We are a private practice dedicated to psychological evaluations, psychotherapy, and executive function coaching in South Korea and online. We offer services in English and Korean. [read more]
OCI Corporation("OCIC") is a well-established trading company based in Seoul, Korea. OCIC's business includes export, import, and local distribution of chemicals and chemical-related products.. [read more]
Korean Society of Feline Medicine is a society of veterinarians who love cats and practice veterinary medicine mainly on cats. . [read more]
"We are a government-funded research institute that addresses a wide range of defense issues concerning the Korean Peninsula. KIDA has actively assisted defense policymakers since its.. [read more]
금융투자상품, 비시장성 지분증권 및 대체투자자산평가, IFRS관련사업, 컨설팅 사업 등을 중심으로 다양한 금융 관련 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. . [read more]
KOREA NATIONAL PENSION SERVICE is an investment banking company based out of 7-16 SHINCHEON-DONG SONGPA-GU, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea. . [read more]
Korean Association of Skin Analysis and Analytics is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Korea Eundan Co. , Ltd. was established in 1946. Since then, it has been producing high quality vitamins and breath refresheners, and its 1,000mg vitamin c tablet is currently the no. [read more]
JCS imports and supplies products represented by unrivaled technology and sensuous design in line with the situation where video conferencing and hybrid work environments are becoming the new normal. [read more]
We are a pharmaceutical Company in import and distributions in Korea. We have been business for over 44 years. . . We are Window for getting into Korean market. [read more]
Lee International was founded in 1961 as one of the first intellectual property law practices in Korea. Over the past 50 years, Lee International has grown into a full service law firm with a.. [read more]
LS ITC is an IT Service company which belonging to LS Group. The main business areas are the System Integration services that build & operate the essential system (ERP, MES, PLM, etc. [read more]
Since our founding in 1959, we have steadfastly sought technological excellence and management innovation to make our customers' dreams come true. In addition to residential building.. [read more]
LG Electronics focuses on developing new innovations across Business and being a total business solution provider. As a technical expert, we are committed to providing business IT products.. [read more]
About L&K BiomedAs stated by the name Learning & Knowledge Biomed, L&K Biomed practically applies knowledge accumulated from clinical experience, research and development in the field of.. [read more]
OpenchainGlobal is a Blockchain Foundation. [read more]
Linkflow develops and manufactures omnidirectional body cameras and wearable devices for individuals and businesses. . [read more]
JW Shinyak Corp is a company engaged in the manufacture and distribution of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, toners and lotions. Products include antibiotics, anesthetics, respiratory remedies,.. [read more]
Korea First Data Systems Co. Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Korea Institute of Patent Information (KIPI) is an affiliated public institute founded by the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), which has been designated as a specialized.. [read more]
OWiN is the world's first commercialized platform for connected car commerce. OWiN's micro-location technology and network of service merchants provides drivers who are on-the-go with a seamless.. [read more]
Korea Credit Bureau is a company, located at Seoul 110-470. They can be contacted via phone at 82 2 708 6000 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Latis Global Communications works with over 1,000 big and small businesses to bring their products and services to a global audience. We deliver comprehensive writing, translation, and.. [read more]
LingoSpace is the ultimate translation tool and workspace for translators. It increases the speed and accuracy of translations by giving instant access to dictionary results and a global database.. [read more]
케첨은 창의적인 역량을 바탕으로 클라이언트의 비즈니스에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 함께 성장할 수 있도록 적극적, 선제적으로 컨설팅을 제공하는 미래형 컨설턴시로 진화하고 있습니다. 케첨이 속해 있는 Omnicom Group은 PR, 광고, 미디어 서비스, 브랜드 컨설팅 부문에서 글로벌 시장을 선도하는 여러 에이전시를 보유한 종합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 기업입니다. [read more]
Naumed Inc. is a medical device company which focus pulmonary and thoracic disease in South Korea. Our job is to import and supply medical devices to hospitals and dealers. [read more]
We are "Kitchen Standard" and we establish a new standard for better taste. We just finished pre-Series A funding on September, 2021. We bridge the gap between Delivery Order Platform like Uber.. [read more]
Onsquare is developer and service provider of Soundcorset, musicians best toolset. . [read more]
Openvacs Co,. ltd is a company, located at 서울특별시 100-120. They can be contacted via phone at +82 2-1600-0546 for more detailed information. . [read more]
OKCOIN은 전세계에서 가장 유명한 암호화폐 및 디지털 자산 거래 플랫폼입니다. 미국연방준비은행, 알리바바, 텐센트, 화웨이, VISA 등.. [read more]
We make A-grade star ingredients products, using clean and effective formulas emphasizing paired-down, easy-to-use skincare that makes skin feels good. [read more]
NATGames. Co. , Ltd is a company, located at Seoul 06267. They can be contacted via phone at +8202-6421-7777 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Nuvent inc. is a company based out of South Korea. We develops and operates services and engines that lead the digital transformation of offline stores. [read more]
니어브레인은 AI 기반 예측기술로 새로운 디지털 헬스케어의 패러다임을 창조합니다. We revolutionize healthcare industry with predictive models based on AI technology. . [read more]
NFTBank Ventures is a company, located at Seoul 120-180. [read more]
정보통신산업의 동향이 궁금한데 정보찾기가 너무 힘드시죠?해외ICT 관련 정보를 가장 빠르고, 정확하게 제공하는 글로벌ICT포털(GIP)이 있습니다. . [read more]