THE NEW MEDIUM IS NOT A MEDIA. THAT BECOMES object, space, memory and finally; ourselves. . [read more]
부동산에 블록체인 기술을 적용하고, 빅데이터·인공지능을 융복합하여 부동산 시장에 혁신을 더하는 차세대 프롭테크를 구현합니다. . [read more]
We help local businesses and distributors expand their portfolio products and revenues, bringing the excellence of Korean biotech to all the world's people. [read more]
Nose On Sight aims to create a sense of art that encompasses sight and scent. It is a brand that pursues small happiness that enhances the quality of life by producing design products that.. [read more]
나누미 추천 깨끗한 토토사이트 안전놀이터 안전공원의 메이저사이트 먹튀검증 완료된 메이저급.. [read more]
NOWED is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Neos Consuting Group is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Digital Ad & Content Creation StudioIMC / Film / Print / Web / Mobile / SNS / NFT. [read more]
Nutrients is a growing startup in Korea focused on providing personally curated health information and products for our customers. We aim to provide an effective service that allows our customers.. [read more]
Nogae trading is the merger of an import-export consulting agency based in Seoul, South Korean and Nogae group, a french company with expertise on digital marketing in various regions of.. [read more]
Nam & Partners is a consulting firm dedicated to delivering premier consulting services in accordance with the highest personal, ethical and professional practice standards. [read more]
NEXEN is the first company to ever manufacture tires in Korea. With its start as Heung-ah Tire Industry in 1968, NEXEN later evolved in the 80s and 90s to become a company possessing.. [read more]
‘국내 1위' HR 에이전시 NHRNHR은 클라이언트만의 자기다움을 보여줄 수 있는 가장 성공적인 경험을 제공합니다. 유기적으로 연결된 NHR만의 솔루션으로 클라이언트의 HR 전 과정의 가치를 높이고 경쟁력 있는 HR브랜딩을 구현합니다. . [read more]
1. As a leather garment manufacturing in the form of OEM/ODM. 2. Brand business "Oryany' (Brand ownership holder) in global market3. Brother company - OK World (Sourcing expert company). [read more]
The annual symposium is composed of 6 regional divisions encompassing the entirety of the Republic of Korea: 3 Seoul Capital divisions, Chungcheong division, Yeongnam division, and the.. [read more]
New Life Care-giving Academy is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
NextStep Consulting is an education consulting firm aimed to help college students find schools that "fit" and advise them through the transfer process. [read more]
Professional Search Firm for Insurance Industry. [read more]
We NT Block are a company that practices marketing both on cryptocurrency and blockchains. It is true that numerous marketing companies seek for opportunities to take part in the blockchain.. [read more]
Nano Climate & Weather. [read more]
An educational consultancy, document processing and translation/ legalization service provider. [read more]
Hello, thank you for your interest in North Korea Review. Jointly edited by the Institute for North Korean Studies, University of Detroit Mercy and the Institute for North Korean Studies,.. [read more]
THE WORLD'S FIRST COMMERCIAL SERVICE AND SOLE PROVIDER OF REAL NAME DOMAINWe name everyone and everything in the internet and provide user convenience and business efficiency all around the.. [read more]
NOIR 느와는 컨템포러리 캐쥬얼 여성복 브랜드 입니다. 미니멀한 디자인을 기반으로 소재들의 재미있는 결합과 독특한 패턴을 통해 매 시즌.. [read more]
네오스테이션은 엔터테인먼트 미디어 컨텐츠 플랫폼 '와플'(wafle. me)을 서비스하는 회사입니다. [read more]
Exclusive InformationAccess To Research On Extensive Deep Blockchain Business Adoption Benchmark Cases→ Know what is being done from global peer companies with high quality research.. [read more]
NEG is a copyright management and online content distribution company in South Korea. . [read more]
We are NEOGAMES, a renowned mobile game company from South Korea, responsible for developing and operating the game called 'Real Farm'. Passionate about bringing a real-life gaming experience.. [read more]
2009년에 시작해서 현재까지 제품디자인, 그래픽디자인 작업을 하고있고,책을 만들기도 하며, 다양한 일을 하고 있습니다. Product and Graphic Design Studio, Publisher. [read more]
Building next-gen user interfaces. [read more]
Nine4u is the first Internet music broadcasting service in Korea. In 1998, the total number of views on 9 channels reached 4 million. Since then, we have diversified into online shopping.. [read more]
MG Non-Life Insurance is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Renewable Energy Infra(PV/FPV, On/Offshore Wind, Hydrogen) Project Development/IPP in Korea especially in hometown Jeolla province. - Hundreds MW sized on/near/offshore Wind farm (Total.. [read more]
메타버스와 플랫폼(젭, 게더타운)을 학생들의 진롸와 진학, 취업에 활용하는 방법을 연구하고 개발하고 있습니다. 부산광역시교육청 중등교육과에서 추진하는 고교학점제 메타캠퍼스 맵 개발을 완료했습니다. 기존의 홈페이지에 접속하여 학습하는 온라인 학습법의 문제와 한계를 극복하기 위한 새로운 교육 방식인 '메타러닝'을 개발하여 메타러닝캠퍼서비스를 하고 있습니다. [read more]
When we witnessed the complexity of Earth from above, something moved us. That's why we are here – Meissa Planet aims to give visibility to the Earth's all hidden data and transform them.. [read more]