
Established in 2006 , the AIDI Group is after presenting its audience with fully specialized and applied events , ranging from short and long-term training courses to small to large-scale seminars , global conferences and briefly, real value-creation .Up to 2008 , the AIDI Group was mainly concerned with issues raising in the field of management , the results of which was holding several training courses and conferences in subjects such as :Supply Chain Management , Information Technology , Maintenance and Reliability, Modern Banking , continuous Improvement and Project Management .The same year, it was felt necessary to reorganize many of our activities. The source for this inspiration can be summarized in one word : applied, applied ,applied !Experts in out Think Tank believe that the bulk of training and educational opportunities in today's world , are dedicated to words, promises and commitments suspended aimlessly in the air, much the same way as a wandering balloon would do ! Isn't that right ?From 2008 onwards, things have started to change in AIDI Group. We opted to look through our glasses and see only the applied, feasible , real and practical aspects . The same year , we piloted some smaller modules in UAE and Turkey and took a different approach .From 2011 onwards, we have been involved in designing events which hopefully , their practical results will be available soon . This time , ideas are reorganized based on the aforementioned theory of making them applied .

Tags : #EventsServices

Location :
Vilnius, Vilnius County
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