Doneo is a company, located at Seoul, South Korea. Visit their website for more detailed information.
CMTPSCloud-base Multi-engine Threat Prevention SystemWhy Cloud-base? -Performance BoosterTraditional local security solutions -such as antivirus software- cause a serious decrease in device’s speed and function as well as their impossibility to be run in small and weaker devices which leads these devices to the total malfunction.Why Multi-engine? -More AccuracyThe use of multiple engines enables a more efficient threat detection and hence better security results.By using a variety of different antivirus software that complete each other with their own threat lists CMTPS offers a safer internet environment for clients.Why Threat Prevention? -Prevention instead of Cure CMTPS’s defending method is to prevent before infection. It means that malwares and viruses at the very begging of their sabotage are banned to enter the device through scanning at the cloud
Tags : #InformationTechnologyServices, #Internet, #ComputerSoftware, #InformationTechnology&Services
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Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020