Our Kimchi Seasoning is the world's first vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO kimchi seasoning product proudly made in South Korea!. [read more]
"농가와 소비자. 그 사이를 잇는 축산업의 혁신을 만들어갑니다"STOCKEEPER는 어그테크와 핀테크계의 혁신을 만들어갑니다. BANCOW, Gourmet Premium, 107 Steakhouse 브랜드로 축산 펀딩부터 유통까지!STOCKEEPER는 축산의 전방위적 사업 영역에서 J-Curve를 그리며 빠르게 성장하고 있습니다. [read more]
Schpigen observes the lifestyles of those closest to technology trends, tech early adopters and creeders, constantly discovering and researching the roles they need and something that is unfilled. [read more]
SUNDOSOFT specializes in big data platforms, providing GIS fusion system development, biodata service, and platform technology support. . [read more]
Sara's Fit is an e-commerce company that offers personalized lingerie and home-wear clothes for women. . [read more]
We are Scomot, the SaaS company here to help make running your online business easier. Our focus is providing the most transparent and reliable insight possible, harmonising the perfect.. [read more]
Thank you for visiting our website. Since its first step into the seaborne cargo transport between Korea and Japan, we have focused on the shipping industry for 32 years and consequently grown to.. [read more]
Since its establishment back in July 2006, MoohanSystem Co. , Ltd. becomes the company that develops and produces display products professionally. Our Touch Open Frame, Industrial Monitor, and.. [read more]
mille de fleur is a "Premium Vegan Cosmetic Brand" that manufactures products to give lively and confident beauty for damaged skin using the pure ingredients found in fresh nature. [read more]
Global Marketing Agency based in Seoul. We stay inspired. . [read more]
We are a food solutions and marketing business. Our first proprietary brand is M. Popcorn as well as M. Nuts, a product imported from Indonesia. We seek to actively distribute food products in Korea. [read more]
Our firm was established in 1991. At the early stage of our practice, we primarily focused on trademark matters. In so many trademark cases, we have represented many Fortune 500 companies as well.. [read more]
Meritz Alternative Investment Management(Meritz AIM) is a global asset management company based in Seoul, Korea. With a diverse background of investment professionals over 40 years of.. [read more]
SHIN STARR aims to create, operate and franchise Korean cuisine based quick-service restaurant (QSR) and fresh casual dining restaurants built around our proprietary autonomous kitchen.. [read more]
- We make your MOMENTS 일상의 순간마다 긍정적인 가치를 더하고자 합니다. - 그 첫번째 프로젝트로 화장품 브랜드 '비플레인'을 출시했습니다. 단순히 좋은 화장품을 제공하는 것을 넘어 비플레인과 함께하는 순간에 가치를 더하고 싶습니다. - 우리의 가치를 세계로 전달하고자 합니다. [read more]
마케톤 주식회사는 ①스타트업 컨설팅, ②신제품 개발 및 보급 사업을 하고 있습니다. ① 사업 컨설팅 : 세상을 바꿀만한 혁신적인 기술을 보유한 스타트업 및 중소기업을 대상으로 멘토링, 투자유치 코칭, 사업화 해외진출, 해외 레퍼런스 창출 등 차별화된 컨설팅 수행합니다. [read more]
MarX Project Team - MetaverseSociety Corp. MarX Project is made by MetaverseSociety Corp. , which is located in Republic of Korea. MetaverseSociety Corp. [read more]
섬세하고 따뜻한 디지털 세상, 그리고 사람을 닮은 크리에이티브, 마콘컴퍼니. 디지털 세상의 감성 크리에이티브 그룹, 마콘컴퍼니는다양한 미디어에 크리에이티브 컨텐츠로 소통하는 커뮤니케이션 전략 전문 기업입니다. 사람을 닮은 따뜻한 생각과 실용적인 아이디어로고객이 원하는 솔루션을 한발 앞서 제안하겠습니다. [read more]
S:AE COMPANY is a creativity and innovative company spearheaded by a talented and passionate multicultural team with 12 founders from South Korea, Kenya and Spain. [read more]
SCL Korea는 The Society of Construction Law의 한국법인으로써 해외건설과 관련된 업무를 수행하는 전문 가들로 구성되었습니다. 해외건설의 전체.. [read more]
Sunwoo & Company is one of the most recognized family entertainment and lifestyle brand companies in Korea. Established in 1974, Sunwoo & Company is a global animation producer. [read more]
Video game developer. Recently announced the Next-level social deduction game DUBIUM. DUBIUM is a 5-player social deduction game set in a near-future sci-fi universe. [read more]
To help anyone become a creator, We minimize content making process. 누구나 크리에이터가 되는 세상을 위해 영상 제작을 간소화 한다. . [read more]
샌드박스 게이밍은 국내 최대 MCN 샌드박스네트워크의 자회사로, 2021년 현재 LCK와 카트라이더, 피파온라인4 리그에 참여하고 있는 e스포츠 게임단입니다. 샌드박스 게이밍은 전 세계 e스포츠 문화의 발원지이자 여전히 e스포츠의 메카 역할을 하고 있는 대한민국의 게임단이라는 자부심을 가지고, 선진 매니지먼트를 지향하고 있습니다. [read more]
Standard delivers collaterized, interoperable Digital Assets on Polkadot. [read more]
[SERVIER KOREA]Servier Korea was established in 1990 as a Korean affiliate of Servier. In order to serve patients' treatment needs and medical unmet needs, Servier Korea is working on various.. [read more]
KOREA SILKROAD CO. , LTD. Technical Fabric Innovation and DevelopmentTechnical Textiles ManufacturerTechnical Fabrics ManufacturerTechnical athletic apparel Fabrics Manufacturer. [read more]
In 2003, SeAH Holdings took over Kia Special Steel (currently, SeAH Besteel), a company manufacturing special steel, and embarked on aggressive management and investment. [read more]
Seoul Academy is a private day school located in Daechi-dong, South Korea with a mission to provide all students with vast opportunities for learning and community involvement by sharing.. [read more]
DOCKO (DOCTOR KOREA), a global healthcare service, began with the aim of addressing the inconveniences of Korean health care providers and patients who used Korean medical services. [read more]
mmpx is a design consultancy located in Seoul. We create consistent brand identity through contextual thinking and communicate the brand messages in the most effective way through various of media. [read more]
A secondhand luxury goods aggregator, enabling you to search, filter and find exactly what you are looking for. . [read more]
MXXR empowers a new era of spatial computing as a content platform by equipping artists and innovators with easy-to-use tools and interface to advertise, browse and collect 3D, AR and VR.. [read more]
Milal Heart Foundation was established in 1987 for the purpose of giving new life to cardiac disease patients in need through supporting cardiac surgery expenses. [read more]
사람에 대한 깊은 인사이트가 세상에 미치는 영향에 집중하는 스타트업. 마케팅 컨설팅을 하고 디지털헬스케어플랫폼, 힐니스북을 운영하며 누구나 건강한 삶을 즐기는 문제를 풀고 있습니다. [read more]
Simpler living starts with mieum's range of easy to use, stylish tech accessories. . [read more]