Visų lygių anglų kalbos kursai įmonėms, moksleiviams, suaugusiems. Individualūs ir grupiniai užsiėmimai. Bendrinė, verslo, šnekamoji kalba. IELTS, TOEFL kursai, pasiruošimas brandos egzaminui. [read more]
UAB Akvazoo savo veiklą pradėjo 1995 metais ir nuo to laiko dinamiškai plečiasi, užsitarnaudama akvariumininkystės ir zoologijos prekių rinkoje patikimo ir atsakingo partnerio reputaciją. [read more]
Albus Nox is a trading company specializing in food ingredients as well as finished consumer products. Currently we can offer:Cocoa products: Cocoa butter, powders, beans, cake, shells. [read more]
"Aradia Silver" is a retailer of sterling silver jewelry and gemstones. ※ We work together with nature & share the beauty ※. [read more]
AFONIN company specializes in software and web development. While developing and improving innovative solutions in IT, we aim at putting maximum efforts in changing the present and the future.. [read more]
Autokritikas. lt teikia naujų bei naudotų automobilių techninės apžiūros paslaugas, Jūsų pasirinktoje vietoje, prieš Jums įsigyjant automobilį. Techninės apžiūros paslaugų.. [read more]
Kėdainiai Rasos gatvė, located at Rasos gatvė 1, 57427 Kėdainiai. [read more]
Kauno Geležinkelio Stoties Keleivių Rūmai, located at Mikalojaus Konstantino Čiurlionio gatvė, 44360 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 221093 for more detailed information. [read more]
Panemune Pinewood is a park, located at Gailutės gatvė, 45324 Kaunas. [read more]
Europeshuttle, located at Teodoro Narbuto gatvė 3-9, 45260 Kaunas. [read more]
Du Buliai is a lodging, located at 45120 Kaunas. [read more]
Medžiotojų Užeiga A. Kučinsko is a cafe, located at Jono Basanavičiaus gatvė, 57356 Kėdainiai. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 60002 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kėdainių Lopšelis-Darželis Žilvitis is a school, located at Respublikos gatvė, 57395 Kėdainiai. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 61705 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ipanema Pizzeria is a restaurant, located at 45245 Kaunas. [read more]
Kedainiu R. Lopšelis-Darželis Varpelis is a school, located at Pavasario gatvė, 57464 Kėdainiai. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 61701 for more detailed information. [read more]
Very nice store. Sent very quickly. A couple of days after the purchase, we wanted to write a request to them whether they had sent the goods, and at that time we received an SMS saying that.. [read more]
Medziotoju Uzeiga is a restaurant, located at Rotušės aikštė 10, 44280 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 320956 for more detailed information. [read more]
Piano Piano Kaunas is a restaurant, located at Rotušės aikštė 4, 44280 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 662 42453 for more detailed information. [read more]
Wakanda is a restaurant, located at Dusios gatvė 85, 46220 Kaunas. [read more]
Klimas Baras is a restaurant, located at Rotušės aikštė 3, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Interjero Erdvė, located at Rotušės aikštė 18, 44279 Kaunas. [read more]
Lobby By Bōheme House is a restaurant, located at Muitinės gatvė 9, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Baras Gyvas is a restaurant, located at Muitinės gatvė 1, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Kmynas Ir Vynas is a restaurant, located at Vlado Kuzmos gatvė 8, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Salonas Restobar is a restaurant, located at Rotušės aikštė 4, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Armenija is a restaurant, located at Vlado Kuzmos gatvė, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Ceramics Museum is a museum, located at Rotušės aikštė 15, 44279 Kaunas. [read more]
Communications History Museum is a museum, located at Rotušės aikštė 19, 44279 Kaunas. [read more]
Nemunas Travel, located at Prieplaukos krantinė, 44279 Kaunas. [read more]
Aleksotas Hill is a park, located at Amerikos lietuvių gatvė, 46261 Kaunas. [read more]
Kauno Švenčiausios Mergelės Marijos ėmimo į dangų Vytauto Didžiojo rektoratas is a church, located at Aleksoto gatvė 3, 44029 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 203854.. [read more]
Blessed Virgin Mary Church is a tourist attraction, located at Aleksoto gatvė 3, 44280 Kaunas. [read more]
Kauno Vaikų Darželis Dvarelis is a school, located at Amerikos lietuvių gatvė, 46254 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 391404 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vilniaus Dailės Akademija Kauno Dailės Fakultetas is a university, located at Muitinės gatvė, 44280 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 222577 for more detailed information. [read more]
KaunasInn Old Town, located at Rotušės aikštė 10, 44279 Kaunas. [read more]
Picadelia Po Laikrodziu is a restaurant, located at Veiverių gatvė 150, 46391 Kaunas (Aukštaitijos-Dzukijos maršrutas, Kauno apskritis). [read more]