- We are your Korean Dost! - Hello Yaaron! We are Korean Dost!We are very excited to bring you our positive outlook of India, and thus becoming the cultural bridge that unclogs any.. [read more]
KMA 한국능률협회는 1962년 뜻있는 기업인들에 의해 설립되었습니다. 설립 이후 부단한 R&D와 해외 우수 기관과의 협력을 통해 대한민국 기업 실정에 맞춘 최적의 솔루션을 제공하는 국내 최고의 교육·컨설팅 기관으로 자리매김했습니다. 창립 60주년을 맞은 KMA는 '미래와의 연결'을 꿈꾸고 있습니다. [read more]
Korea Information & Communication Polytechnic College is a company, located at Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do 464-060. [read more]
KARABA is a car exporting company, we assist you in buying your used or new car from Korea!-We offer different services to ensure the quality of your purchase: -Detailed Photo and.. [read more]
The one-stop-platform for discovering, comparing, andshopping k-beauty products in Latin America. Kosmetrics is being developed to delight consumers that have interest in K-beauty products and in.. [read more]
Co-founded in 2022 by Dr. Seong-chang Cheong (Director of the Center for North Korean Studies) of Sejong Institute, supported by the security affairs researcher/journalist Daehan Lee and.. [read more]
Connect & GrowKINSDAY is a professional collective group that connects people, collaborates, and grows together. Through the Revital Women Entrepreneur Coaching Program, it supports the.. [read more]
Korea Wheelchair Fencing Association (KWFA) is a company, located at Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do. [read more]
기술에 대한 높은 이해와 사업 기획의 실무 경험을 바탕으로 신기술 사업화, 기업 경영전략 및 실행을 돕는 전문가 집단입니다. Expert group of Technology transfer, Business strategy & development, Marketing strategy. [read more]
The Korea Data Center Energy Efficiency Association(KDCEA) is a data center business organization (non-profit corporation) under the Ministry Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MOTIE). [read more]
The Korea Manhwa Contents Agency exists to tell the world about Korea`sManhwa, to bring fun and happiness to readers, and to support the comicsindustry and its future growth. [read more]
Korean language learning platform for Russian speakers. . [read more]
Korea National Return-to-Farm Movement Headquarters is a company, located at Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do 435-090. They can be contacted via phone at +82(031) 408-4080 for more detailed information. [read more]
Korea's state-of-the-art industrial hardware development and manufacturing company. Kongjin Co. , Ltd. is committed to customer-centric products and constantly striving for customer satisfaction. [read more]
KGMLab is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
운반하역기계 전문 기업입니다. . [read more]
The Korea Mock Trial Association (KMTA) is an organization composed of high schools in South Korea that participate in seasonal, competitive Mock Trial tournaments, culminating in the Korea.. [read more]
Research and analysis of policy trends in balanced development, social welfare, transportation, environment, and cultural industries. [read more]
대한민국 중소벤처기업부 액셀러레이터 등록제 시행 이후 설립된 비영리 사단법인입니다. . [read more]
K-English is the best Online English school that offers the "cheapest" and most effective online English lessons. We use the Callan Method, a direct method of teaching that helps you develop.. [read more]
The Korea Internet Professionals Association is a non-profit organization composed of Internet-related experts. . [read more]
A non-profit organization with the future of Korean youth. [read more]
Specialized in - Underwater operation- Plant construction and rectification work- Offshore construction and rectification work. [read more]
Headquartered in Washington DC, Kore Development Advisors, LLC. (KORDA) is a Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) focused, full service strategy advisory firm, with a mission to develop projects.. [read more]
Our team works together to create effective marketing and sales strategies based on the brand persona of individual company. 기성세대는 브랜드 페르소나를 기반으로 팔리는 마케팅, 세일징을 기획합니다. [read more]
The goal of KB Hwang Art Foundation is honoring KB Hwang's lifetime passion for art and his achievements, supporting tireless challenges for creativity and giving the future inspiration. [read more]
Starting with the international logistics sector in 2009, we have been constantly challenging ouselves toward the world stage. Our mission and Job range are between logistics and Trading. [read more]
Keepix는 를 연결하여,정신문화 발전에 기여한다는 MISSION을 향해 가고 있습니다. Keepix 는한국출판문화산업진흥원의 기술개발사업에 선정되어Publishing 생태계를 잇는 beta 를 최근 오픈하고 디벨롭 하고 있으며, 를 통해 를 잇는 북소셜링 커뮤니티를연계하고 있습니다. [read more]
The Korean National Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (KNFUCA) promotes the ideals of UNESCO, first of all, unity, tolerance, goodness, as well as a sense of responsibility for.. [read more]
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at KAIST. [read more]
Originally established for the nursing cadets in the Army Medical School in 1951, KAFNA is a special-purpose National Academy founded in 1967 by the law to develope leaders of character.. [read more]
KAU FLIGHT - Aviation Industry Research Club of Korea Aerospace University. . [read more]
KayRemote. com is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Founded in 2011, we are No. 1 steel scrap supplier in South Korea. We supply good quality ferrous metal scrap to Korean major steel mills. Our products range from HMS mix, PNS to Tyre steel cord, etc. [read more]
전에 없던 편리와 필요를 찾아, 시대적 기획력으로패러다임을 바꾸는 테마형 플랫폼 구축/운영 전문 집단주식회사 카이브러리 입니다. . [read more]
The Korea Human Rights Foundation- invests in rights innovation for and by youth- advances human rights education and training- collaborates with international partners to find solutions to.. [read more]