KOKAMDO DESIGN is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
KOMMON is the only newsletter written by Koreans for foreigners. Get in-depth coverage of Korean social issues, culture, and news. . [read more]
[사업분야]1. 일자리 창출사업으로 양방향 동영상 공공정보 서비스 운영 사업2. 지역 국민건강 보혐료 인하 대국민 활동 사업3. 은퇴자 및 퇴직 예정자를 위한 전직지원 교육센터 운영사업4. 지역 지자체 도시민 유치 지원사업 및 귀농귀촌 정책 지원 사업5. 기존 회원 관리 사업으로는 꽃사업 및 건물관리 운영사업. [read more]
KNX: The global standard for integrated & future-proof solutions for Smart home and Smart building. . [read more]
The Best A Level school in Korea. [read more]
First complete gear and cam solution directly integrated in your CAD, simple to use and sustained by a huge amount of work and continuous development. [read more]
Kembla: A FinTech Podcast brings the listeners all things FinTech and Entrepreneurship in five(5) categories. Kembla Trio presents personal finance tips, FinTech market trends, nitty-gritty of.. [read more]
With over 15 years of experience in the field of education, our team of educational consultants has worked with families to create a customized and personal timeline for each student. [read more]
We offer exciting opportunities including internships, volunteer work and working holiday programs to Korean students and graduates so they can refine their skills and prepare them for their.. [read more]
As a non-profit corporation that promotes public interest, KCGS establishes and revises important codes of practice for the development of the Korean capital markets, and carries out ESG.. [read more]
- Needed a key contact point until your biz being established?- Do you have any questions or doubts in the Korea market?- Needed a good reliable biz partner or supplier?- Market / Partner.. [read more]
Center for H&T Analytics. [read more]
Korea Data Agency is a company, located at Seoul 100-110. They can be contacted via phone at +8202-3708-5300 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Korea Investment Private Equity (KIPE) is a private equity firm wholly owned by Korea Investment Holdings (KIH), one of the largest financial holding companies in Korea. [read more]
KIMA Indonesia Chairman: Dibangun DarmonoKIMA Korea President: Ki-Chan Kim The business partnership program, connecting Korean and Indonesian visionaries in the industries. [read more]
The KICPA was established in 1954 by what is now known as the CPA Act, with the purpose to heighten morality, improve or develop the functions of CPAs and instruct or supervise its members. [read more]
The Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade is Korea's only national policy research institution that specializes in studying the nexus where global trade and industry intersect. [read more]
Being the one and only credit rating agency listed on KOSDAQ, Korea Ratings has provided valuable information and knowledge since the establishment in 1983. [read more]
Korean Skating Union is a company, located at Seoul 138-151. [read more]
Kakao M offers talent acquisition, music production, event management, concert production and music publishing services. . [read more]
We provide solutions for your marketing needs through insightful analysis of your company / brand / customer, innovative planning optimized for digital, trend-ahead marketing programs,.. [read more]
No. 1 K-Concert Live Streaming Platform. [read more]
KT&G Sangsangmadang is a company, located at Seoul 150-010. They can be contacted via phone at +82(041) 734-6984 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We are a consultancy specializing in software development and bridging the market between Vietnam and Korea. [read more]
Kore Gezisi is digital content startup about Korean travel and entertainment. We wanted to create a source of information and entertainment that people could rely on, and give to them.. [read more]
스크린골프 가격, 시설, 위치 생생한 정보를 한눈에 확인하고 간편하게 예약하자!. [read more]
Korea Christian University is a company, located at Seoul 157-010. [read more]
Kids Note is an application that allows parents to know about meal plans and child care solutions. . [read more]
구직자들은 원하는 처우와 기업을 찾기 위해 긴 시간과 노력, 재직중인 회사의 눈치 등 많은 곳에서 어려움이 발생합니다. 이러한 어려움들은 구직자를 소극적으로 만들고, 이는 기업의 채용을 어렵게 하는 문제점으로도 작용합니다. 팀 크로우는 이런 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 서비스를 만들고 있습니다. [read more]
KHOP Entertainment LLC is a Seoul-based studio producing movies and music, using its proprietary Über Reality® theater to invite the global public to participate in it stories. [read more]
KPX Life Science Co. , Ltd. - Produces advanced intermediates & specialty chemicals- Specialized in Phosgenation, Hydrogenation, Halogenation & Hydride reduction- CMO & CDMO services for APIs-.. [read more]
Kompanion Digital provides WordPress maintenance services. . [read more]
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나이트프랭크는 1896년 영국 런던에서 설립된 전 세계 최대 규모의 비상장 종합 부동산 컨설팅 그룹으로, 지난 126년간 쌓은 노하우를 바탕으로 상업용과 주거용을 아우르는 모든 부동산 영역에서 전문적인 자문을 수행해 오고 있습니다. . [read more]
The KATUSA Veterans Association (KVA) is an organization of former KATUSA. . [read more]