Kolon Water & Energy is a provider of livestock wastewater processing, sewage treatment, environmental related audit and consulting services. . [read more]
대한민국 최상위 MSP 사업자인 메가존이 K〮Cloud 파트너들과 함께 All IT 클라우드 서비스로 IT 비즈니스에 필요한 컨설팅, 구축, 운영 및 글로벌 마케팅 등의 서비스를 제공합니다. . [read more]
감정평가. [read more]
keukey is providing the best solutions to text input problems via diverse and convenient text input technology, and is enabling the best and the most user-friendly typing experience in the.. [read more]
Modern HighTech engages in the exporting of fashion designing software solutions. . [read more]
Minimalist Aesthetic Street Trends, Ergo Fashion. MASTEF was founded in Madison, Wi (USA) in 2017 by Samuel Han and Leslie Lo. They developed the concept for Mastef - a combination of two.. [read more]
KoreaPEN is the Korean CO(Central Office) of PEN Worldwide. www. penworldwide. org KoreaPEN sets up Practice Enterprise, so called Virtual Enterprise, Practice Firm, and helps to start PEs in.. [read more]
MAKE UP :PAL is an online platform for cosmetic products. . [read more]
Mile Unity Foundation is a company, located at Seoul 135-080. [read more]
Mickey Global Business is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Tani by Minetani is a unique jewelry brand whose designs are appreciated by a multi-generational clientele. Such phenomenon supports the spirit of our brand, which represents women who are trendy.. [read more]
우리는 자율주행차를 위한 고정밀지도와 SW 핵심기술을 개발합니다. 우리는 미래 자동차 서비스를 위한 GIS 플랫폼 기반 실시간 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리는 아틀란(ATLAN) 내비게이션 SW를 개발하고 서비스합니다. 우리는 딥러닝 영상인식, AI 기반의 차세대 안내 등 신사업 혁신 분야를 연구합니다. [read more]
초고화질 프리미엄 영상 플랫폼 키컷스톡. [read more]
머크는 역동적인 과학 기술 기업입니다. 머크는 일렉트로닉스, 헬스케어, 라이프사이언스 총 3개의 비즈니스 섹터를 운영 중이며, 66개 나라에서 비즈니스 활동을 펼치고 있습니다. . [read more]
Mocoplex, Inc. ,(모코플렉스) founded by CEO Nara Park in 2011, is a Korean mobile advertising platform start up. The company developed and released ‘adlib’, mobile ad platform which.. [read more]
MediaMuse is an internet broadcasting production company. . [read more]
Record label and talent agency connecting the world Instagram @MONSTER. ENTERTAINMENT Twitter @MONSTERGRP. [read more]
Medy-Tox is a biopharmaceutical company that manufactures injectable botulinum toxin type A with the same quality to Allergan's Botox, but with more economical price of that. [read more]
Milestone Ventures & Consulting is a company, located at Seoul 135-080. [read more]
M-Venture Investment, Inc. is a global pioneering venture capital firm specializing in investments in small and medium-sized enterprises at the startup stage. [read more]
미디어 커머스 기업\미디어에서 커머스의 가치를 창출하는 플랫폼을 지향합니다. \Tag TV (KT 94번), Tingle(마케팅 플랫폼), TingleMall(커머스 플랫폼)을 자체 보유하고 있습니다. \지상파 방송사, 네이버, 삼성, KT 등 미디어 관련 주요 플랫폼 사와 협업하며 미디어 커머스 산업의 성공 케이스들을 만들어가고 있습니다. [read more]
With over 20 years of experience in the software industry, Miracom Inc. has acquired a deep understanding of the MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) industry. [read more]
ML Tech Co. , LTD. refuses to be a simple digital storage media manufacturer. All the products of ML Tech Co. , LTD. have ML's spirit. The hidden ML Tech's spirit is "consumer oriented spirit".. [read more]
2001년 설립되어 현재까지 국내 상용차 시장에서 꾸준히 경쟁력을 높이며 시장 점유율을 넓혀가고 있는 만 트럭버스 코리아㈜는 회사를.. [read more]
M2Block is a company, located at Seoul 157-201. [read more]
By giving the automobiles and digital devices intelligent lives to communicate with us and turning them into objects of desire, we reinvent vehicles and digital devices – from tedious.. [read more]
Mynavi KOREA Corporation is a company, located at Seoul. They can be contacted via phone at 02-6000-0323 for more detailed information. . [read more]
LUVANC露滼国际于2005年成立,拥有16年以上历史的CHOICE COSMETIC工厂, 不仅是🇰🇷韩国第一大喷雾品牌"GROUND PLAN"的工厂, 还有AAA等的代表品牌。此外,许多专利和优秀的技术得到认可,主要研发了皮肤护理品牌的产品。. [read more]
노화에 따른 근골격 질환, 특히 퇴행성 관절염 문제를 풀고자, Science 기반 진단/치료를 혁신합니다. . [read more]
Documentary photography is similar to creating a time capsule. A moment in time seen through the photographer's lens and captured for a family to treasure forever. [read more]
A Korean company with a unique position in the Global Kids market. . [read more]
LOOKS & MEII Cosmetics"Inner and outer beauty that coexists beautifully for all"Looks & Meii Cosmetics strongly believe that the true beauty is created from both inside and outside. [read more]
기술과 의료현장의 연결고리, 링크솔루텍. [read more]
LG Challengers is an online channel where college students explore their hidden capabilities and dreams. . [read more]
Little Home is an online media to share parenting information for sensible mothers and fathers. . [read more]
"Keeping Livestock Healthy, Making Human Lives Healthier"[* Korean text given below *]Since October 2012, LiveCare is an IoT specialized company based in South Korea. [read more]