Sibling Labs is a team of experienced web3 professionals who understand the challenges and significance of building in the Web3 space. We provide a comprehensive suite of solutions that cater.. [read more]
SCG Grid Co. , Ltd is a company specializing in gas meters established in 1989. It develops and manufactures household and industrial gas meters and supplies them to a number of domestic and.. [read more]
뉴욕타임즈베스트셀러 소설이나 대중을 위한 사이언스, 테크놀로지, 논픽션 장르의 원서를 같이 읽는 독서클럽 입니다. 원서읽기를 지도할 수 있는 분이나, 원서읽기를 희망하시는 분 모두 환영합니다. 서로 읽고, 토론하면서 또한 수준높은 교류로 인생의 시너지를 함께 높일 수 있게되기를 바랍니다. [read more]
EAGON WINDOWS & DOORS CO. ,LTD-UK REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE is a company, located at Incheon 402-060. [read more]
ALP Plus is a Korean company that manufacture & export different kinds of masks,virus patch,mask making machines,mask making factory set up and mask making machine. [read more]
. . [read more]
Incheon National University's 『Academy of Chinese Studies』 was established to contribute to regional development and national stability by discovering the 21st century Chinese science.. [read more]
Skybioscience, Inc (SKY Bio) is a fully integrated Bio-Lab & industrydistribution company and has consisted of high-value professional salesand technical members, who have strong experience from.. [read more]
BMC-Digital-Marketing is a company, located at Incheon. [read more]
Urban Environmental Policy & Planning (UEP) lab explores the spatial patterns of green infrastructure and evaluates plans/policies regarding various contemporary urban environmental issues,.. [read more]
Our company name, "SEORO[səroʊ]" reflects our commitment to helping Korean small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and overseas companies succeed together. [read more]
Zencos is a combination of Zen and Cosmetic. Zen is a practicing to find an essence to be an oneself. Cosmetic is used to take care to be healthy and beautiful ones. [read more]
We dream of the world without disease because we believe everyone deserves to live a full and healthy life – but we don't just dream, we act. . [read more]
zambus is a company, located at Incheon. They can be contacted via phone at +82(032) 818-0492 for more detailed information. . [read more]
baobab aibio is a company, located at Incheon. They can be contacted via phone at +82(032) 212-9770 for more detailed information. . [read more]
#Risktaker#Organizing#Consulting대부분 컨설팅을 합니다. 그러나 내부에 적정인력이 없으면 컨설팅안은 운영되지 않습니다. . [read more]
Since founded in 1982, YG-1 has been growing as a global leading manufacturer in the cutting tool industry. YG-1 has 28 production plants and oversea 27 sales offices and exports to more than.. [read more]
Since 1999, we have been manufacturing decorative synthetic mouldings with the goal of creating high quality polystyrene mouldings to fulfill our customer's desire. [read more]
Founded in 1989, we established an in-house R&D center based on high-quality, trust, and manufacturing technology, such as switchgears, protection panels, monitoring & control panels, and.. [read more]
Yonwoo Co. Ltd. was established in 1983 as a manufacturer that specializes in packaging materials forcosmetic and personal care products. Yonwoo has played an integral role in the.. [read more]
Battery Parts;Established in Aug. 1998, we, Yeil Electronics could have been in place as the leader in the industry with distinguished technological power. [read more]
A syringe needle piercing is one of the common accidents incurring among workers in the field of medical treatment. Due to it, there is a high probability to suffer from hematogenous.. [read more]
유성계전은 1989년에 설립하여 고품질과 신뢰를 바탕으로 전기산업 발전의 주축인 수배전반, 보호배전반 ,감시제어반 등의 제조 산업과 디지털 보호계전기, 감시제어시스템, 전력설비 진단, 스마트그리드 분야에 대한 연구 개발 및 해외 마케팅 사업, 신재생에너지, 정보통신공사업, 전기공사업을 통해 미래 전력산업 구축에 이바지 하고 있습니다. [read more]
WNJ Global Ltd. is a leading licensed & insured vehicle exporting company located in Incheon, South Korea. We source, locate and ship all kinds of vehicles from all over Korea to private.. [read more]
WapaSys is a software development company. . [read more]
The main objectives of the Regional Centre, established in 2012, are to (a) enhance international trade and development in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting certainty in international.. [read more]
(주)팀바이오는 누구도 가보지 않은 의료 인공지능의 미래, 그 시작점에 서있습니다. (주)팀바이오의 혈액 면역세포 기반 면역항암제 동반진단 인공지능 솔루션을 통해 환자의 암과 면역 상태 변화를 지속적으로 관찰 분석함으로써 암을 조기 진단하고, 재발 전이 시점을 예측하며, 암 발생 시 항암과 치료 효과를 즉각적으로 확인할 수 있습니다. [read more]
The TENNG company was founded in 2012 as an international commercial organization with the main goal to provide to public and private sectors the best-in-class services and solutions. [read more]
function in the previous games, however, now they changed to expand the related markets by smartphones that can be completely connected to DB. Wooriline will proceed with the completely.. [read more]
Wedrive is a crowdsourcing based traffic information collection and traffic big data analysis company. . [read more]
Woosong College is located in Daejeon, the fifth largest city of Korea and was founded in 1963. Our school has been best known for its practical education, committed faculty with experience.. [read more]
sustainable beauty. [read more]
Founded in 1991, IWK is a multinational manufacturing corporation primarily supplying frame components of construction equipment and completed products of industrial equipment. [read more]
WATERBEACH CONSULTANTS LIMITED is a company, located at Incheon 406-081. [read more]
VORONOI, a leading biotech in South KoreaEGFR-Exon20Ins Lisenced out to ORIC Parmaceuticals in 2020RET-Fusion Lisenced out to Inno. N in 2021Anticipated upcoming IPO on KOSDAQ for 4Q, 2021. [read more]
Viad is an offline advertising media commerce platform. . [read more]