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St. Lawrence Church, Wellawatte is a church, located at Galle Road, Colombo 6, 00600 Colombo, Sri Lanka. They can be contacted via phone at 011 2 581549, visit their website www.stlawrenceschurch.org for more detailed information.

Roman Catholic Church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, Patron saint of the City of Colombo

Tags : #CatholicChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
Galle Road, Colombo 6, 00600 Colombo
Added by Jopie, at 09 August 2018


It was during the feast of Epiphany on January 6th that the late Rt Rev Dr.
Masson Archbishop of Colombo inaugurated the new Parish of Wellawatte and named it St Lawrence . Originally a small church was built at Villa Pleasant (later renamed as St Lawrence Road) and a youthful Marian Priest Rev Fr. Robert Fernando OMI was appointed as the first Parish Priest of St Lawrence’s Church. After a short period, he realized that the accommodation is inadequate for the congregation and purchased a spacious land at 375 Galle Road Wellawatte, with the help of the generous parishioners and invited the then Archbishop of Colombo (later Eminence Cardinal) Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Cooray. to lay the foundation stone forthe new church on 17th January, 1954. Fr Robert Fernando laboured for 30 long years from 1938 to 1968, to build the
present magnificent unique hexagon shaped church which can easily be
called as the most beautiful church in Sri Lanka .

The amazing work of art the seven feet crucifix made of cement behind the tabernacle, the beautifully painted Eye which is right above the main alter on the dome reminds us of the “ Eye of God” which is reflected in the chalice of wine at Holy Eucharistic service and the Red light that burns under the main alter signifies the furnace on which St Lawrence was cruelly roasted on a gridiron, the design of wheat and grape wine on the inner walls of the sanctuary and on the communion rails, the olive branch and the gridiron, the symbol of St Lawrence on the inner veranda walls and the angel’s face on all entrance door frames all these wonderful architecture were the brainchild of Fr Robert Fernando.

To protect the spacious churchyard from evil elements, he built an edifice near the main gate entrance and installed Our Lady of Fatima and protected the compound. This church was ceremonially consecrated on 6th March 1968 by late His Eminence Cardinal Cooray OMI. Although Fr Robert who has been referred as a human dynamo, is no more with us, his name is synonymous with the parish of St Lawrence.

Mass Schedule

Daily Masses
6.00 a.m. except on Thursdays
12.10 p.m. except on Sundays and Mondays

Sunday Masses
6.00 a.m. - English
7.30 a.m. - English
10.00 a.m. - Sinhala
11.15 a.m. - Tamil
6.00 p.m. - English

First Friday Masses
6.00 a.m. - English
12.10 p.m. - English
6.15 p.m. - English

Novena Masses
St. Peregrine Novean Mass - Wednesdays at 6.15 p.m.
Infant Jesus Novena Mass - Thursdays at 6.15 p.m.
St. Lawrence Novena Mass - Saturdays at 12.10 p.m.

Masses at St. Anthony's Church - Mayura Place
Tuesdays - 5.45 p.m.
Sundays - 8.45 a.m.

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12 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    01 September 2018

    September 8th Saturday-The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Birth of the Virgin Mary.September 8th Saturday-The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Birth of the Virgin Mary.

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  • Anynomous
    29 August 2018

    August 29th Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

    Beheading of St. John the Baptist

    The Church, having celebrated the earthly birthday of St. John the Baptist on June 24, today honors the anniversary of his martyrdom. Besides our Lord and our Lady, St. John the Baptist is the only one whose birth and death are thus celebrated. Today's Gospel relates the circumstances of his execution. He had the courage to blame Herod to his face for the scandal of his illegal union with his sister-in-law Herodias, whose husband was still alive. Herodias contrived to make Herod imprison him and took advantage of an unexpected opportunity to obtain through her daughter Salome the beheading of the saint.

    According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of St. Sabina. The titular church of St. Sabina of the Aventine is a gem of Christian architecture. It owes its origin to the generosity of a Roman lady of the name of Sabina who gave to the Christian community the house that she possessed in this aristocratic quarter of Rome. The martyrologies also commemorate another St. Sabina who died in Umbria. The identity of name has caused confusion between the two women.

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  • Anynomous
    28 August 2018

    Pray for the Catholic Church

    Luke 6

    22 Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.

    23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.

    26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.

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  • Anynomous
    27 August 2018

    Church Feast

    Gnana Oli 19-08-2018

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  • Anynomous
    23 August 2018

    Month of September Calendar.

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  • Anynomous
    23 August 2018


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  • Anynomous
    22 August 2018

    August 29th Martyrdom of John the Baptist.

    In addition to the feast of the nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24), the Church, since the fourth century, commemorates the martyrdom of Christ's precursor.

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  • Anynomous
    22 August 2018

    August 22nd Feast of the Queenship of Mary or the Coronation of Mary in Heaven.

    Ave, Regina Caelorum

    Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned! Hail, by angels Mistress owned Root of Jesse, Gate of morn, Whence the world's true Light was born.

    Glorious Virgin, joy to thee, Loveliest whom in Heaven they see: Fairest thou where all are fair, Plead with Christ our sins to spare.

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  • Anynomous
    19 August 2018

    Pray five Our Fathers for each of five Sacred Wounds of the crucifix. Pope Francis.

    The Five Sacred Wounds or the Five Precious Wounds are the five piercing wounds Jesus Christ suffered during the crucifixion.

    The five wounds comprised one through each hand or wrist, one through each foot, and one to the chest.

    Two of the wounds were through either his hands or his wrists, where nails were inserted to fix Jesus to the cross-beam of the cross on which he was crucified.

    Two were through the feet where the nail passed through both to the vertical beam.

    The final wound was in the side of Jesus' chest, where, according to the New Testament, his body was pierced by the Holy Lance in order to be sure that he was dead. The Gospel of John states that blood and water poured out of this wound (John 19:34).

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2018

    Let's get together.

    Organized by the Youth of St. Lawrence Church, Wellawatte.

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2018

    Ez 18

    If a man is virtuous—if he does what is right and just, if he does not eat on the mountains, nor raise his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel; if he does not defile his neighbor’s wife, nor have relations with a woman in her menstrual period; if he oppresses no one, gives back the pledge received for a debt, commits no robbery; if he gives food to the hungry and clothes the naked; if he does not lend at interest nor exact usury; if he holds off from evildoing, judges fairly between a man and his opponent; if he lives by my statutes and is careful to observe my ordinances, that man is virtuous—he shall surely live, says the Lord GOD.

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  • Anynomous
    16 August 2018


    August 22 is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary.

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