Everything half price, Rush while stock last, see you there
Stock clearance, 50% on everything from tomorrow
Please order any type of fashion online & will get it for you tnx
Was R1800 now R1500
Was R2000 now R850
Let's buy while stock last, anything out of stock, we can get it for in 4-5 days
sale now on #swagger & smart casual
latest fashoin now on sale
start 2016 with style, pop in store now
spring sale now on from R29.99
we thrwng big(R5000.00) tnx draw 2mrw 05 dcmbr, the director thinks u need anodr1 wht d u tnk?
50% OFF nw on (selected itms only) & the draw wl follw ön d 05dcmbr where every client wil win a share of R5000.00 worth stock
spend R300 at our store & stand a chance to win a share of R5000 stock t&c aply