CHAMSOL Lawfirm offers legal services for civil, intellectual property rights, housekeeping and divorce. . [read more]
Cheju Halla General Hospital is a hospital that provides medical and health care services. . [read more]
- Media Distribution - Documentary / Animation / Movie / TV Series- Animation Production- Branding. [read more]
Rovostech specializes in the development, manufacturing, and operation of underwater drones. . [read more]
CIUC is the provider of higher education services. . [read more]
Our mission is the equip the next generation of glocal (global+local) leaders intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually in order to live for Christ and advance His.. [read more]
Cheongbo Industrial is a company specializing in automobile engine and mission parts that require high precision and technology. . [read more]
We Provide clean, dependable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective regeneration technology to people all over the world in order to save money for future generations. [read more]
Bootpay provides free payment settlement service and data analysis services for developers. . [read more]
Bussiness Idea Future2004 - 2013, Brand Identity Company : Branding for Retail and Fashion brands2013 - the present , Business Idea Company : Lead to Madman and H. [read more]
CLASSBOX is an educational technology company that delivers the world's top English Language Learning content to teachers. CLASSBOX English is an online streaming platform that delivers more.. [read more]
Bionetix Therapeutics is a developer of anticancer drugs designed for cancer treatment. The company's drugs include medicines for ophthalmic disease and glaucoma treatment, enabling patients to.. [read more]
BAZZAAL is an influencer marketing agency specialized in the beauty industry that connects brands to influencers. Our services include brand partnerships, influencer campaign initiatives,.. [read more]
Mohammad Raish, Ph. DBioSewoom Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Wooyoung Technocenter 2F # 273-15,Sungsu2-ga 3-dong, Sungdong-gu, Seoul 133-831, Korea. [read more]
Bbtree is a company, located at Jeju-si, Jeju-do. They can be contacted via phone at +82 1544-4225 for more detailed information. . [read more]
北京现代汽车有限公司成立于2002年10月18日,由北京汽车投资有限公司和韩国现代自动车株式会社共同出资设立,注册资本121,906. 8万美元,中韩双方各占50%,合资期限为30年。经营范围为设计、开发、生产和销售轿车、RV、卡车整车,发动机及其零部件,以及为合资公司生产并销售的产品提供售后,以及其他相关业务。现有员工15,000余人,累计产销量已突破500万辆。北京现代是中国加入WTO后被批准的第一个汽车生产领域的中外合资项目,被确定为振兴北京现代制造业、发展首都经济的龙头项目和示范工程。北京现代坐落于顺义区北京汽车生产基地,拥有三座整车生产工厂、三座发动机生产工厂,和一座承担自主研发的技术中心,总占地面积336万平方米,整车年生产能力已经达到100万台。目前,北京现代拥有近300台机器人,依靠先进的自动化制造装备,保障100%焊接与运输自动化率,100%自动化冲压生产,确保车身焊接质量与车身强度。北京现代将"清洁生产"的环保理念运用到产品制造中,采用国际领先的新工艺、新设备,将环保水溶性涂料全面运用到涂装工艺中。在产品的检验方面,北京现代设立车身三坐标测量室、部品材料及耐久试验室、发动机耐久试验室、整车排放试验室等共计16个试验室及检测场所,通过应用大量先进技术设备对产品质量的监测及分析,确保产品的可靠性和一致性。. [read more]
Established in 2009, as a subsidiary of Canon Medical Systems Corp. (Japan), providing advanced diagnostic medical imaging systems including Computer Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance.. [read more]
CatchItPlay Inc. is a company based out of South Korea. . [read more]
Social game publisher. [read more]
our farm is very beautiful in DaiHanMinGug. [read more]
Sales & Marketing Director at Company100. [read more]
New Marketing Communications in the Fast-Changing Era, Creative Branded Content, Social Media, AISAS rather than AIDMA. [read more]
Charmcare is a company, located at South Korea. They can be contacted via phone at +82-70-4742-6562 for more detailed information. . [read more]
01Community Chest of Korea is a national network of 16 locally governed organizations that work to create lastingpositive change in the community and people's lives. [read more]
Mplus is specializes in the production of the Phonecase. We launched our own brand Cocoroni. Our products are sold to South Korea and the United States, Japan, China and worldwide through.. [read more]
This is CHUGOKU MARINE PAINTS, the top brand of maine paints. If you have any question for marine paints, please feel free contact me. . [read more]
beginning. world. [read more]
빅맨게임즈는 2013년에 설립된 소셜카지노게임 전문회사로, IT와 게임의 메카인 판교테크노밸리에 위치하고 있습니다. 글로벌시장을 타겟으로 모바일, PC, 웹, 페이스북 등 다양한 멀티플랫폼을 기반으로 소셜카지노 게임을 연구개발하고 있으며, 현재 3개의 멀티플랫폼 게임을 글로벌 시장에서 서비스하고 있습니다. [read more]
뱅크샐러드는 국내 유일의 데이터 기반 돈 관리 플랫폼으로 고객 눈높이에 맞춘 최적의 금융 솔루션을 제공하는 서비스입니다. 은행, 카드 등의 금융자산은 물론 부동산, 자동차와 같은 실물자산까지 연동해 체계적으로 관리할 수 있습니다. 최근에는 국민건강보험공단의 건강검진 결과를 토대로 건강 상태에 따른 보험까지 추천 받을 수 있습니다. [read more]
Bumjin provides top mold/molding quality services, product quality management and technology services. . [read more]
Boxtree is a company, located at Jeju-si, Jeju-do. [read more]
BRAINASSET IP LAW OFFICE is a company, located at Yongin 448-130. [read more]
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. [read more]
50 years of medium-sized korean construction company. [read more]
BNG Steel, established in 1966, has been playing a pivotal role in advancement of the local industry with high technology and quality products. BNG Steel, specializing in manufacturing.. [read more]
Entrepreneurship club in Sogang University. Various activities and projects for start-up. [read more]