Since its establishment in 1994, KONIC AUTOMATION has grown to maintain the industry's best technology, with its software for controlling semiconductor and display equipment. [read more]
KR INDUSTRY is a civil engineering, construction, landscape, and house development services provider. . [read more]
KN Communication is a creative group that specializes in photography, web design, video shooting, editing, motion and graphics. . [read more]
Kakao VX provides integrated golf services that combine sports and IT. . [read more]
K-Sound Interior focuses on soundproof interior design services. . [read more]
PT JTCC Indonesia stands for PT Jagat Tata Cipta Cerdas Indonesia is a JTCC company representation in Indonesia. Alongside with JTCC Korea, PT JTCC Indonesia will provide a close rapport.. [read more]
We created a new paradigm for chicken brands, offering a healthy, traditional Korean taste that everyone around the globe can enjoy. We hope to become a pioneer in the global F&B market, fueled.. [read more]
KOELTEC is a manufacturer of elevator related products and emergency power supply. . [read more]
Orange Project Group Co. , Ltd is a company, located at Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
Kims Micro Tech is a manufacturer of optical molds and precision optical parts. . [read more]
KISCA is an advanced information system and communication technology company. . [read more]
Kakao Ventures is a venture capital firm that invests in IT, manufacturing and insurance sectors. . [read more]
K-ICT Startup Mentoring Centre is a startup mentoring and education institution in Korea. . [read more]
Kateapili is an e-commerce platform that offers beans, cold brew, and milk tea products. . [read more]
Based in Korea , Kevin Lab strive to provide solutions by developing core energy management platform solutions and devices that aim to solve urban problems such as energy management,.. [read more]
KOREA KEYENCE develops and manufactures factory automation and inspection equipment. . [read more]
Korust specializes in HIFU tech and ultrasound medical devices. Our main devices are UTIMS A3, CAREWAY, and Celleon. A3 is based on HIFU tech and ultrasound medical devices. [read more]
Korea Jobs One is a provider of employment and career counseling services. . [read more]
Atopic & Sensitive Skin Product Specialist. [read more]
We are a professional group in consulting and providing research for aerospace engineering. Our team members are experienced and passionate about their profession. [read more]
With innovative & sensible thinking, we go forward to the future. With truthful & right thinking, we do our best for everything and keep within boundaries. [read more]
KNP aims to export the Korean power plant equipment, inspection and maintenance services which have 40-year-old competitive edge to overseas markets. . [read more]
Kumkang Machinery is designing, manufacturing, and selling industrial pumping machines. . [read more]
Korea Quality Assurance is a business management consulting firm that specializes in quality management. . [read more]
Energy-efficient solutions for efficient energy management. [read more]
Kwang Woo Information & Communication is an eft pos terminals and peripheral devices manufacturing company. . [read more]
Korea Broadcasting Journalists Association is a broadcasting and media production company. . [read more]
KGCBRAND provides support to online and offline sales channels for small and medium-sized businesses. . [read more]
Korea Marketing Forum is a marketing company that offers information infrastructure, policy research, education, and consulting services. . [read more]
KEAD is a government employment agency that offers educational training and recruiting services. . [read more]
Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency supports and promotes social enterprises to expand social services. . [read more]
(주)코오롱은 코오롱 그룹의 지주회사로서, 지배구조 투명성 확보와 각 사업부문별 전문화를 이끌며 글로벌 시장에서의, 그룹 경쟁력을 높이고 있습니다. 이와 함께 핵심 사업 투자를 위한 협의와 의사결정, 계열사 사업 육성 및 지원, 브랜드 상표권 등 지적재산권 라이선스 사업, 시장조사 및 경영 자문을 수행해 경영 효율성을 제고하고 있습니다. [read more]
O2O IN LIFE Inc. creative consulting company providing key digital services. Focused on helping our clients to build a successful business via CRM, Groupware, Marketing, Smart Working,.. [read more]
KREAM은 2020년 3월, MZ세대를 중심으로 확산되고 있는 "리셀"이라는 새로운 소비 트렌드를 캐치해 개인 간 한정판 스니커즈 거래 중개 서비스를 선보였습니다. 익명 거래와 철저한 검수를 통한 안전 거래 시스템부터 시세와 발매 정보, 사용자들의 스타일 리뷰까지 이제 소비를 넘어 문화를 선도하는 플랫폼으로 성장하고 있습니다. [read more]
KPrime Corporation is a company, located at Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
Korea Federation Of Furniture Industry Cooperatives is a furniture design and production company. . [read more]