We are the consulting company for global expansion, investment, global marketing, global partnership, global business expansion strategies, etc. Especially we work in Korea, Japan,.. [read more]
Pixel Racers is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Connect the World Investors & Expand PossibilitiesPieKet is social media for investors. Through Pieket, you can practice stock and cryptocurrency. You can create portfolios as much as you want.. [read more]
Korean Tech Startup Database RocketPunchhttps://www. rocketpunch. com. [read more]
자사 제품은 강화유리를 대체하는 3D 열성형용 강화플라스틱 소재이며 스마트폰이나 자동차에 장착된 디스플레이를 보호하는 커버 윈도우 역할을 한다. . [read more]
Let's change people into gamers!플레이하드는 수백만 명의 사용자들이 쉽게 즐기고, 깊이감 있는 게임을 만들어요. 이를 통해 전세계인들을 진정한.. [read more]
프로그래머스에서는 개발자 채용, 평가, 교육 서비스를 제공합니다. . [read more]
Established in 1991, Pantech is South Korean company that has been a leading manufacturer of mobile phones. Pantech regularly challenged the dominance of Samsung and LG in the Korean.. [read more]
Pathway is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Pontus Holding is a private holding company which spearheads its investments in Sri Lanka, with the firm's headquarters stationed in Busan, South Korea. [read more]
Customer confidence: our North Star at PNS Networks. . [read more]
VISION provider. [read more]
Piematics is a technology company focused on developing quantitative trading models for liquid financial markets. We are solving machine learning problems that maximize return on investment.. [read more]
파주고등학교는 농촌 지역의 열악한 교육환경을 개선하고 교육기회의 확대를 통해 21세기를 이끌어갈 국가의 동량을 양성하기 위해.. [read more]
블록체인. [read more]
PLUXITY, First Mover in K-Digital Twin, is a leading company that develops and provides digital twin and metaverse platform technologies. 플럭시티는 초연결사회(Soft City)에.. [read more]
Design Consultancy. [read more]
외국어서비스의 중심은 바로 "사람"입니다. ㈜판글로비스 외국어교육 구성원들은 사람 중심의"소통의 가치"와 "유연한 사고"를 중요시하는 글로벌 전문가 인재그룹입니다. 지역 내 유일한 외국어 솔루션 기업으로서의 자부심을 가지고 보다 차별화된 교육과 차별화된 서비스를 제공하고자 끊임없는 연구와 개발에 매진하고 있습니다. [read more]
Pado is a form of wave, and a wave has the following four characteristics. Reflection - We move forward even if we face rejection in the market. Refraction - Like a wave propagating in the.. [read more]
Prescribed is revolutionizing doctor-patient communication by fostering health literacy. We're alleviating the burden of repetitive explanations from doctors by allowing them to.. [read more]
PRO/RATA Art is an innovative art exchange platform that decentralizes and revitalizes the art market. The value of the artwork is realized when it is exhibited to the audience. [read more]
folding paper , unfolding space paperpop is korea based companyWe design a variety of paper-based products for daily life. . [read more]
POSCO DAEWOO CORPORATION is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Project Malawi was founded in 2010 by a group of young people who envisioned a future of Malawi, free from disease and ultimately, free from poverty. The project started with close collaboration.. [read more]
Printech System is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Poin2 Lab is a company, located at Seoul 150-010. They can be contacted via phone at +8225539012 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We help our clients set up their Business Plans; Strategies which include analyses, concepts, policies, actions; sales- marketing plan; operational and managerial Plans in the context of.. [read more]
프리미엄 양모신발 르무통 (www. lemouton. co. kr)인공지능이 추천 및 분석해주는 기능성 인솔 닥솔 (www. docsole. co. kr)그리고 여행용품 전문몰 트래블기어 (www. travelgear. co. kr)를 운영하고 있는 회사입니다. . [read more]
즐거움이 배움이 된다! 스토리텔링 기반의 게임을 통해 Microsoft Office를 단계별로 학습할 수 있는 온라인 교육 플랫폼. [read more]
Dream more, Build together오알에스코리아는 꿈꾸는 당신과 함께하기를 희망합니다. ORS KOREA Co. ,Ltd is an ISO9001 certified company, and leading grinding machines and spindle manufacturer of Korea. [read more]
University of Oxford Alumni Network Korea serves as a platform for building friendship among Oxons in Korea and exchange of academic/business information for building a better society. [read more]
Production of Ni powder (spherical or nearly spherical) for PCR channels. Since Ni powder does not have electrical conductivity, we use our own plating technology to perform plating so that it.. [read more]
- Operates zezebaebae, a D2C and B2B marketplace in the US- Successfully partnered with 4 premium brands and led their expansion into the US market. [read more]
오성엘컨설팅은 금융회사 및 가상자산거래소 등에 수년간 근무한 전문가들이 압도적인 실무경험과 전문성을 바탕으로, 가상자산사업자의 내부통제, 자금세탁방지체계 및 관련 규정의 수립, 독립적 감사 및 규제기관의 조사 대응 등 가상자산사업자에 특화된 다양한 자문업무를 제공합니다. [read more]
We have a 30-year-old professional logistics service core capability in Korea and provide B2B-based delivery services and optimal logistics software solutions. [read more]
# TL;DRWeb3. 0 빌더들이 커리어를 쌓는 공간 ONBLOCK 에서 멋진 동료 빌더와 함께해요!매달 정기적으로 Web3에서 멋진 커리어를 쌓고 계시는.. [read more]