YPLABS is a company, located at South Korea. [read more]
Ywam Book is a company, located at South Korea. [read more]
From personal business 30 years ago, this company found Jul 2017. . [read more]
Foreign Company in Korea oriented Talent Search Firm. [read more]
숭실대학교 커뮤니티 유어슈닷컴입니다. SoongSil University CommunityYourssu. com. [read more]
Yeoju Institute of Technology is a Higher Education company located in Korea, Republic of. . [read more]
Yuhan College is a Computer Software company located in Korea, Republic of. . [read more]
Online Cumputer Game Developer. [read more]
제노헬릭스는 동식물 small RNA의 기능 연구분석, 탐지 기법 개발과 이를 토대로 한 난치성 질환 및 식물의 질병에 대한 분자 선별 진단 제품 및 서비스를 제공하는 회사입니다. 제노헬릭스의 임직원들은 다양한 동식물의 질병의 조기진단 제품을 지속적으로 개발하여 사회의 행복을 증진시키기 위한 노력을 지속할 것입니다. [read more]
Windwish provides WCP(Weather Cube-model Platform) which uses AI weather model and digital twin. It collects real-time wind data of golf courses with IoT sensors. [read more]
Woojin Plastic is a South Korea-based leader in design manufacturing top-of-the-line plastic buckles, fasteners, and accessories. Founded in 1979, we pride ourselves in our dedication to.. [read more]
World Labor Office is a law firm that offers solutions for human resource and labor problems. . [read more]
1. Template-based referral campaign, Anyone can start the campaign as a widget on site. 2. multi-level & real-time tracking3. reward system. [read more]
Adhesives and plastic bottles manufacturer. [read more]
동물용의약품 전문 제조기업 우진비앤지입니다. . [read more]
Withtech is a testing laboratory and provides semiconductor process environment monitoring services like leak & emission testing, etc. . [read more]
Security Solution provider - PaloAlto Networks - IBM ISS - RSA. [read more]
Weed Star (위드스타) is a smartphone application that enables users to launch fund-raising campaigns in their neighborhood. Weed Star is a product of WithStar Corporation, a Korean company.. [read more]
Wetoku is bloggingheads for the rest of us. With Wetoku, you can meet someone online with a webcam, record the meeting, and instantly embed it into your website. [read more]
WISEPOWER CO. ,LTD is a Korea-based company primarily engaged in the manufacturing of electronic components. The Company produces rechargeable battery packs including inner packs and hard packs,.. [read more]
Brand development, web site traffic growth, web site UI and advertising revenue. Developed brand strategy and statistics systems. [read more]
Coming soon. . [read more]
VPASS is a domestic travel website that offers tour packages information. . [read more]
Do Right Design & ThinkingVERY JOON OH(VJO)는 여러 기업의 크리에이티브 디렉터로 활동해온 디자이너 오준식과 다양한 분야의 디자이너들이 ‘옳은 디자인 Right Design' 이라는 소명을 갖고 모인 서울을 베이스로 활동하는 크리에이티브 그룹입니다. [read more]
A world where everyone lives a healthy and happy life. [read more]
국내 최대, 최고의 지식재산 서비스를 제공하는 글로벌 지식재산 전문기업 윕스입니다. . [read more]
Wellspring is a firm committed to enhancing each individual's quality of life via suitable product quality and design, as well as technical innovation. [read more]
. . . . [read more]
Provide English tutoring service to Korean students above 7 years old with premium prices. . [read more]
Via International is an online trading platform that offers clothing and lifestyle products. . [read more]
United States 8th Army Korean Augmentation To the United States Army (KATUSA). [read more]
We are specialized company which has developed unmanned vehicle and vehicle type robot platform and researched and developed related system to sensor and actuator interface. [read more]
Unhwa Corporation is a research-oriented company having secured the proprietary plant stem cell isolation and culture technology and venturing in the higher value-added industry of developing.. [read more]
ArchitectureInterior DesignUrban DesignUrban Communication & Strategy. [read more]
International trading serviceAgent service for sales & purchasingSmall & Medium Business consultingMarket analysis"By Connecting Products and Services. [read more]
어려운 문제를 끝까지 해결해 본 적이 있나요?소프트웨어가 세상을 바꾼다고 생각하나요?그렇다면, 정말 반갑습니다!더 창의적인 업무 환경을 위해 시간을 지켜주고(Keep) 기업과 개인의 성장(Grow)을 돕는 일. 유니드컴즈의 킵그로우(KeepGrow)와 워크봇(Work-Bot)을 통해 새로운 업무환경을 디자인하는 여정에 함께 해주세요!. [read more]