Got many knowledge about planting flowers. Friendly and supportive staff.
Place is known for best curd in the Uva province. Also they offer eggs and other range of products at an affordable price.
It's a marvelous place i have seen. It calming down the mind.
Beautiful location, government agriculture department managing Farm.
Good collection, low in cost
This huge plant nursery is located in Boralanda and managed by a reputed company, Hayleys PLC.
Several export quality hybrid flower plants as well as foliage plants such as Gerberas, Roses, Impatiens, Merigolds, Begonias, Petunia etc obtainable for reasonable prices and vast range of products are available. Highly recommend and worth a visit.
Well managed farm, nice view.
Photos boralanda halis flwes fame
We ca buy any farm product here