"써치앤컴퍼니는 고객만족 경영 실천을 통해서 대한민국 최고의 프리미엄 No. 1 헤드헌팅 전문기업이 되겠습니다"써치앤컴퍼니는 각 산업분야에서 전문성을 확보한 다양한 경력의 전문 컨설턴트들이 근무하고 있으며,글로벌 우수 인재 확보를 위해 글로벌 사업본부도 함께 두고 있습니다. [read more]
Sketchware is a Scratch-like block programming based Android app development platform on an Android smartphone. . [read more]
Part of Shinhan Financial Group Co. , Ltd. , Shinhan DS (formerly Shinhan Data System Co. Ltd. ) is a South Korean company located in Seoul. The firm engages in computer systems integration,.. [read more]
Since its beginning in 2007 as a satellite communications company, Spacelink Corporation has been dedicated to making a better world through the outstanding technology. [read more]
Mobile application publishing. Makers of Vaulty, the private gallery app to keep your photos safe. . [read more]
Samsun Logix Corporation is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Sticks and Stones is a copywriting agency that specializes in global advertising and branding. . [read more]
Sometech Inc. , the leading company in the 3D Surgical industry, has been manufacturing superior quality 3D laparoscopy systems and 3D video surgical microscopic systems. [read more]
Sem Technology Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
SDT provides end-to-end IoT and edge computing solutions, developing the hardware, firmware, and deployment of our products to solve modern day problems for enterprises. [read more]
Seoul Energy Resources Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Show Media Group ltd. is an entertainment company that pursues the best values with show business at its center including musicals, concerts, and artist management. [read more]
Space design studio based in Seoul, founded by Creative Director, Seuk Hoon Kim. Globally award-winning, Studio Eccentric Co. , Ltd, integrates and collaborates various disciplines of design,.. [read more]
Startup Alliance Korea was co-established by the Korean government and Korean Internet leading companies with the missions as follows:-Powering the startup ecosystem in Korea. [read more]
Száll is an independent alternative investment firm with offices in Sydney and Seoul. Since establishment in 2016, it has been involved in private equity investments in FinTech Start-up.. [read more]
Starbucks Coffee Korea Co. , Ltd. is a Restaurants company located in Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. . [read more]
Suprema Inc. is a leading global provider of biometrics technology and identity management solutions. . [read more]
스켈터랩스는 기술로 우리의 일상을 이해하고, 도와주고, 더 나아지게 한다는 미션 하에 다양한 기술을 연구하고, 특히 인공지능 기술에 중점을 두며 이를 기반으로 한 다양한 제품들을 출시하여 시장에 진입하고 있습니다. 스켈터랩스의 기술 중심은 크게 두 가지로 구분될 수 있습니다. [read more]
서울옥션블루는 16년간 한국 미술 경매 시장을 선도해온 서울옥션의 관계사로 온라인을 제대로 활용하여, 대중적인 경매 시장을 개척하려고 합니다. 미술품과 더불어, 마니아를 위한 아이템으로 즐겁고 혁신적인 경매 서비스를 제공하겠습니다. . [read more]
STX Corporation is a company, located at Seoul 100-095. [read more]
As a leading specialized markets advisory practice, we are guided by our philosophy and principles, as we serve our clients internationally. We provide investment services within a limited number.. [read more]
SBI Cosmoney is a member of the SBI Financial Group of Japan. It was formed through a joint venture with SBI Fintech Solutions (950110), a KOSDAQ listed company, and Coinplug, a leading.. [read more]
Sudo Premium Engineering Co. , Ltd. consists of the division of Semiconductor (Clean Room Monitoring), Automobile (Environment Test Chamber), IAQC (Indoor Air Quality Control) and.. [read more]
SureSoft Technologies Inc. is a computer software company based out of Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nª 19, Nave 16 Edificio Adriana 1ª Planta, Polígono Industrial La Resina (Villaverde),.. [read more]
Where you can experience ocean view rooms and an exciting water park. Saipan is a popular island in the South Pacific Ocean that takes 4 hours of flight form Incheon International Airport. [read more]
Solmedix Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2015, the team has been trying to improve the lives of patients and support physicians with creating ingenious products and comprehensive services. [read more]
Seoul Mate is a diverse community - comprising of students, teachers, residents, travelers, and more. Our purpose is to provide information about Korean language, jobs, internships, scholarships.. [read more]
Snip provides an easy and free way for people to crop their favorite parts of online video and share those snips with their friends. . [read more]
세무회계 세아. [read more]
Seoul Digital Foundation(SDF) has been in the forefront of exciting city-wide digital innovation for economic, social, and cultural hub within Seoul. We have implemented various activities such.. [read more]
Seoil System has specialized in English education research and publishing in Korea for over 20 years. Over 15,000 students from 300 private member institutes use Seoil's books and multimedia programs. [read more]
Softbank Commerce Korea Corp. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Skinpost Korea is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
ICT Leading Company. [read more]
Samsung GSG is Samsung's premier internal global strategy group that is designed to solve the company's most pressing challenges and identify attractive new business opportunities. [read more]