is a clothing store, located at Mažeikiai 89104. They can be contacted via phone at +370 682 43306 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Mažeikių geležinkelio stotis. [read more]
"Manginta" Kanceliarinės prekės is a store, located at Sodų g. 4, Mažeikiai 89137. [read more]
Kerojus is a store, located at Žemaitijos g. 3, Mažeikiai 89140. They can be contacted via phone at +370 615 20085 for more detailed information. . [read more]
L. Petrausko veterinariniu paslaugu punktas is a veterinary care, located at Žemaitijos g. 5, Mažeikiai 89140. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 51891 for more detailed information. [read more]
Alpaka, located at Gamyklos g. 40, Mažeikiai 89101. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 91102 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Viskas tvarkinga, tik sena pardavėja. . Smagi niekučių krautuvėlė. [read more]
Tevynes sajunga-Lietuvos krikscionys demokratai, Mazeikiu skyrius, located at Mažeikiai 89001. They can be contacted via phone at +370 682 30481 for more detailed information. [read more]
ABF LT, located at Energetikų g. 2, Mažeikiai 89306. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 30694 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Technikos prieziuros tarnyba, Siauliu apygardos Mazeikiu skyrius, located at Gamyklos g. 43, Mažeikiai 89001. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 70790 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mazeikiu pienine, located at Mažeikių gatvė 4, Mažeikiai 89100. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 97509 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Mazeikiu r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka, Leckavos filialas, located at Leckavos g. 20, Leckava 89302. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 44628 for more detailed information. [read more]
UAB "Žemaitijos agra" is a store, located at Gamyklos g. 40, Mažeikiai 89230. They can be contacted via phone at +370 607 85293 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mazeikiu sporto mokykla, located at Pavenčių g. 15, Mažeikiai 89184. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 90060 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Gudragalvis is a clothing store, located at Mažeikiai 89225. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 25011 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Kometa is a veterinary care, located at Urvikių gatvė 8, Mažeikių apylinkės seniūnija, 89213 Mažeikiai. [read more]
Daug proginiu drabuziu yra is ko pasirinkti. yra is ko pasirinkti👍 ir pati pardaveje labai nuostabus zmogus. 👍👍👍 patariu visiems si salona. 👌. Daug progimiu drabuzlu. [read more]
Naftkartas is a stadium, located at Birutės g. 59, Mažeikiai 89215. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 06283 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A. Norvaišos IĮ is a clothing store, located at Reivyčiai 89261. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 35228 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Patys skaniausi ir šviežiausi šakočiai. . Patys skaniausi šakočiai. . Good price, love their sakociai!. [read more]
Bugeniai, located at Bugeniai. [read more]
Voresta, located at Reivyčių k. 89301. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 91851 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Mazeikiu Senamiescio pagrindine mokykla, Leckavos skyrius, located at Leckava 89302. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 44623 for more detailed information. [read more]
Plateliu vaistine is a pharmacy, located at 3202 19, Plateliai 90420. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 49138 for more detailed information. [read more]
Veterinarijos gydytojo G. Žalimo gydymo paslaugų IĮ is a veterinary care, located at Plateliai 90421. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 49154 for more detailed information. [read more]
Zemaiciu Kalvarijos lopselis-darzelis, located at Vienuolyno g. 2, Žemaičių Kalvarija 90443. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 43240 for more detailed information. [read more]
Labai super kolektyvas. Gražu ne tik vasarą, bet ir žiemą. . Unikalus kaukių muziejus. Graži dvaro aplinka. . [read more]
Plateliu gimnazija is a school, located at Mokyklos g. 3, Plateliai 90421. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 49125 for more detailed information. [read more]
S. Birskaus sodyba-stovyklaviete prie Plateliu ezero, located at Beržoro k. 90419. They can be contacted via phone at +370 647 01000 for more detailed information. [read more]
A. Daugėlos IĮ is a clothing store, located at Draugystės g. 4, Mažeikiai 89169. They can be contacted via phone at +370 614 98443 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vaistinė (Permanently Closed) is a pharmacy, located at Mažeikiai 89164. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 50396 for more detailed information. [read more]
R. Repšio veterinarijos klinika is a veterinary care, located at Alsėdžiai 90472. They can be contacted via phone at +370 448 48207 for more detailed information. [read more]