Korea Polytechnics, Chuncheon is a company, located at Chuncheon, Gangwon-do 200-843. [read more]
KINE SCIENCES is a company that develops ultra-small peptide innovative medicines based on functional immunomics. We discovered the function of a novel cytokine ERDR1 for the first time in the.. [read more]
Korea Import Export Agent (Korean Trade Agency) with Buying Sourcing Agent in Korea is a company, located at Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
(주)고일은 1984년 창립 이래 신용과 성실로 오직 방송/영화 산업 등의 전문분야에 전념하며 38여년 동안 한결같은 마음으로 관련장비의.. [read more]
KNT Vocational School is a company, located at Busan. [read more]
Partner of the Korea - x86 Fault Tolerant : Stratus Technologies - Single Side WAN Acceleration : Teclo Networks AG - Re-Branding : DELL OEM Channel Partner. [read more]
Korea Polytechnics, Geochang is a company, located at Geochang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. [read more]
콜마비앤에이치는 한국콜마와 한국원자력연구원이 공동 설립한 민관 최초 합작회사로서, 미래창조과학부에 등록된 제 1호 연구소 기업입니다. 천연물 기반 신소재를 연구, 개발하여 국내 건강기능식품과 화장품 시장의 혁신을 주도하고 있습니다. * 공식 홈페이지 : www. kolmarbnh. [read more]
Beyond the No. 1 beacon company, Kongtech evolves into an industrial metaverse platform. Kongtech has designed and produced Bluetooth/UWB-based tags, scanners, and IoT devices. [read more]
Color cosmetic ODM Company- Manufacture. [read more]
KCC Marine Coatings is a company, located at Seoul 137-074. [read more]
Kims Med is here for the most safe breast surgery!EZ Fan is the solution for "No Bowl" and " No Touch Technique" which lead into a full of the patient satisfaction. [read more]
Platform e-learning Korean Language with really fun and happy learning system. Where you can study korean with our Native Speaker and Competent Local Teachers. [read more]
A Message from President Yoo, Jae-WonKorea University of Media Arts (KUMA) is becoming a leading university fostering globalized intelligent students who prepare for fickle futures in the.. [read more]
The Green Car Korea 2022, 2022 International IoT·Appliance·Robot Fair and 2022 International Manufacturing Technology PPURI Fair These three events are co-located in KimDaeJung.. [read more]
We are committed to bringing sustained outperformanceto our clients over the long-term. We place an emphasis on fundamentals rather than short-term momentum,while monitoring market risks at all times. [read more]
KOEN AJ&K is an Operation & Maintenance Company of Gulpur Hydropower Plant of 102 MW, located at Barali (Gulpur), Kotli AJ&K. [read more]
KoBIA stands with you to make the world healthier and the future happier. . [read more]
KJC is the best rotary joint & swivel joint manufacturing company in Korea. KJC products optimized for the worst conditions and various environments always demonstrates highly reliable performance. [read more]
Since KCH Energy Co. Ltd. was established on Oct 11th, 2007, KCH has solidified its place as a leading company in South Korean market which was once monopolized by foreign countriesKCH has.. [read more]
Kittolife Co. , Ltd. is a bio venture company which develops diverse bio-technology products in order to manage healthy life by harmony with nature and human. [read more]
더 나은 핀테크 육성사업을 위해 새로운 가치를 만듭니다. 혁신과 성장이 선순환하는 새로운 핀테크 생태계를 육성 및 지원합니다. 기업형 액셀러레이팅의 강점을 극대화하여 실질적 멘토링을 제공합니다. 전문가 협업의 4단계 맞춤 진단 솔루션과 함께 전문 분야 A to Z 지원을 합니다. [read more]
Knodio is a team-oriented, knowledge-sharing, and communication studio where individuals can learn new skills, acquire knowledge, and monetize their hobbies and expertise. [read more]
Oullim Elses Co. Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Welcome to Korean Lab!!!@ Kakaotalk: https://open. kakao. com/o/gp2eCgN (CODE: korenlab)@ Facebook : http://facebook. com/koreanlabx@ Twitter : http://twitter. [read more]
KOMAX is created for being "Accelerated advancement of Machinery Distribution and Export at 2013. We all do support all procedure of exchanging second-hand machinery. [read more]
K-Dramas. Laugh, cry, sigh, scream, shout or whatever you feel like with these funny, intense, romantic and suspenseful Korean dramas. . [read more]
한국초저온은 친환경에너지 혁신 물류단지 개발을 준비하고 있습니다. 어떤 곳은 제조에서 가치를 어떤 곳은 유통에서 가치를 어떤 곳은 문화에서 가치를 찾았을 때 한국초저온은 에너지와 물류에서 가치를 찾았습니다. 한국초저온은 첨단 기술로 냉장냉동창고 건립 사업을 추진하면서 5개의 비전을 갖춘 초저온 물류 단지를 계획하였습니다. [read more]
한국마케팅교육주식회사는 미국마케팅협회(AMA)의 공인마케팅자격증(professional certified marketer: PCM®)의 보급과 관련 교육 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다. 필립 코틀러의 Marketing Management 등 마케팅 교재의 번역과 집필에도 힘쓰고 있습니다. [read more]
Orion corp. is a company, located at Seoul 140-090. [read more]
LIMESE is headquartered in Seoul with team members coming from Korea, India, and the U. S. Our backgrounds are diverse -- engineer, data analyst, chemistry-geek, actor cum social media guy,.. [read more]
Lotte is a consumer goods company based out of Seoul, South Korea. . [read more]
Lablup Inc. is a start-up to innovate computing-based research via cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Lablup Inc. provides machine learning platforms and solutions. [read more]
The one and only independent Aircraft MRO Provider. [read more]
Optical is a company, located at Seoul 137-070. [read more]