If you willing to travel by bus, the route number 171(pelawatta-fort) and 163 (Dehiwala-Foreign bureau) are the exact bus routes. You should get down at koswatta junction when travelling on route number 170,190(athurugiriya,meegoda-kotuwa). If it is 174(borella-kottawa) you should get down at palanthuna junction. This is the new place of central environment authority. Beautiful place.
Lot of people come here to get support if anything happens to them related environmental pollution or like that.
This authority has the right to protect violations against environment.
Not bad. Need some documents.
you can get all informations related to environment
Willing to travel by bus route number 171(pelawatta-fort) is the exact bus route. You should get down at koswatta junction when travelling on route number 170,190(athurugiriya,meegoda-kotuwa). If it is 174(borella-kottawa) you should get down at palanthuna junction.
girandurukotte mahaweli gangawe weli jawaramak siduwemin pawathi
There are doubt among most of the people whether the CEA actually looking into the work in their scope always.
Hmm government office