코오롱엘에스아이는 새로운 가치로 행복한 세상을 만드는 기업으로 최상의 서비스로 모든 공간에 새로운 가치를 만드는 것을 사명으로 당사는 그 동안 축적된 오랜 경험과 Know-How를 바탕으로 선진 관리기법을 도입하여고객에게 기쁨과 이익을 주는 ‘고객행복경영'을 실천하여 왔습니다. [read more]
Exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle, especially for someone who is seated all day long. For wheelchair users, exercise and cardio-fitness is a cumbersome, inconvenient process that's.. [read more]
카카오가 가지고 있는 연결 자산을 기반으로, 내 손안의 일상생활 케어를 제공하고, 이를 통해 국민의 삶을 이롭게 하겠다는 비전을 가지고, 모바일 중심 종합 손해보험사를 출범했습니다. . [read more]
Korea Polytechnics, Seongnam is a company, located at Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 461-260. [read more]
물류 및 Smart Factory 분야에 최적화된 IT 솔루션과 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. Hankook Networks is the IT and logistics engineering arm of Hankook Technology Group in IT.. [read more]
Kwang Jin Corp. is a ‘Food tech start-up' that develops ‘sustainable food' to prepare for environmental crisis and food security through research on soybeans and fermentation. [read more]
Korea Import Export Agent (Korean Trade Agency) with Buying Sourcing Agent in Korea is a company, located at Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
Beyond the No. 1 beacon company, Kongtech evolves into an industrial metaverse platform. Kongtech has designed and produced Bluetooth/UWB-based tags, scanners, and IoT devices. [read more]
Color cosmetic ODM Company- Manufacture. [read more]
KOEN AJ&K is an Operation & Maintenance Company of Gulpur Hydropower Plant of 102 MW, located at Barali (Gulpur), Kotli AJ&K. [read more]
KOMAX is created for being "Accelerated advancement of Machinery Distribution and Export at 2013. We all do support all procedure of exchanging second-hand machinery. [read more]
한국초저온은 친환경에너지 혁신 물류단지 개발을 준비하고 있습니다. 어떤 곳은 제조에서 가치를 어떤 곳은 유통에서 가치를 어떤 곳은 문화에서 가치를 찾았을 때 한국초저온은 에너지와 물류에서 가치를 찾았습니다. 한국초저온은 첨단 기술로 냉장냉동창고 건립 사업을 추진하면서 5개의 비전을 갖춘 초저온 물류 단지를 계획하였습니다. [read more]
KELI Young girl Garments Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
JINMAOXIANG Industry & trade Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
KUMO is a women's cosmetics, beauty, and personal care products brand. . [read more]
저희는 고객님들께 통합환경의 최적화를 위해 Altium사의 제품들을 공급하고 있으며 그것은 직접적으로 설계자 및 디자이너들에게 최상의 효과를 거두게 할 것 입니다. 저희 임직원 일동은 언제나 이 분야에서 고객님들이 프로가 되기 위해 최고의 제품만을 공급할 것이며 언제나 항상 개발자들의 편에 설것입니다. [read more]
LS Cable & System (LS C&S) is a Korea-based Cable Solution Provider with an extensive global operating base. The company supplies state-of-the-art products, including submarine, extra-high.. [read more]
Kindigo sells sustainable lifestyle and organic indigo dyeing products. . [read more]
Accelerating Drug Development using OligonucleotidesSince its discovery, RNA interference (RNAi) technology has been widely recognized as a novel drug development platform that could change.. [read more]
Littleone is a child care platform that helps parents understand their baby’s physical well being, maximize the time they have and make the most of those precious minutes with their babies. [read more]
KNS Holdings Inc. is an accounting, located at Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
kyonggi university. [read more]
We deliver unique experiences to Seoul visitors. Our tours take guests to restaurants where they can eat like a local. We conduct Korea's only ghost tour, The Dark Side of Seoul. [read more]
"At Oscotec, our mission is to create values by translating cutting edge scienceinto innovative medicines for clinically unmet needs". [read more]
On Corporation is a company, located at Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. They can be contacted via phone at +821-619-584-7872 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Tozai Holdings, which advanced into Korea in 2008, is a global investment firm focusing on bio, cosmetic and energy sector to maximise corporate values and business expansion. [read more]
대한민국을 대표하는 클라우드 서비스, NHN Cloud. 수많은 고객사가 다양한 산업 분야에서 사용 중인 NHN Cloud의 통합 클라우드 서비스는 최고 수준의 보안성을 갖춘 폭넓은 서비스와 전문 기술 지원을 제공합니다. . [read more]
Develop and manufacture Ultracapacitor based energy storage and power delivery solutions. [read more]
Namsan Tech is a manufacturer of connectors for digital electronics such as LCD, PDP and PC. . [read more]
Game publisher, We are now managing casual games that more than 1,000,000 people all around the world enjoy playing. . [read more]
건강한 아이디어. [read more]
NPIE Games is a South Korean startup specialized in advocating the mobile FPS games developers. It is based in Seongnam, Kyonggi-do. . [read more]
Newto is an emerging XR space tech start-up company. Newto creates the new merged space (realistic experience + digital virtual reality) of Metaverse that transcends reality. [read more]
Hyundai Heavy Industries Group's shipbuilding business cluster has established a holding company system centered on Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE), which would like to move.. [read more]
프리미엄 가공 및 포장 솔루션을 제공하는 독일 Multivac사의 한국법인, Multivac Korea입니다. 전 세계 식품, 의료 및 산업 용품의 포장 분야에서50년 이상 축적한 독일 Multivac사의 독보적이고 우수한 제품 품질을 바탕으로, 멀티박코리아(대표: 요크 쇼네펠트)는 2008년 5월 30일에 설립되어 공식 영업을 시작하였습니다. [read more]
TECHNOLOGY DRIVEN COMPANY IN RESPIRATORY CARE "OmniOx HFT700" World's first HFNC+NIV / Republic of Korea. [read more]