
UNISAFE is a reputed supplier of personal protective equipment.Our passion for personal protective equipment, means that we provide our customers nothing but the highest quality of products, that are guaranteed to meet their needs and keep them satisfied and safe at all times!With a motivated team, we strive to be the creative minds that bring a smile to your face. That's why we're always looking for innovative new ways to get the best to you.We are the distributor of leading and reknowned PPE brands such as Mallcom,Tagra,ANSELL,Honeywell etc..to name a few.We are looking forward to supply PPE and occupational health and safety solutions to many industries and companies in Laos aiming to be one of the best provider of personal protective equipment (PPE) and all types of health and safety protection related supplies to all potential industries related to goods manufacturing, construction, mining, production, healthcare and hydropower generation in Laos. A Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is clothing or equipment designed to reduce employee exposure to chemical, biological, and physical hazards when on a worksite. It is used to protect employees when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible to reduce the risks to acceptable levels and is specifically designed to help protect workers against health or safety risks on the jobsite. By wearing the appropriate safety equipment, workers can decrease the number of preventable accidents that occur on jobsites.

Tags : #Retail

Location :
Vientiane, Vientiane Prefecture