Welcome to Baltvia: Your Trusted Source for Premium Raw Materials. Baltvia is a renowned player in the raw materials industry, specializing in the sourcing and supply of premium-grade peat moss. [read more]
Baltic tech park is an innovation driven entrepreneurship ecosystem connecting talents, knowledge and resources within the Baltic sea region and facilitating synergy oriented cooperation. [read more]
Crafting the digital. . [read more]
"Brainster" is a unique place where learning a foreign language becomes a fascinating experience. . [read more]
Didžiausia trumpalaikės nuomos administravimo kompanija, veikianti visoje Lietuvoje. Padedame NT savininkams įdarbinti būstą trumpalaikei nuomai, o svečiams - gauti aukščiausios.. [read more]
With over 20 years of experience and constantly growing fleet, currently containing more than 30 vessels, Baltnautic offers the most reliable marine transportation services in its sea-river category. [read more]
Cometstation is a electronics company that offers a different look at interaction between human and machine. Company is focused on development of new types of products for stress relieve,.. [read more]
Constant and dynamic growth of our company is indicating of the quality of our services and the high productivity of our employees while maintaining the highest security standards. [read more]
We managing web projects what helps small and middle business to grow. . [read more]
Baltic Contracting Group UAB and Skanlika UAB are sister companies providing dynamic and innovative technical solutions to businesses Europe wide. Established in 2004 today we pride ourselves.. [read more]
BALTIC EMPLOYEES – ilgametę patirtį sukaupusi įdarbinimo agentūra, kuri remiasi skaidria ir patikima veiklos politika. Tai leidžia sėkmingai bendradarbiauti su partneriais bei.. [read more]
Esame oficialūs profesionalios kosmetikos distributoriai Lietuvos rinkoje, savo prekinių ženklų portfolio turintys Victoria Vynn, Italwax, Kodi ir daugelį kitų prek. [read more]
Batų bumas - naujai sukurta internetinė parduotuvė pradėjusi vygdyti veiklą visoje Lietuvoje. Kokybė ir kaina - šiais laikais, svarbiausias rodiklis internetinėje prekyboje. [read more]
BNI Švyturys - tai verslo ryšių plėtros klubas, vienijantis skirtingus verslus, ieškančius patikimų partnerių bei efektyvaus augimo. . [read more]
Benko Servisas is a provider of freight forwarding and logistics services to commercial sector. . [read more]
The company was founded in 2004 by the team of professionals with theextensive experience in electrical works, different welding services, HVAC and piping systems installation for maritime &.. [read more]
VERSLO BROKERIO PASLAUGOSParduodantiems versląPerkantiems verslą. [read more]
The ongoing need of increasing the effectiveness of business support functions and the continued pressure on corporate profitability has driven interest in global sourcing to a new level. [read more]
We maintain and continue to develop a database of professional, specially trained and certified employees, who are always ready to take on both on- and offshore tasks. [read more]
BNI Memel verslo klubas vienija 40+ klubo narius, kurie atstovauja įvairias verslo sritis. Narių rekomendacijų apyvarta nuo klubo įkūrimo (2017) pasiekė jau daugiau nei 21 milijonų eurų. [read more]
Baltic Equity Group is a family owned real estate and private equity investment company. Baltic Equity Group offers a wide range of partnership possibilities to financial and industry partners.. [read more]
We are one of the leading companies in the Baltic States in the area of freight forwarding and shipping, i. e. :Experience. More than 20 years in the market. [read more]
who we are?BrandFactory is a full service brand creating agency that ensures the production of a high-quality content. With the help of our professional services you will be able to create.. [read more]
„Balt marketing" - įmonė, vykdanti specialistų ir vadovų paiešką, atranką bei mokymus. Kompanija susikūrusi 1994 - aisiais, veiklos geografija - visa Lietuva. [read more]
"Bio Lt Group" fulfills its passion for saving environment though offering a very efficient way to turn waste into fuel. The company buys used cooking oil, processes it and delivers to its.. [read more]
Business process management consulting ( Proficient. lt ) supports organizations to remain competitive in today's business environment and supports the successful implementation of.. [read more]
Business finance focuses on the finance management needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). We help transform finance function to support business decisions. [read more]
An association of advertising design and production professionals. Members of BSMA:https://www. facebook. com/pg/BSMA-111289750230008/notes/?ref=page_internalGoals✓ To strive for high.. [read more]
Baltic Ports Supply Company specializes in ship servicing in the Baltic Sea region. Our main practice is food supply and deck stores. We provide the highest quality products and services to.. [read more]
BUSINESS CONNECT LT is a Lithuanian – Danish capital company. It originated from BUSINESS CONNECT A/S which was founded in Denmark in 2010. BUSINESS CONNECT's core activities are Marketing &.. [read more]
"Basil Lea Market" - a sustainable street food market in the middle of the Klaipeda town, Lithuania. Main Market's highlights:From farm to fork. We are working on making supply chain management.. [read more]
We are a Norwegian public listed, open-ended and fully integrated investment company. We are owners, developers and managers of commercial real estate in the Baltics. [read more]
Baltic Pallets UAB is a company that has been successfully operating in Europe and Lithuania for ten years. The company sells all major types of pallets, wood products and packaging materials. [read more]
Baltic Contracting Group is dedicated to Subcontracting and Staffing Services. We provide skilled and English speaking technical personnel for our clients working for onshore and offshore industries. [read more]
"Baltic Boards" is an organization, which is engaged in a wholesale and retail trade of transportation devices called self balancing scooters. We are official distributors in Baltic area.. [read more]
B1. lt — internetinė buhalterinės apskaitos sistema, sukurta atsižvelgiant į iškilusį poreikį supaprastinti buhalterijos tvarkymą bei sumažinti išlaidas, kurias patiria.. [read more]