Repair Guide, located at Slėnio g. 10A, Garliava 53246. They can be contacted via phone at +370 671 13260 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sauni ir smagi parduotuve antrame aukdte yra pigus rubai,baldai,kirpykla,soliariumas,nauju rubu parduotuve,kanceliarines prekes,vaistine. didziausias minusas automobiliu stovejimo aikstele. [read more]
Garliavos vaistine is a pharmacy, located at Vytauto g. 63, Garliava 53258. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 551493 for more detailed information. [read more]
Seneliu Globos Namai, located at J. Biliūno g. 4, Garliava 53257. They can be contacted via phone at +370 648 93864 for more detailed information. . [read more]
UAB Kaunas hydrogeology, located at Jiesios gatvė 9, Rinkūnai, Kaunas region 53280. They can be contacted via phone at +370 614 75777 for more detailed information. [read more]
Amber Emporium is a jewelry store, located at Alytaus g. 16, Mastaičiai 53307. They can be contacted via phone at +370 687 54096 for more detailed information. [read more]
UAB BEMZ is a home goods store, located at Bijūnų g. 32, Garliava 53267. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 558147 for more detailed information. [read more]
DG Projektai, located at 19, Saulės g. , Jonučiai II 53277. They can be contacted via phone at +370 611 30550 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Tikėjimo žodis, bažnyčia is a church, located at Seniavos pl. 8, Kaunas 46386. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 390790 for more detailed information. [read more]
Labai miela kaimo bažnytėlė. Sekmadieniais Šv. Mišios 10 ir 12 val. . [read more]
SEB klientų aptarnavimo Aleksoto skyrius is a bank, located at Veiverių g. 150, Kaunas 46391. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 268 2800 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jauki, patogi, viska suteikianti atmosfera. . [read more]
Only #29 bus. You can pay cash or special bus card. Standard ticket costs 80 eurocent. Fos students 40 eurocent. Comfortable. You will need to wait for bus. [read more]
UAB GTK AGRO is a car repair, located at Vandžiogalos g. 3, Nociūnai, Kėdainių raj. 58148. They can be contacted via phone at +370 655 98300 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pagiriu Svc. Mergeles Marijos apsilankymo baznycia is a church, located at Ramygalos g. 1, Pagiriai 58483. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 43753 for more detailed information. [read more]
Setos Svc. Trejybes parapija is a church, located at Lakštingalų g. 2, Šėta 58127. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 35139 for more detailed information. [read more]
UAB Andiva is a car repair, located at Kėdainių r. sav. 58157. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 78441 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Puikus dujų įrangos meistrai. [read more]
Autodalys Kėdainiai - Eoltas is a car repair, located at J. Basanavičiaus g. 95, Kėdainiai 57352. They can be contacted via phone at +370 700 55 225 for more detailed information. [read more]
Geras maistas uz prieinama kaina. Valgyklos tipo. . Gera vieta pietauti. Skanu ir pigu. [read more]
Pas Miskini i. i. is a cafe, located at Respublikos g. 12A, Kėdainiai 57404. [read more]
Kristina is a clothing store, located at Kėdainiai 57419. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 53722 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Žaidma is a clothing store, located at Kėdainiai 57461. They can be contacted via phone at +370 600 84973 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Vitlukas is a car dealer, located at Kėdainiai 57210. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 50489 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Kėdainių evangelikų liuteronų bažnyčia is a church, located at Vokiečių g. 7, Kėdainiai 57295. [read more]
KĖDAINIŲ EVANGELINIO TIKĖJIMO KRIKŠČIONIŲ BENDRUOMENĖ "VILTIS" is a church, located at Liepų tak. 3, Kėdainiai 57259. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 53910 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pas Alika is a cafe, located at Josvainių g. 4, Kėdainiai 57274. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 50045 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Kėdainių Viešpaties Atsimainymo cerkvė is a church, located at Gedimino g. 2, Kėdainiai 57287. [read more]
V. Griciuvienės IĮ is a car dealer, located at Kėdainiai 57215. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 51107 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ginto Autoservisas is a car repair, located at Klevų g. 9, Kėdainiai 57300. They can be contacted via phone at +370 650 86141 for more detailed information. [read more]
A. Lysenkos automobiliu remonto cechas is a car repair, located at Birutės g. 15, Kėdainiai 57174. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 29831 for more detailed information. [read more]
Antralis is a car dealer, located at S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno g. 12, Kėdainiai 57152. They can be contacted via phone at +370 347 57224 for more detailed information. [read more]
A. Dumbinsko IĮ is a car dealer, located at Tiskūnai 58417. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 76264 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Algvalda is a bar, located at J. Ralio g. 2, Jonava 55183. They can be contacted via phone at +370 349 51060 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Skanus maistas. Gana didelės porcijos. Patatiu paragauti čebureku. . Tasty, very good. Worth trying. . Skanus maistas. Paragaukit cebureku 😃. [read more]
Skanu, nebrangu, didelės porcijos. Malonus aptarnavimas ir skanus maistas!. [read more]