BackJoy Korea is a company, located at Seoul 150-010. They can be contacted via phone at +82 15223602 for more detailed information. . [read more]
의약품 중개 BtoB 플랫폼. [read more]
BEACONSOLUTIONS go the extra mile for high quality professional services. We provide localization services with our experts in different fields and guarantee differentiated quality based on.. [read more]
BNZ파트너스는 Net Zero 비즈니스 그룹입니다. - BNZ파트너스는 Net Zero를 넘어선 지식 서비스를 제공합니다. BNZ는 Beyond Net Zero의 약자입니다. - 기후변화를 넘어 ESG로의 확대를 의미하며,- Carbon Negative를 지향하는 것을 의미합니다. [read more]
Global B2B Market Leading Company. INTERPARK Bizmarket is a B2B B. P. O solution provider that provides services such as employee welfare malls, corporate promotional special stores, and.. [read more]
블루시그넘은 멋진 디자이너 분들을 적극적으로 채용 중입니다. 블루시그넘은 간단히 하루를 돌아볼 수 있는 400만 다운로드의 무드트래커 다이어리 앱 하루콩은 미국, 영국, 캐나다에서 시장을 이끌고 있으며, 일본과 프랑스에서 ‘올해를 빛낸 일상앱'에 선정되기도 하였습니다. [read more]
Provides a customized diet meal plan and curation service with AI analysis on food preference and health goal. . [read more]
American actress with over 11 years of experience and thousands of hours behind the mic. Extensive experience with the international market. A global voice. [read more]
모바일 AI 기술을 통해 정보의 물류시스템을 구축하여 사람들의 정보 소비 습관을 혁신합니다. 20년 전 인터넷 상에 정보가 부족했던 시기에는 정보를 "검색"하는 것이 중요했지만, 오늘날 인터넷 상의 방대한 정보 (Information Overload) 중에서 사람들은 극히 일부의 정보만을 소비하기 때문에 "추천"이 중요해진 시기가 도래했습니다. [read more]
BeauBrain Healthcare is a healthcare startup providing comprehensive solutions for Alzheimer's Disease and other neurological conditions that have been scientifically proven by.. [read more]
Barogo is a South Korea-based delivery platform that allows users to order and receive food from local restaurants. . [read more]
기업의 필수 업무, 스마트빌 클라우드 서비스로 시작하세요. 세금계산서 스마트빌 / 전자서명 글로싸인 / 인력관리 시프티 / 재무・인사 / 데이터 / 광고・제휴. [read more]
"World's Most Tangible Bio-Healthcare Convention"The 2 best players in the market: BIOplus & INTERPHEX, have unifiedto maximize ‘global-scale networking experience' for all industry participants. [read more]
Inedit Corporation the only end-to-end platform based in Korea that runs collaborations between brands and influencers at the highest possible quality, at scale. [read more]
BenIT Global is a health data pioneer based in Seoul (South Korea). We are specializing in health data integration and analysis with the goal to accelerate drug development and drug approval. [read more]
BNC KOREA, Inc. researches and develops healthcare products that will lead the next generation bio markets for medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and cosmeceutical products containing.. [read more]
W Company is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Global Fintech Platform. [read more]
쇼핑몰 '멋남'을 시작으로 여성의류 쇼핑몰 임블리, 시그니처 코스메틱 브랜드 블리블리까지 런칭하며 사업을 확장하고 있습니다. . [read more]
The Busan Finance Center (BFC) was established as an incorporated association through concerted efforts of the city of Busan and seven local financial institutions and companies as founding sponsors. [read more]
BNF KOREA will create a rich and pleasant environment based on hygiene and safety. And BNF KOREA will always try to be a company that contributes to both customers and society. [read more]
BURIS was inspired by ‘Zen Mind' unfolding the narratives of ‘unity of one world manifested by a flower'. Like a forest where roots are connected as one, Invisible threads intertwined within.. [read more]
"PETHROOM" is a combination of "PET" and "BATHROOM' Seeking to be a premium companion animal supply brand that leads to creates safe and appropriate companion animal bathroom culture. [read more]
Bosch in Korea manufactures and markets automotive original equipment and aftermarket products, industrial automation and mobile machinery products, power tools and accessories, and security systems. [read more]
Brothers Consulting Inc. is a local business consulting and accelerating company based in South Korea, helping startups to grow their business in the domestic and global market. [read more]
Bizzare Imagination is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
blueocean is a company founded by fishermen. We are a company that strives to make sustainable and smart aquaculture. We are operating the AI-fish-farmer service, which is an.. [read more]
BridgeOn is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Back in 2016 Bidence was among the early platforms in the digital advertising industry, and we have evolved drastically since then. We provide access to advanced OpenRTB solutions, incorporating.. [read more]
Big Hit is a South Korea-based entertainment company that produces and distributes music albums. . [read more]
Bestks is an SI construction, maintenance, IT consulting and e-business solution company. . [read more]
Beautynetkorea is an online beauty store that offers a wide range of Korean beauty products. We luanched skincare brand Eyenlip, Fabyou and Sumhair and have a variety of skincare, makeup,.. [read more]
Bithumb Custody is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
BMR Consulting Group is a research and management consulting company that specializes in the automotive industry. . [read more]
BECOME SOLUTION Co. , Ltd is a company, located at Seoul. They can be contacted via phone at +82 2-3461-4909 for more detailed information. . [read more]
BabyWink studio is a baby studio specializing in baby photos, family photos, children's photos and growth album. . [read more]