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TOM N TOMS Macau is a restaurant, located at Seoul 135-240, South Korea. They can be contacted via phone at +8202-3412-0781-3, visit their website www.tomntoms.com, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

TOM N TOMS COFFEE is a professional coffee franchise brand and an international coffee shop leader which strives to satisfy customer with rich taste and aroma of high quality coffee extracted through its own roasting technology,offering pretzels baked right in the shop, good people and a comfortable atmosphere.TOM N TOMS is a global coffee business with increasing representation in the world such as the United States, Australia, China, Singapore, Thailand and Mongolia. Furthermore, TOM N TOMS Coffee was the first 24-hours cafe in Korea. Other differentiated strategy in Korea included Valet Parking and offering business meeting room to our customers. TOM N TOMS為韓國本土咖啡連鎖品牌,2001年在首爾江南開設第一家分店,目前在韓國有400多家分店,並持續成長中,在美國,澳洲,泰國,新加坡等國家有20多家分店,近年晉身為國際性咖啡品牌。品牌採用大眾耳熟能詳的名字"TOM",目的是希望拉近人與人的距離,在咖啡香氣與美食的縈繞下,創造出一個放鬆身心的文化空間。TOM N TOMS在京畿道南揚州市擁有自營烘培工廠,從咖啡原豆進口至生產過程全程監督,使用最新鮮的原豆,為顧客提供最新鮮香醇的咖啡美味。TOM N TOMS不只提供咖啡,還提供男女老少皆喜愛的各式飲品及點心,包括招牌蝴蝶卷餅,蜂蜜奶油吐司等,因此TOMS N TOMS在韓國享有美味咖啡店的美名。TOM N TOMS更是首開咖啡業界先例,所有蝴蝶卷餅以及蜂蜜奶油吐司皆採現點現做,直接現場料理。TOM NTOMS是韓國首創24小時營業的咖啡店。24小時營業的TOM N TOMS不僅是夜貓族的好去處,也是學習,休憩的休閒場所,讓顧客隨時隨地都能享有屬於自己的休憩交流。至2013年,TOM N TOMS在韓國共有400多家分店,在美國Los Angeles,澳洲雪梨,泰國曼谷,新加坡等海外地區也有20多家分店。TOM N TOMS成功進軍海外市場,以美國,泰國為主力市場,海外分店數逐年成長中。2009年起從澳洲雪梨店開始,陸續在泰國,新加坡等地區開設分店。TOMN TOMS身為韓國本土咖啡連鎖業龍頭企業,未來更期望成為世界性的知名咖啡品牌。

Tags : #Restaurants

Location :
Seoul 135-240
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


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