Best place to grab a good beer !!! Pet friendly !!
Bar to have a drink and listen to some music from YouTube. Menu is mostly drinks. People start an evening or finish here. :) WC present. Strange mood and doubtful crowd guaranteed. Also there are a lot of beers here.
Nice, an easy underground place
Cozy and friendly place, always wanting to go back.
Nice selection of beers, friendly staff, Foxes everywhere :D
Cons: lack of food, snacks only
Gera vietelė paskanauti alaus :)
Непринуждённая обстановка, большой ассортимент пива. Хорошо подойдёт для людей предпочитающих шумные компании и "Рок" музыку.
Padorios kainos, mazai vietos bet maloni aplinka.
Geras metalistų baras su gyvais koncertais 😊