Technika, VGTU knygynas is a book store, located at Trakų g. 1, Vilnius 01132. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 274 4926 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ilgai ieškojau tokios vietos Vilniuje ir pagaliau radau! Labai didelis įvairių knygų pasirinkimas ir puikus aptarnavimas. . paslaptinga, autentiška ir labai jaukuu:). [read more]
Labai malonus aptarnavimas. Greitai surado norimą knygą. . Not that big and not specialized, but otherwise - all good. . [read more]
Puiki vieta pasimėgauti knyga. [read more]
Akademinis knygynas, Humanitas is a book store, located at K. Donelaičio g. 52, Kaunas 44244. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 221530 for more detailed information. [read more]
Senas. Jaukus ir mielas knygynas. [read more]
UAB „Vaikų sala“, knygynas „Pegasas“ is a book store, located at Gedimino g. 26, Radviliškis 82174. They can be contacted via phone at +370 422 50777 for more detailed information. [read more]
Versmė, knygynas, Knygų namai LT is a book store, located at Didžioji g. 27, Vilnius 01128. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 262 6410 for more detailed information. [read more]
Reformed bookstore is a book store, located at Pylimo g. 31 - 6, Vilnius 01309. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 262 5634 for more detailed information. [read more]
Greitai ir operatyviai nors buvo Kalėdinis laikotarpis. [read more]
One of my favorite bookstores in town. Wide range of fiction in English. Also nice selection of study books. . This bookshop has a lot of books which other bookshops don't. [read more]
Ramduva, J. Kneitos imone is a book store, located at Dainavos g. 32, Ramučiai 54465. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 407963 for more detailed information. [read more]
Puiki vieta nusipirkti gerų knygų. . Sutvarkytas ir atnaujintas knygynas. Jauki vieta. . [read more]
Man taip pat patiko ledai :). Skani kava ir ledai tarp knygų!. Didžiulis pasirinkimas, yra kavinukė. . [read more]
Nice place to sit down, drink coffee and read books, have also books in english language, you can also order books in the same place, cozy. . Books from fantasy section to romance, nice staff.. [read more]
Lietuvos biblijos draugija is a book store, located at Jono Basanavičiaus g. 16A-117, Vilnius 03224. They can be contacted via phone at +370 5 213 1975 for more detailed information. [read more]
Silence. Quiet like at library and here also a lot of books. Lovely place to run away from fast city life. I was here at rainy Sunday and it's really nice. [read more]
Nemažai knygų, daug rusų kalba. Lietuviškų naujesnio leidimo nėra labai daug, daugiausia senos sovietinės. [read more]
Nice little book shop where you can have you have the Uzupis Stamp added ti your passport (beware that doing so can be problematic in some countries, if you ever travel with your passport after that). [read more]
Visos 4 knygos - sekančią dieną po užsakymo - viskas puikiai. Gal tik lauke iškaba nepamaišytų. . [read more]
Didžiulis knygynas, prižiūrimas tikrų knygų mylėtojų. . [read more]
Malonus aptarnavimas, knygynas orientuotas į katalikišką literatūrą. Malonus aptarnavimas. Platus asortimentas. [read more]
It is just ordinary book store, nothing bad, nothing extra special. Clean, friendly staff. Cashier found my book so fast, I was really happy. Also the nicest thing is that you can drink coffee.. [read more]
случайно набрели на магазинчик. . и провели там полтора часа, прекрасная коллекция французских книг о вышивке, в т. ч. малотиражных, довольны покупками, спасибо. [read more]
Maloni atmosfera, pakankamas gerų knygų pasirinkimas:). [read more]
Mandagus aptarnavimas. Geros knygos už gerą kainą. . I love bookstores like this. . [read more]
Knygų alėja is a book store, located at Laisvės al. 106, Kaunas 44253. [read more]
Herojus. lt is a book store, located at Šv. Gertrūdos g. 22A, Kaunas 44260. They can be contacted via phone at +370 681 26211 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nuo gatvės yra nuoroda. Nežinant sunku rasti. Šiaip jau yra buvusio taksi parko teritorijoje. . [read more]
Tikrai platūs pasirinkimas, kiekvieno skoniui. Kainos taip pat!. [read more]
KNYGYNAS Knygų orbita is a book store, located at Pramonės pr. 29, Kaunas 51285. They can be contacted via phone at +370 656 29232 for more detailed information. [read more]
nuostabi krautuvėlė, puikūs žmonės dirba ir daug apie knygas vaikams pasakoja!. [read more]
Contemporary comics, beautiful prints and riso studio. . [read more]
Skaitytos. lt is a book store, located at Ateities g. 20, Vilnius 08303. They can be contacted via phone at +370 630 23308 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mobilus Knygynas is a book store, located at P. Lukšio g. 5, Vilnius 08221. [read more]
Very good customer service!. [read more]