클라우드젠은 Microsoft Azure 기반의 클라우드 컨설팅, 구축, 마이그레이션, 매니지드 서비스 제공 기업 제니스앤컴퍼니의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 전문 브랜드로, CLOUD EXCELLENCE와 ROBUST TECHNOLOGY를 표방합니다. . [read more]
▶ 작당모의 소개세상을 바꾸는 즐거운 상상을 하는 사람들이 모여 '작당모의'를 시작했습니다. 그렇게 탄생한 서비스가 바로 '잼페이스'입니다... [read more]
ZPZG offers chatbot service and pyeongchang winter olympics artificial intelligence service. . [read more]
Optimize the Movement / Communication & Cooperation of people and machines in Real-time with RTLS. [read more]
ZENIEL provides outsourcing solutions to banks, financial firms, hospitals, public enterprises, and corporations. . [read more]
Zero Space delivers brand strategy consulting, logos, products, and offline space design. . [read more]
국책 프로젝트에 프리랜서나 정규직 인력을 도급하는 HR 회사 입니다. 업로드 되는 프로젝트를 보시고 연락 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 메제시로 제안 받으신 분은 010 7477 6938 로 전화 주시기 바랍니다. . [read more]
We are the leading and comprehensive online destination for the latest entertainment from the Korean Peninsula. . [read more]
Mindfulness Training & Balanced Lifestyle Training, Coaching and Consultancy. Includes access to live 1:1 and group programs and support via trusted digital learning platforms and apps. [read more]
ZESQ is the provider of software testing service, quality consulting, test software development services. . [read more]
zettamedia is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Zephyrus Lab is the top-tier sustainable corporate value creator in Korea providing acceleration platform, and start-up consultancy. Firm's core value is to contribute to society by fostering.. [read more]
Zaktan is a custom picture books publisher for school, nursery school and kindergarten. . [read more]
ZiPIDA provides solutions on artificial intelligence systems and big data visualization. . [read more]
Zamong provides media & news, advertising, and marketing services. . [read more]
Zetalux System offers a cloud-based total space information solution, and an intelligent urban railway operation program. . [read more]
Z E R O TO K O R E A 🇰🇷Everything about Korea ✨K-music & K-culture community. Honorary Reporters of Korea 🏅𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞? Give us a follow!. [read more]
Zaigle manufactures household cooking appliances with products that include oven range, frying pan, and grill. . [read more]
Zeronsoft N provides a PC management automation solution technologythat securely manages customer data. We strive for customer satisfaction and value to reduce costs and increase efficiency. [read more]
Better choice for changers. [read more]
Ziosoft Inc. is one of the leading experts in providing various IT related services including IP Phone systems, software development and consultation services for call centers based in.. [read more]
Z. Ai는 누구보다 합리적인 가격으로쉽고 빠른 개인화 추천 알고리즘과 더불어 개인화에 대한 컨설팅을 제공합니다. . [read more]
Zeus Capital SK is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
We offer a wearable-based pet heart failure management platform, Dolittle. 6 out of 10 older pets suffer from heart disease. Accurate heart monitoring can improve their health and prolong their life. [read more]
• 집뷰(ZipView)는 부동산의 분양판매부터 중개, 임대, 관리, 주거서비스 등의 전(全) 단계에서 첨단기술을 활용하여 언제 어디서나 쉽게, 편리하게, 안전하게 원스톱 부동산 중개 서비스를 제공합니다. . [read more]
G-Bike is a South Korea-based automotive company that designs, manufactures, and distributes electric scooters. . [read more]
We are helping entrepreneurs, founders, and early-stage teams to build companies from Zero to One. - Startup Acceleration | IR Consulting | StartUp Incubation | ISO Audit | Venture Capital.. [read more]
Zepetto is a premier game developer from Korea. Since 2003, Zepetto has been delivering interactive games on consoles, PC's, and mobile devices. Today, Zepetto's success resonates beyond 108.. [read more]
Headquartered in Seoul, Korea, Ziglar is a new leader in the retail market, providing end-to-end solutions for sales and barcode solutions. Sales systems, touch screens, receipt printers,.. [read more]
크로키닷컴이 운영하고 있는 여성 쇼핑몰 모음 앱 '지그재그'는 온라인 쇼핑에서 구매자가 원하는 상품, 판매자가 원하는 고객 연결에 초점을 두고 있습니다. 2015년 런칭한 '지그재그'는 MAU 300만, 2,800만 다운로드, 한 해 매출 300억원, 누적 거래액 2조 4000억원을 달성하며 국내 여성 쇼핑 앱 분야에서 1위라는 성과를 유지해오고 있습니다. [read more]
Zigzag is a mobile application that offers store ranking information, products integrated searches and fashion trends for women. . [read more]
ZUNGLE began with the simplest idea: "Creating a wearable device that is actually WEARABLE. " ZUNGLE tries to innovate and lead the market by redefining the existing wearable devices. [read more]
ZISHEL is more than a life company - it is a global enterprise to provide comprehensive care for people's lives and lifestyles. ZISHEL GROUP is established to R&D and not a manufacturing.. [read more]
Zenith Media Contents has great vision of leading future entertainment industry by global exchange of various contents and spreading korean culture to the world. [read more]
Zebra Investment Management (ZIM) is the first independent investment firm in Korea dedicated to taking active measures in the value unlocking of fundamentally mispriced companies. [read more]
Zalesia Inc. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]