"Chili Cars is a certified import and export company located in South Korea. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality vehicles to customers around the world. [read more]
Cokee, a start-up company that continuously researches tech. and grows. We are in the process of being commissioned for a large business solution and developing our own platform. [read more]
대한민국 최고의 고품격 국제물류 전문지로 물류와 사람을 연결하는 슬로건으로 시장 전반에 걸친 컨설팅 비지니스도 병행합니다. 국제물류 교육 및 취업 컨설팅은 물론 각종 전문가 교육용 책자를 출판하고 있습니다. . [read more]
크리스비는 고성장하는 스타트업, 중소기업 경영진을 위한 경영 성과 관리 SaaS 입니다. 전사의 매출, 비용, 마케팅 데이터를 쉽고 간편하게.. [read more]
R&D기반 그린 바이오 혁신 기업. [read more]
악어디지털은 지난 2014년 문서 전자화 O2O 서비스 제공 기업으로 출발해 이후 AI 기반 OCR(문자인식), RPA(로봇 프로세스 자동화) 기반 BPO(업무처리 아웃소싱) 서비스를 제공하고 있는 국내 AI-OCR 선두 기업으로써 대통령기록관, 검찰, 삼성SDS 등 중소, 중견, 대기업은 물론 공공 분야의 450여 개 고객사와 협업하고 있습니다. [read more]
Collabr is building your ideal team and project management service. Share your voice and ideas to build your next ideal companion!. [read more]
Our lab conducts research in computer science and artificial intelligence fields. [read more]
LIFE CARE WITH BETTER SLEEPGLOBAL LEADER OF CUSTOMER SLEEP MEDICINE RESEARCHClionic Lifecare Clinic is the first and the only primary care clinic with sleep-tech research-oriented medical institution. [read more]
(주)씨제로 에너지솔루션은 신재생에너지의 양적인 확대를 통해 기후 위기, 에너지 안보에 대응하기 위해 설립되었습니다. 신재생에너지.. [read more]
Coreatrend distributes Korean cosmetics, and Red-ginseng, and we sell products on our shopping mall. . [read more]
We are CARBONCO, providing various solutions from carbon capture to utilization and storage for sustainable future. DL E&C has been developing the CCUS business and advanced technologies aiming for.. [read more]
Corporate Korean Traditional Desserts Research is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Clifford Rosler Management is an international financial services company founded in 2000. Headquartered in Seoul with an additional Research and Trading office located in Toronto, the.. [read more]
Clebrain is developing PianoKiwis, a sound-recognition-based music tool that helps everyone finish a piece of music. The company has raised 200 million won in seed investment and will receive a.. [read more]
The Craft & Design Lab (CLAB) is founded to help people who run workshops or prepare to start their own businesses in diverse craft markets, and who want to enjoy emotional hobbies, to present.. [read more]
Coreline Soft, Co. , Ltd is a company, located at Seoul 121-020. They can be contacted via phone at 82-2-571-7321 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Creative Children's Learning Center in Seoul, Korea is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
LET'S GET TO WORK. HAVE AN UNSOLVABLE PROBLEM OR AUDACIOUS IDEA? WE'D LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT IT. CRAZYER, we're a creative company that designs and builds digital experiences, products, and services.. [read more]
used car exporting and scrap service. [read more]
✔️ "자리톡"은 프롭테크 서비스로 200조 부동산 시장에서 파급력이 높은 새로운 형태의 서비스를 만들고 있습니다! 21년 1월 MVP 모델 출시 1개월.. [read more]
elite boutique Strategy Consulting in Seoul, South Korea. [read more]
Entreprise française basée à Seoul et spécialisée dans l'import/export de cosmétiques Coréens. . [read more]
Changzhou DAHU Engineering plastics Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
Chunbo Elementary School is a company, located at Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do 482-150. [read more]
Changzhou QUANSHUN Logistics Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
CHENCHENG is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
CHENXIAOFENG is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
CHANGSHENGDA Clothing Factory is a company, located at Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
CHUANGYI Glasses Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
China Jiangsu DANYANGSHIFANGXIANZHENLIDA Locks factory is a company, located at Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
CHANGCHENG Automatic Doors Co. , ltd. is a company, located at Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
CUIJINXIAN Chicken gutter Factory is a company, located at Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
CRAIGMOOR CONSOLIDATED LTD is a company, located at Incheon 406-081. [read more]
• Knowledge sharing of UV Light Stabilizers and Antioxidants • Application Data sharing of UV Light Stabilizers and Antioxidants • Introduction of new technology, UV Light.. [read more]
MET는 미국과 캐나다 시장에 적용되는 180개 이상의 UL 규격 카테고리에 있는 제품들에 NRTL 인증을 부여할 수 있는 권한이 있으며, 추가로 230개.. [read more]