Švento Antano Paduviečio bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Birutės gatvė 14, Birštonas, 59009. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(319)-56250 for more detailed information. [read more]
Švento Juozapo bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Radvilų gatvė 10, Kėdainiai, 57254. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(347)-60962 for more detailed information. [read more]
Švento Jurgio bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Šėtos gatvė 18, Kėdainiai, 57207. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(347)-61333 for more detailed information. [read more]
Švento Mikalojaus bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Švento Mikalojaus gatvė 4, Vilnius, 01133. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(5)-2623069 for more detailed information. [read more]
Švento Lauryno bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Užupio gatvė 22, Elektrėnai, 21043. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(528)-22141 for more detailed information. [read more]
Šv Jurgio Kalnelis is a tourist attraction, located at Šiluvos gatvė, Kelmė, 86061. [read more]
Lietuvos Stačiatikių Arkivyskupija is a tourist attraction, located at Aušros Vartų gatvė 10, Vilnius, 01303. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(5)-2127765 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lift To The Gediminas Castle is a tourist attraction, located at Rotušės aikštė 5, Vilnius, 01013. [read more]
St Raphael's Church is a tourist attraction, located at Šnipiškių gatvė 1, Vilnius, 09309. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(5)-2724164 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mūro Strėvininkų piliakalnis is a tourist attraction, located at Elektrinės gatvė, Kaišiadorys, 56017. [read more]
Holocaust Museum is a tourist attraction, located at Pamėnkalnio gatvė 12, Vilnius, 01114. [read more]
Liolių Šventų apaštalų Simono ir Judo Tado bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Nepriklausomybės gatvė, Liolių seniūnija, 86017 Kelmė. [read more]
M. K. Sarbievijaus Kiemas is a tourist attraction, located at Universiteto gatvė, Vilnius, 01131. [read more]
Didysis Kiemas is a tourist attraction, located at Švento Jono gatvė 12, Vilnius, 01123. [read more]
Information Board is a tourist attraction, located at Svilė, Šaukėnų seniūnija, 86043 Kelmė. [read more]
Rokiškio Šv. Mato Bažnyčia is a tourist attraction, located at Nepriklausomybės aikštė 1, 42114 Rokiškis. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 851979 for more detailed information. [read more]
Paminklas Vilniaus Gaonui Gaono Elijahu Ben Solomon Zalmano Monument is a tourist attraction, located at Žydų gatvė, Senamiesčio seniūnija, 01131 Vilnius. [read more]
House of Gaon Elijahu Ben Shlomo Zalman is a tourist attraction, located at Žydų gatvė 5, Vilnius, 01131. [read more]
Karstinė Įgriuva Karvės Ola is a tourist attraction, located at Kauniai, Biržai, 41001. [read more]
IX forto muziejus is a tourist attraction, located at Žemaičių plentas 73, 47435 Kaunas. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 377750 for more detailed information. [read more]
Undinėlė Mermaid Monument is a tourist attraction, located at Užupio gatvė 1, Senamiesčio seniūnija, 01025 Vilnius. [read more]
Žuvinto Ežero Gamtos Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Kampelių Gatvė, Alytaus Rajonas, 64041. [read more]
Kirkilų Karstinių Ežerėlių Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Ežerėlių gatvė, Biržai, 41001. [read more]
Dviračių Takas Bubiai-Kurtuvėnai is a tourist attraction, located at Miško gatvė, Šiaulių rajonas, 80016. [read more]
Bridvaišio Ežero Rekreacinis Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Aušros gatvė, Kelmė, 86061. [read more]
Kamanų Rezervato Pažintinis Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Akmenė, 85022. [read more]
Pažintinis Rozalimo Miško Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Žemaitijos-Aukštaitijos Žiedas, Pakruojis, 83013. [read more]
Giliaus Ežero Pažintinis Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Miškininkų gatvė, Kelmė, 86061. [read more]
Jurakalnio Geologinis-Pažintinis Takas is a tourist attraction, located at J. Basanavičiaus gatvė 85010, Akmenė, 85010. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(605)-13855 for more.. [read more]
HBH Pelkių Takas is a tourist attraction, located at Miško gatvė, Kretinga, 97014. [read more]
Druskių miško takas is a tourist attraction, located at Kampiškių gatvė, Birštono seniūnija, 59009 Birštonas. [read more]
Takas Romantikams is a tourist attraction, located at Biržai, 41001. [read more]
Church of The Holy Spirit is a tourist attraction, located at Dominikonų gatvė 8, Vilnius, 01131. They can be contacted via phone at +(370)-(5)-2629595 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hugo Šojaus dvaras is a tourist attraction, located at Lietuvininkų gatvė 4, 99185 Šilutė. [read more]
Kernavės piliakalnis III, Lizdeikos kalnu is a tourist attraction, located at Kunigaikščių takas, Širvintos, 19014. [read more]
Lyduvėnų III piliakalnis is a tourist attraction, located at Tilto gatvė, Šiluvos seniūnija, 60046 Raseiniai. [read more]