Established in September 2011, Korea Drug Development Fund (KDDF) is a government-initiated drug development program. It aims to transform Korea into the global leader for new drug development. [read more]
KNR Systems Inc. is a mechanical or industrial engineering company that specializes in testing system manufacturing, testing services, and robotics. KNR Systems Inc. [read more]
100년 가는 보안 소프트웨어 전문기업. 100년을 지속하는 튼튼한 기술, 그리고 끈끈한 구성원이 모여 깨끗하고 안전한 보안세상을 만들어 갑니다. 콘텐츠악성코드무해화/ 메일보안/ 문서보안/ 모바일보안/ 블록체인 개발 솔루션 전문기업. [read more]
Kyongnam Bank is a company, located at Gyeongsangnam-do. [read more]
Korea Zinc was founded in August 1974 and is now considered by many as the most technologically advanced and singularly competitive non-ferrous metal smelter in the world. [read more]
★ Communication of Growth ★Korea Life Insurance is sharing the value of growth with its customersby planning happier lives for them based on the power of communications. [read more]
OP GAMING is a company, located at Seoul 135-284. [read more]
Kumho Asiana is engaged in the construction, tire, aviation, land transportation, leisure and Information Technology businesses. . [read more]
Kisan Telecom CO. , Ltd. is a Korea-based company engaged in the manufacture of communication equipment. . [read more]
Korea Price Information is a company, located at Seoul. They can be contacted via phone at +82(042) 471-4752 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Kbank is the first digital-only bank in South Korea. . [read more]
KPR, one of the largest public relations consultancies in Korea, has carried out its mission to provide comprehensive, effective and dependable solutions to domestic and international clients.. [read more]
KAPNA Energy Group, Inc was founded in 2002 as a frontier of consulting firm for energy industries in Korea, and making continuous growth up to now. We have expertise for the following.. [read more]
Kplanet is a small start-up founded in February 2013. Kplanet is about to launch a web and mobile based service, "AllKlips" which provides various contents about Korea, including Korean pop music,.. [read more]
Kangstem Biotech was established to develop stem cell therapeutic products for rare and incurable diseases. Our Business[Stem Cell Therapy]Kangstem Biotech has developed the technology to isolate.. [read more]
Kiwi Vine is the leading media localization provider that offers subtitling, captioning, dubbing, media processing and webtoon/web novel localization services. [read more]
Knowledge-Seek & Company, located in Pangyo Techno-Valley Startup Campus, was founded in 2013. The company obtained patent of Growth Measuring&Management and was chosen for state-supported SBC.. [read more]
KOREA MTS LTD is a strategic and comprehensive company with rich experience in a wide array of business verticals ranging for IT and Medical Tourism. This company based in South Korea. [read more]
콜마비앤에이치는 한국콜마와 한국원자력연구원이 공동 설립한 민관 최초 합작회사로서, 미래창조과학부에 등록된 제 1호 연구소.. [read more]
Kolon Chemical Co. Ltd. is a company, located at Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. They can be contacted via phone at 82 2 3677 6029 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kolon Pharmaceutical, Inc. was established in 1958 with a mission to contribute on happiness of mankind and social welfare by enhancing people's quality of life and providing top medical service.. [read more]
Since its establishment in 2000 by Korean and American licensed professionals having experience working at leading law firms and companies, KASAN has steadily grown into one of the.. [read more]
Korea International Schoolthe Korean Ministry of Education authorized the establishment of Korea International School (KIS). KIS is the manifestation of Y. [read more]
Knowstyle is a full-service communication agency that focuses on digital media and installation services. . [read more]
Korean Pharmaceutical Association is a pharmaceuticals company based out of 194, Hyoryeong-ro, Seoul, Seocho-gu, South Korea. . [read more]
Korea Credit Card Electronic Settlement Service Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting https://www. linkedin. com/redir/general-malware-page?url=Co%2eLTD is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
KB Investment seeks to invest in venture companies that offer innovative technology, service, and entrepreneurship. After the investment, we continuously provide our members with.. [read more]
KR Hospitality & Events (PCO/DMC) offers corporate hospitality services for MICE projects in Korea & Japan, as well as for international sports events, such as Olympic Games and Worldcup football. [read more]
Korea Bundy Corp. was founded by SeAH Steel Corp. (formerly Busan Pipe), its parent company, in March 1979 through technical affiliation and joint venture with Bundy of Australia, US and Japan. [read more]
Konkuk University Medical Center was first established in May 1931 in pursuit of a true welfare state. In August 2005, the hospital was rebuilt on a lot of 17,000 square meters. [read more]
Nulcear nonprolferation. [read more]
KFCC established with a slogan, "Technologies for human happiness", in 1987 is a representative corporation for ceramic coating, developing functional fine ceramic coating material as the first.. [read more]
Kumbi Corporation is a company, located at Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. [read more]
KorEstate helps professionals find homes and all the things that make a house feel like home, such as: beautiful furniture, grocery delivery subscriptions, house cleaning subscriptions, and more. [read more]
Korean No. 1 KM Company. [read more]