As the leading manufacturer of industrial storage batteries in Korea, we are determined to provide only the best quality products and the most satisfying customer experience to our valued.. [read more]
PoApper is an IT service development, software outsourcing and data center company. . [read more]
Phoenix Materials is engaged in manufacturing, supply and distribution of display components. . [read more]
어느 때보다 빠르게 변화하는 세상 속에서 정보통신의 중요성은 가중되고 있습니다. POSTECH 정보통신대학원은 1991년 설립 후 총 518명의 석사를 배출하였으며, 이들 졸업생은 국내외 다양한 분야에서 정보통신 관련 R&D 및 주요 정책수립 업무를 담당하고 있습니다. [read more]
Pohang Steelers is a company based out of South Korea. . [read more]
POSCO Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in manufacturing, advanced material, biotechnology, life science and IT sectors. . [read more]
폴라리스쓰리디는 ‘1인 1로봇' 라는 비전을 가지고,모빌리티 분야의 상상을 현실로 만들어나가고 있습니다 :)"저렴하고 품질 좋은 국산 서빙로봇으로 F&B를 건강하게 혁신한다"를 우리의 미션으로 삼고100% 자체개발 서빙로봇 '이리온'을 출시하여 시장에 긴장감을 일으키고 있어요. [read more]
PiBEX contributes to the advancement and automation of industrial facilities by commercializing advanced process engineering technologies. . [read more]
POSTECH is an educational institution that offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in arts and science. . [read more]
Jeonwood Precision offers products including parts for airbag, deep drawing, motor case, torque converter, and door striker. . [read more]
OTO Robotics Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-210. [read more]
Officedepot Bukpohang is an online platform that supplies office and printing products. . [read more]
Power Carbon Technology Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 730-340. [read more]
PACE, a spin-off startup of POSTECH, has accumulated research capabilities for 30 years in the field of multiphysics heat flow analysis. We are developing a SaaS platform, called PACE on Cloud,.. [read more]
Pohang College is a company, located at Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 791-940. [read more]
Ever since its establishment in 1986, POSTECH has stayed true to its role in Korean higher education as a pioneer in science and technology research. Located in the city of Pohang, the.. [read more]
POSCO is the 6th largest steel producer in the world and an industry leader in developing advanced customer solutions. POSCO has been recognized as the world's most competitive steelmaker for.. [read more]
남성 맞춤형 화장품 정기 배송 서비스Men's Customized cosmetic subscription service. [read more]
Poscochemtech is a company, located at Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. [read more]
Construction & Engineering. [read more]
Paybill is an information technology and services company. It is the platform for online fundraising and billing firm. It provides an easy-to-use application to create fundraising programs,.. [read more]
2006. 06: 제10회 살기좋은 아파트 국무총리상 수상(부산 센텀파크)2006. 08: 베트남 북안카잉 신도시개발 계약 체결2006. 09: 칠레 벤타나스 석탄화력발전소 수주2007. 08: 베트남 포스코 냉연공장 착공2007. 10: 한국건축문화대상 수상(더샵 스타시티)2007. [read more]
JungWan Welcomes you,When you encounter any problem due to virus, etc while growing the crops, JungWan B-F is also the fastest way to resolve such problem. [read more]
KHVatec Co. ,Ltd. is the global leader of precision miniature diecasting and module assembly. With a great deal of development experiences, our goal is to provide.. [read more]
Kunhwa. [read more]
Korea Expressway Corporation, KEC is the authority for national expressway system of the Republic of Korea. As a government affiliated organization under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,.. [read more]
KHNP(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) provides about 30 percent of South Korea's electricity supply, making it the nation's largest power generation company. [read more]
Korea Vaccine Co. , Ltd. was founded in 1956. The company's line of business includes the production of bacterial and virus vaccines, toxoids, and analogous products. [read more]
Korea Energy Technology Company. [read more]
Happy Tomorrow Beyond SafetyWelcome to KORAD As KORAD is a government agency, we have an important role in safe management of all kinds of radioactive wastes. [read more]
KC Feed manufactures assorted feed and groceries such as poultry and pork. . [read more]
Knotus develop and wholesales drugs. The Company distributes antibiotic drugs, respiratory drugs, cardiovascular drugs, vitamin tablets, health care drugs, and other related products. [read more]
kbsm. net publishes news on the web about daily current affairs. . [read more]
Korea Polytechnics, Gumi is a company, located at Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do 730-031. [read more]
Korea Legal Aid Corporation is a legal welfare institution that helps citizens in financial or legal difficulties. . [read more]
Korea Army Academy (Yeongcheon) or KAAY is a military academy of the Republic of Korea Army for training officer cadets. Commonly known as "Choongsungdae" (Korean: 충성대, Hanja: 忠誠臺) as.. [read more]