マイン美容外科は美容外科、皮膚科、幹細胞研究所、コスメティックで、 構成された統合ビューティーメディカルセンターで、大学病院レベルの医療設備と 患者様一人一人に合わせた診療を行っております。 マイン美容外科は今後もたゆまぬ研究と努力で患者様の満足のためにレベルの高い医療 サービスを提供いたします。. [read more]
MINE Plastic Surgery Clinic provides the best and affordable Best Plastic Surgery Hospital in Korea. With special care and through the latest medical techniques, the MINE Plastic Surgery Clinic.. [read more]
AB's trustworthy like a family and we treat our patients like our family. AB will find the safest and most suitable beauty for you. A medical team that treats patients with warmth and.. [read more]
Healing art only for you, we can find our beauty at Wonderful Plastic Surgery. . [read more]
One stap Care: Metaboic,Endo,Cardio,Functional,Nutrialo,Aestheetic,Clinic. [read more]
Our goal is to connect members from our different regional chapters (Asia, Canada, Europe, Korea, Oceania, South Africa, South America, United States) through global outreach programs and to.. [read more]
VFAK - Vietnam Football Association in Korea is a hospital, located at Seoul. [read more]
PRS Soon Plus Plastic Surgery always aims to remain vigilant and provides the latest therapies to its patients. Their team comprises talented doctors who are all members of the most.. [read more]
Rhinoplasty Korea explain easily the concept, techniques, result, complication, and considering points of rhinoplasty, Asian rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, functional rhinoplasty, and.. [read more]
Prescribed is revolutionizing doctor-patient communication by fostering health literacy. We're alleviating the burden of repetitive explanations from doctors by allowing them to.. [read more]
동네 병원 정보 플랫폼 오픈닥터를 운영하고 있습니다. . [read more]
With firm trust and technology, Medical Standard is a professional company providingPACS and Tele-radiology solutions as PACSPLUS. Founded by a radiologist and a bioengineer,Medical Standard.. [read more]
We are a private EMS vehicle platform specializing in hospital to hospital transfers & providing mobile health solutions through streamlined services with enhanced efficiency, accuracy.. [read more]
2013년에 설립한 청담동에 위치한 병원입니다. . [read more]
SkinexAI-based Diagnostic Assistive DeviceLime Team…A global telemedicine system that constructed a convenient cooperationsystem between domestic telemedicine centers, foreign hospitals.. [read more]
나는 누구일까? 그리고 무엇을 하려는 것일까?일을 시작하거나 어려움이 있을 때 스스로에게 던지곤 하는 질문 입니다. 스스로의 답으로.. [read more]
LIFE CARE WITH BETTER SLEEPGLOBAL LEADER OF CUSTOMER SLEEP MEDICINE RESEARCHClionic Lifecare Clinic is the first and the only primary care clinic with sleep-tech research-oriented medical institution. [read more]
CliPS is a hospital, located at Seoul. [read more]
(주)에이치피앤씨는 Global Best Skin Health Care Company를 비전으로 모든 사람의 건강과 아름다움을 추구합니다. 감염관리제품, 의약품, 의약외품, 의료기기, 화장품 등을 제조하는 전문기업으로서 오송바이오밸리 내 제조시설을 CGMP, KGMP, ISO 22716 규격에 따라 관리하고 있습니다. [read more]
The Yonsei University Health System (YUHS) was founded in 1885 by Dr. H. N. Allen, the American medical missionary, as the first modern medical institution in South Korea. [read more]
Algorithms protect you. [read more]
Wooridul Spine Hospital is the first spine specialty hospital in Korea and has 40 years of experience with worldwide recognition for excellence in the spine care field. [read more]
VIP International Plastic Surgery Center is a leading clinic in the cosmetic surgery industry in South Korea. Dr. Myung Ju Lee, our chief plastic surgeon, is a prominent board-certified.. [read more]
Finally, our website is open now!University Industry Foundation, Yonsei University Health System(UIF-YUHS) has just established a new website to promote and introduce our medical technologies. [read more]
The Medical Imaging & Informatics Lab (MiiLab) deals with the tools and technologies of Extended Reality (AR/VR/MR) and Machine Learning (AI) that enhance the understanding,.. [read more]
Designing better senior life: health, wealth and community. . [read more]
Toxme's "Korean Stewardesses Injection'' is a Trademark registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office, according to the Trademark Act. All procedures in Toxme are performed by.. [read more]
We're a telemedicine startup unlocking block-chain technology to help cancer patients connect with doctors across the globe for a second opinion. . [read more]
Oracle Medical Group is Asia's largest healthcare group with over 70 networks of clinics in Korea and overseas. In addition, we export the advanced medical system and the beauty of Korea.. [read more]
NU Plastic Surgery in SEOUL. [read more]
The spine center, joint center, non-surgical treatment center, and the internal medicine department at Nanoori Hospital always cooperate to provide the best-suited treatment for each patient. [read more]
National Institute of Dementia. [read more]
medwander is the most advanced and all-inclusive medical tourism platform that helps patients find the best hospital, doctor, and treatment around the world at the cheapest cost, complete.. [read more]
한의계의 새로운 흐름을 만드는 '메디스트림'메디스트림은 한의사분들이 진료에만 온전히 집중할 수 있도록, 프랜차이즈 한의원과 동일한.. [read more]
모도리씨는 COVID-19 정성 측정 키트 및 체외 진단기기 제조사인 수젠텍(Sugentech)의 자회사로서, IT 분야 전문 기술진과 수젠텍 진단 연구소의 노하우가 융 · 복합 된 글로벌 헬스케어 플랫폼을 구축하고 있습니다. . [read more]
Medility is a pharma tech startup, providing an innovative solution for any type of healthcare, regardless of size and location. Founded by a pharmacist with over 10 years of experience running.. [read more]