Jurbarko r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka is a library, located at Vilniaus g. 4, Jurbarkas 74127. They can be contacted via phone at +370 447 72519 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vilkaviskio r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka, Virbalio filialas is a library, located at Vilniaus g. 13, Virbalis 70388. They can be contacted via phone at +370 342 50127 for more.. [read more]
Padeda išsirinkti knygas,paaskina jei ko nesuprati kompiuteriu. Darbuotuojai paslaugios ,vyksta renginiu parodos. Labai smagi vieta ir darbui ir laisvalaikiu. [read more]
Lots of books, good stuff. [read more]
Lentvario viešoji biblioteka is a library, located at Fabriko g. 2, Lentvaris 25124. They can be contacted via phone at +370 528 28334 for more detailed information. [read more]
Varenos r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka is a library, located at Vytauto g. 19, Varėna 65189. They can be contacted via phone at +370 310 31639 for more detailed information. [read more]
Modernus pastatas. Malonios niekur neskubančios darbuotojos. Kultūros renginiai: paskaitos ir parodos. Nemokamas WiFi bibliotekos lankytojams. . Puiki biblioteka. [read more]
Jonavos r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka, Rimku filialas is a library, located at Chemikų g. 136, Jonava 55217. They can be contacted via phone at +370 349 65093 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jonavos r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka, Vaiku literaturos skyrius is a library, located at Chemikų g. 136, Jonava 55217. They can be contacted via phone at +370 349 51549 for more.. [read more]
Liūdynės biblioteka is a library, located at Ramioji g. 2, Liūdynė 38130. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 555326 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ėriškių biblioteka is a library, located at Ėriškiai 38271. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 555737 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Jauki atmosfera. Visada nuoširdi pagalba! Edukaciniai užsiėmimai jaunimui. . [read more]
Jotainiai Library is a library, located at Ramygalos g. 2, Jotainių k, Jotainiai 38218. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 580991 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vadokliai Library is a library, located at Vadokliai 38201. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 556341 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Nice little library. I haven't looked for any books here but their internet access is what I use there. They allow you to print for a small fee as well. [read more]
A great place to study, sometimes the staff/other students can be noisy or disturbing and sometimes you can't find the book you're looking for, but it's a good place to get some work done. [read more]
Vilniaus r. savivaldybes centrine biblioteka, Nemencines filialas is a library, located at Švenčionių g. 14, Nemenčinė 15168. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 237 1367 for more.. [read more]
Labai gera, moderni biblioteka. Joje yra biblioteka, skaitykla, kompiuterių klasė, parodų salė, atraktyvus vaikų literatūros skyrius. Čia vyksta įvairūs kultūriniai renginiai,.. [read more]
Ignalina District Municipality Public Library, Vidiskes Branch is a library, located at Parko g. 1, Vidiškės 31130. They can be contacted via phone at +370 685 03197 for more detailed information. [read more]
Svencioniu r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka is a library, located at Vilniaus g. 2, Švenčionys 18123. They can be contacted via phone at +370 387 51649 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ignalina District Municipality Public Library, Meikstai Branch is a library, located at Meikštų k. 30279. They can be contacted via phone at +370 386 45624 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ignalinos r. savivaldybes viesoji biblioteka, Didziasalio filialas is a library, located at Keramikų gatvė 1, Didžiasalio k. 30154. They can be contacted via phone at +370 386 59265 for.. [read more]
Raguvos Library is a library, located at Raguva 38160. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 591222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Molėtai. Public Library is a library, located at Inturkės g. 4, Molėtai 33141. They can be contacted via phone at +370 383 51148 for more detailed information. [read more]
Labai patogioj vietoj randasi adresu Skverelio 1. Moderni architektūra. [read more]
Visagino viesoji biblioteka is a library, located at Taikos pr. 52, Visaginas 31203. They can be contacted via phone at +370 386 75312 for more detailed information. [read more]
Visada malonu užeiti. Šauni vieta jei yra begalės laiko. . [read more]
Labai gera biblioteka, įsikūrusi istoriniame Zarasų miesto pastate, nuostabioje vietoje, su vaizdu į Zaraso ežerą. Gausus leidinių asortimentas, organizuoja daug kultūrinių.. [read more]
Mazeikiu r. savivaldybes administracija, Mazeikiu seniunija is a library, located at Laisvės g. 31, Mažeikiai 89225. They can be contacted via phone at +370 443 25948 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nedidelė, bet jauki biblioteka. Labai malonus ir rūpestingas aptarnavimas. . [read more]
Rokiskio r. savivaldybes J. Keliuocio viesoji biblioteka is a library, located at Nepriklausomybės a. 16, Rokiškis 42117. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45851502 for more.. [read more]
Perekšlių Library is a library, located at Perekšliai 38388. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 558620 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Karsakiškis Library is a library, located at Karsakiškis 38462. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 552701 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Piniavos Library is a library, located at Piniava 38415. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 552581 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Bernatonių Library is a library, located at Bernatoniai 38393. They can be contacted via phone at +370 45 559838 for more detailed information. . [read more]