Greenest introduces responsible and refined fashion while striving for the popularization of sustainable fashion. We prioritize sustainability throughout the entire process, from sourcing.. [read more]
F45 Training, the fastest growing fitness franchise network in the world, has exploded in the last seven years with over 2,200 franchisees in over 63 countries, and this is just the beginning. [read more]
플래튼은 커뮤니티 컨텐츠를 기반으로 커머스 솔루션을 제공해 브랜드와 팬덤이 만날 수 있는 1등 플랫폼을 만들어 가고 있습니다. . [read more]
미술품 컬렉팅을 처음 경험하는 당신을 위한, 모바일 아트옥션 플랫폼!터치 한 번으로 입찰할 수 있는 모바일 옥션으로 첫 원화 컬렉팅을 시작해보세요. 복잡한 위탁 과정과 높은 수수료 없이, 누구나 쉽게 모바일로 간편하게 작품을 거래하고 리셀하는 플랫폼 '플리옥션'입니다. [read more]
SkinexAI-based Diagnostic Assistive DeviceLime Team…A global telemedicine system that constructed a convenient cooperationsystem between domestic telemedicine centers, foreign hospitals.. [read more]
Largest On Line Fabric Store. No need for a business trip for fabric sourcing! Simply click what kinds of fabric you are looking for by AI image search. [read more]
Raising public awareness in South Korea about the systemic challenges facing the global fashion industry. . [read more]
FuThing은 빅데이터를 기반으로 AI 분석을 통해 당신이 지금 무엇을 원하는지 찾고자합니다. 이제 무엇을 선택할 것 인지에 대한 고민은 푸씽에게 넘겨주세요. . [read more]
Fredrik Lee&Kim is a business immigration firm in Korea. Business Immigration is our core activity, we offer a variety of services relating to the immigration. [read more]
FLYGROUND is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
An Amazing Kids' Jewelry & Accessories brand. . [read more]
Fave Inc is a leading digital agency located in Seoul South Korea. Fave is made up of industry experts with a deep understanding of the industry and high technology, and provides services so.. [read more]
FutureBlock - The Future of Blockchain & Crypto. [read more]
[회사소개]패스트캠퍼스는 성인 대상의 다양한 교육 콘텐츠를 제공하는 대한민국 No. 1 교육 스타트업입니다. 오프라인에서 온라인까지, B2C에서 B2B까지, 직무교육에서 취미스킬까지,학습 방법과 분야를 끊임없이 확장하며 다양한 학습자의 필요를 만족시키는 모든 교육 콘텐츠를 제공하고자 노력하고 있습니다. [read more]
프뢰벨 하우스. [read more]
Fashionbiz is symbolized as the icon of the 21st century domestic fashion media established in 1987 as the best global fashion business magazine of Korea. [read more]
Float is building a new thing using blockchain technology. [read more]
Four Pillars is a global blockchain research firm. Driven by thesis-based research, we strive to serve as the absolute source of truth for participants and deliver unmatched value for players in.. [read more]
"The global messaging infrastructure company" towards the vision of the market in Korea and Japan are growing as a professional enterprise message. . [read more]
Advanced Machines & Equipment for Diamond Tools. [read more]
Daewon GLP is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Daewon Foreign Language High School was established in 1984 as a school specializing in foreign language education. Our students are required to study Korean, English, and a third.. [read more]
drAIving Inc. is a company, located at Seoul 138-202. [read more]
Truly wanting to create extraordinary experience in a built environment. Through newfound materials and construction technique, we push the boundaries on how and what buildings we deliver to.. [read more]
DECK는 2002년 설립이래, 이화여자대학교 대표 경영전략학회로 자리매김하였습니다. 설립 이후, 각 분야로 진출한 여성리더 네트워크를 형성하고 있습니다. DECK만의 탄탄한 커리큘럼과 끊임없는 도전정신을 통해 체계적인 Regular & Training Session과 성공적인 산학협력 프로젝트를 이끌어왔습니다. [read more]
나는 누구일까? 그리고 무엇을 하려는 것일까?일을 시작하거나 어려움이 있을 때 스스로에게 던지곤 하는 질문 입니다. 스스로의 답으로.. [read more]
디센터유니버시티(Decenter University)는 세계의 변화를 이끌 블록체인 전문가를 양성합니다. 현재 블록체인 업계에 이렇다 할 제대로 된 교육이 없어 입사/창업/투자 등 다양한 목적으로 블록체인과 암호화폐 시장에 진입하려는 분들을 위한 필수 관문과도 같은 과정을 제공합니다. [read more]
We provide community and support solutions for projects in a wide range of industries. Our goal is to help your business to create best communication with your clients and grow your retention.. [read more]
DCGraph is a start-up company which aims to develop BVS(Blockchain-based Voucher System) and support its operation, and along with the initial business based on BVS. [read more]
Dearworks is a Global Trade Company that discovers and conveys the desired way of life. Starting with Coffee and fashion brands in 2016, Dearworks currently carries out operations in the areas.. [read more]
Design studio más was founded by three designers who have experienced various designs in the UK for years. We design and produce products and furniture which are ‘just nice, simple and unique'. [read more]
Deutsch Motors Inc is a company, located at Seoul. They can be contacted via phone at +82(031) 794-7301 for more detailed information. . [read more]
"Cornerstone" refers to a fundamental element or foundation, and "Search Group" indicates that our company is dedicated to finding talented individuals. [read more]
Trend Setting Sportswear Brand. [read more]
Taste the world best E-juice, CLICK HERE!⏰ 1 hour reply policy with SNS⏰ 1 day reply policy with mailOfficial Channel of Connected Korea, the best E-liquid manufacturer in South Korea. [read more]
Cold Container is a creative art team & brand located in Seoul,created by visual artist July Yoon and writer Geon. We constantly study many elements of life, such as emotions, lifestyles,.. [read more]