
Science Society of Dharmaraja College

Kandy, Central Province


The Science Society of Dharmaraja College Kandy is one of the most prestigious clubs in the school. The club is mainly focused on Science related activities and in developing science-based knowledge among students.President - Bimsara WijewanthaSecretary - Senal AbeykoonTreasurer - Jayshan JinasenaVice President - Anuhas HettiarachiVice Secretary - Thenuka WikramasingheEditors - Yasith KanatiwalaAdithya HulangamuwaAshen MunasingheIT Coordinators - Sakith SenevirathneSethum ThennakoonMedia Coordinators - Jayampathy HakamanaNipuna DiasProject Coordinators - Imashe PanditharathneSankajith JinasenaTharusha JayasundaraNulen EkanayakeMaleesha JayasundaraPrabath ThilakarathneSachith WijekoonKavinu PalugaswewaSasindu Gunathilake

Tags : #EducationManagement

Location :
Kandy, Central Province