빅피쉬벤처스는 해외직구의 복잡함/불편함을 해결하고자 합니다. 해외직구는 왜 항상 복잡하고 불편할까요?국경이라는 물리적인 장애물을.. [read more]
We provide marketing promotion and management, targeting the investors worldwide. The successful ICO projects include: TBIS (Raised $35 Million), Vice ($25 mil), Electroneum ($40 mil), Hero.. [read more]
Bosung Corporation provides total solutions with unique and innovative ideas, including property development, investment, management and consultation. [read more]
Established as a non-profit organization in 1992, the BKBF is a forum for Belgians, Koreans, and other nationals in Korea wishing to do business with Belgium. [read more]
Orange Square is a fast-growing, unique Travel Fintech startup based in Korea, with a mission to make payment easy for foreign travelers visiting Korea. [read more]
Briana is an online shop for women's shoes. . [read more]
Blue Night Corp is the creator behind Albam, an all in one Human Resource solution system that allows you to manage and centralize every aspect of your staffing needs, from attendance to.. [read more]
We help ICOs get started, Reach their funding goals and Setup a sold investment community in Korea. [A leading token expert specialized in a digital marketing. [read more]
Provides software solutions combined with AI and blockchain technology. . [read more]
Planning to stay in Korea? Studying abroad? Immigration?Employment? Marriage? Business?If you are deciding to stay in Korea for a period of time, you need sets of certificates! Concerning.. [read more]
BigHits. Com, Inc. is a music company based out of 316 Pineridge Street East, Mandeville, Louisiana, United States. . [read more]
포르쉐부터 벤츠까지 타고 싶은 수입차를 자유롭게 바꿔타며 모두 경험하세요!- 무조건 2년 이내의 새차처럼 관리된 차량만 제공 해드려요. - 앱을 통해 쉽고 간편하게 타고 싶은 수입차로 바꿔타세요. - 자동차가 필요한 순간이라면 언제든지, 원하는 만큼 자유롭게 이용하세요. [read more]
"A way to billiards""당구인을 위한 앱, 비쿠"주식회사 반비는 당구 스포츠 문화의 저변 확대 및 발전에 기여하는 소프트웨어 플랫폼 "비쿠"를 개발.. [read more]
We are a South Korea based team who seeks to develop community of people and firms who take particular interest in how Blockchain can be used for social impact. [read more]
CTKCLIP | Digital Cosmetics Development Platform. The biggest beauty network connecting B2B players to develop and launch killer products. You can now grow an idea to a product ready to sell, in.. [read more]
BLKASHED was established in January 1, 2015 aiming to be one of the top street brand in Seoul, Korea. BLKASHED demonstrated diversity and lifestyle of the people who are engaged in music and.. [read more]
BeNative® is revolutionizing the education industry by combining gamification, amazing content, and our patent-pending cash reward system. Millions around the world are being motivated to learn.. [read more]
For over 30 years, Cheryong has manufactured different types of transformers and switchgears. We are based in Korea; head office in Seoul and our factory in Daejeon. [read more]
원두 맞춤 구독 서비스 코케 그리고 납품 원두 직거래 플랫폼 코케비즈를 운영하고 있습니다. . [read more]
Castweet is a multi-broadcast or live-streaming platform that allows both viewers and users to gain from participation on the platform. By rewarding users with CTT (Castweet tokens) based on.. [read more]
Cort has been a guitar-making brand for more than 50 years with an unabated passion for the guitar. Based on long-standing guitar production knowledge, experience, and faith in quality and value,.. [read more]
OLIVE YOUNG introduced the first Korean health and beauty store in 1999, with the opening of the first store. Since then, OLIVE YOUNG has led the market as the first and the best. [read more]
CollaboHQ Branding Agency is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Blockchain Based Video Streaming Platform owned by users. Earn Coins by creating! Earn Coins by enhancing! Earn Coins by watching!In the Chainflix platform, coins are to be mined during.. [read more]
CS techplus is a Korea exhibition stand design and build contractor. CS techplus is a Korean company which provides free exhibition design services and quotation for custom built exhibition stands. [read more]
In 2001, We were beginning as a Korea branch office of Wings Logistics Group, and then we changed our name to CMT Global on November, 2010. We have rapidly grown and carried seasonal cargo.. [read more]
Horizon Technologies Inc deals with revolutionary technologies including machine learning and AI that create reliable financial indices based on quantitative analysis in order to help.. [read more]
CONCAT Inc. is a data intelligence company based in Seoul, Korea. . [read more]
‘캐치잇 잉글리시(Catch It English)' 개발 및 서비스사인 캐치잇 플레이는 게임을 하나의 도구로 인식하고, 게임이 아닌 분야에서 게임의 몰입을 만들어 내는 회사입니다. 업계에서 다양한 경험을 쌓은 게임 개발자 및 교육 전문가들이 각자의 노하우를 결집하여, 게임의 재미와 학습효과를 동시에 지향하는 언어학습 플랫폼을 만들어 가고 있습니다. [read more]
Develops MMORPG and turn-based shooting games. [read more]
씨앤에이글로벌은 '브랜드 인셉션 컴퍼니' 입니다. 신규 브랜드를 발굴하거나 기존 브랜드를 인큐베이팅 하여 '지속성장이 가능한 브랜드' 가 될 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 더불어 고객사에게는 브랜드의 아이덴티티가 손상되지 않도록 브랜드의 모든 과정을 운영/관리하는 All-in-One system 을 제공하고 있습니다. [read more]
ClariPi is an AI company that offers innovative medical imaging solutions through deep-learning and AI technology to change the standards of patient safety, making it our number one priority.. [read more]
A style rating app, made for those who don't know how to dress but want to learn. Increase your style by posting pictures of your outfit, rating others and receiving your own ratings back. [read more]
Canopus is a goal-oriented company that connects all the lifestyle with beauty. Everybody's perspective on beauty is different and less communication will lead to more discrimination. [read more]
The CNGC Intro : The Center for Next Generation Cytometry ( CNGC ) was established in Nov. 2017, based on the collaborative research activities between Hanyang University and Yonsei.. [read more]
The Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) is a global research center of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), and QNS is located in Ewha Womans University. [read more]